A white boys life with drugs and why the system doesn't work


Sep 10, 2012
Whoah now I'm not negating shyt, to the contrary I'm saying I identify with CERTAIN aspects of the black struggle. Obviously I'm not black and don't know what it's like to live as a black man, I said that because white privilege exists when you also have money in drug cases.

I meant the exact opposite of how you took that bro.

Did you buy H in Washington Heights or The Bronx?


All Star
Oct 14, 2014
Back in Florida
I don't think that was the type of discussion OP was aiming at.

Yeah definitely not the where's the best dope thread, only discussed my buying and selling to explain how I got to afford such a large habit and to talk about traveling and how all cities are the same.

If you're in NYC anywhere and can't find drugs you arent a street person, don't wanna go into specific spots and shyt though.


All Star
Oct 14, 2014
Back in Florida
Nah... Dude has probably seen over 500k or more in a 5 year span while doing what he did at his peak...... Very few people in the early to mid 20s see that type of money in such a short span

I take the L could've been a millionaire if I wasn't a crack/smack head for those years. Always some reason why the fast money doesn't stick around


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
How much money do you think you have spent on drugs?
May 14, 2013
I hate to break it to you, but the American legal system when it comes to drugs is unbelievably racist. The average prison in a state with a sizable black population is disproportionately black in demographics. Mandatory minimum sentences for crack are much higher than cocaine because blacks are more likely to sell and smoke crack. The mandatory minimum sentence for possessing a few grams of crack is five years in the pen. I know hella old heads who have done 20+ years in prison for a few crack possession charges. You need an exponentially larger amount of cocaine to get the same sentence. But coke is a rich man's drug compared to crack.

Whites are statistically more likely to use and sell drugs, but blacks are more likely to be imprisoned for the same shyt.

White people are more likely to deal drugs, but black people are more likely to get arrested for it

White people do far more drugs than any other race. White people do drugs that no other race would touch unless they are whitewashed tokens (i.e. acid, mushrooms, meth etc.). White people from the suburbs are the only type of people who will gladly tell you that they've "done everything" in terms of drugs like it's a bullet point achievement on a resume. As it stands, 90% of new heroin addicts in the past ten years are white people from suburban and rural areas. If you go to the average NA meeting in any major metro area, all of the newcomers are young white kids in their late teens to early thirties and all of the old timers with 10+ years sobriety are old head black folks from the depths of the ghetto. The only old timer white people at NA meetings are Teena Marie style reformed old school crackwhore white bytches who lived in the hood and only fukked with black dudes.

Heroin is a white-people problem: Bad medicine, economic rot and the enterprising Mexican town that turned the Heartland on to black tar

I think white people from the suburbs are more likely to be drug addicts because they didn't grow up seeing dopefiends dead behind dumpsters. I grew up on one of the most active dope tracks in the Bay Area in the late 80's and early 90's. My "This is your brain on drugs" PSA was seeing crackheads get beat up by d-boys and having bullets come through my bedroom window. I knew dope, coke and crack were bad news before I knew how to ride a bike.

But white people in the suburbs get the message that all drugs are bad through their 5th grade D.A.R.E. program. They smoke a little bud by the time they're 12 or 13 and find out that weed won't make you go crazy and see pink elephants and make you shoot up school buses full of retarded kids. Suburban white kid logic then assumes that all drugs must not be "that bad". Also, suburban white kids are indoctrinated into popping pills from elementary school thanks to the "everybody has ADD" or "social anxiety" pharmaceutical movement. Little kids are popping potential harmful designer drugs like Ritalin, Adderal and Paxil before they are old enough to get a learner's permit. These same little Jimmy's and Becky's start popping their parent's pain meds stashed conveniently in the bathroom mirror cabinet. Before they know it, they are full on opiate addicts running to the nearest ghetto to get their fix everyday. Not to mention rich white kids are some of the only people who can actually afford something as expensive as an opiate addiction. :umad:

White privilege also keeps the corniest of suburban Zachary's and Taylor's safe when trekking the streets of the ghetto because everyone know that they are only their to cop dope, crack ect. :lawd: New age white dopefiends are the worst kind of douchebags. They think they are in tune with the black experience just because they are dopefiends despite the fact that they are rich white kids from exclusive suburbs with parents who gross $500K+ annually.

And the white kids who don't die of overdoses and climb the steep wall to recovery often end up making more money than the average person of any race because they are still white kids from well-off well-connected families at the end of the day.

Heroin addiction sent me to prison. White privilege got me out and to the Ivy League.

Many black men who sell dope in their younger years are more likely to degenerate into neighborhood dopefiends and winos in their older age as being a convicted felon as a black man is the kiss of the death in American society unless you're a celebrity or a millionaire. Black people who end up fukking with dope or crack end up homeless with their teeth missing and often never bounce back. But many a white man making six figures and up has swam in oceans of alcohol, snorted mountains of coke and injected opium fields of heroin.

Ultimately, white privilege makes white people think that they will be shielded from the worst outcomes in life. This is why white people are known for engaging in crackerishly risky behavior. White people believe that everything will be alright. Aside from hundreds to thousands of white kid heroin overdoses annually, white kids usually straighten up and fly right while blacks are permanently scarred by their dealings with illegal drugs.
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Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
If I learned anything from listening to the stories of most dealers I learned once you cross the line and start fukking with the product you distribute that is when you get caught and fukked over by rivals, cops and people from your own side who betray you.

OP is not trolling and even if he is hypothetically I've heard very similar stories from other White boys I've known in the past. Parents always were Boomer hippies with that free love B.S.

Boomers are responsible for the drug trade period. But they won't admit it and they will all be senile entering nursing homes with Alzheimer's soon and play the "Lalalala I can't hear you" game but when it comes time to vote for President best believe they will do everything they can to submit the ballot through the mail or representative to keep their S.S. money flowing and other benefits such as Medicaid.