A mixed woman(Black mom/White Dad) says she's tired of Black People not taking her serious when she try's to talk about being a Black woman in America

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Sigh. You don’t comprehend my main point. I dgaf if bm lust for biracial women. I’ve dated biracial men myself. My main point is that a mixed person is mixed NOT black. And as a bw, nah I don’t consider biracial women black like me.

I do notice that in these conversations, you rarely bw arguing that biracial women are the same as them. Even in this thread, I’ve had many brehettes agreeing with me because we don’t see them like us. As an observation I see more Brehs asserting that biracial women are black women, then black women themselves…. Like tf.

And it’s funny because I don’t care if y’all like light black women or biracial women. I just think it’s silly when some of y’all pretend that your lust for biracial women isn’t part of the reason you may see this special kinship with them that many bw aren’t seeing . Anyways it’s been real. Peace.

Couldve swore earlier you said "I didnt mention biracial men because this thread was about a biracial woman". We are claiming this particular biracial woman,just because it happens to be a woman.

And we cant help but point out that it always seems to be women:hubie:

What could one infer from that? Perhaps some black womens agenda against biracials stem from jealousy and hate. Due to certain insecurities from white supremacy as well as color struck black men. Im just saying,you continue to paint black men as having ulterior motives. While never questioning if those black women you agree with have ulterior motive.

Why dont you see as many biracial black men making these type of statements? seems like this all just goes back to the deep seeded issues of colorism at the core. Which isnt nearly as much of an issue among men. And hasnt caused the same ammount of stryfe,envy and superiority complexes between us.

Personally,I claim biracials who look black. And leave the option to waive them if they choose a white person to have children with.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Because it doesn't statistically exist. Black men overwhelmingly settle down with an marry black women.

Biracial women are considered black though. Im talking about black men who may have a shade "preference". Ive never met one who has a strict preference for ONLY biracials. And before he would mess with a lightskinned woman will say "Hold up,are you half white:whoa:?"


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
It's literally one of my biggest issues with the Coli and a few other out there cats that I meet.
Its weird too, because to me, this is a new phenomenon from roughtly the past 15 years or so. Growing up mixed people were black...flat out. In fact, most mixed people just got called light-skinned.

I have but LITERALLY only in the past 5 years. And most of them are, and this is me being perfectly honest, bootmouths.

Last 15 years, the emergence and super expansion of social media. It's the social media era that have created this "mixed not black" thing, it IS a new phenomenon....

Only a small minority of black people weren't claiming biracial blacks as black pre-2010, and only a small minority of biracial blacks weren't self-identifying as black pre-2010. They still aren't the majority in either case but the amount of people pushing these new narratives is much larger than it was pre-social media, without a doubt...

You can speak for all if you want. I know some Brehs love calling mixed women black because it’s easier for them to get away with saying they love bw, while choosing a biracial women who has the phenotype, hair, and complexion closer to a ww. It also means Brehs who have kids with WW can call their kids black and act like they didn’t c00n it out by getting with a WW. You can deny this if you want.

I didn’t bring up mixed men, because this thread is about a biracial woman who wants to call herself black and erase her white father. This thread isn’t about biracial men.

I think black men who accept biracial women as black also accept biracial men as black, so it didn’t really need to be stated.

And yes bw are speaking out. That’s why you hear bw complaining more about biracial actresses taking roles from full bw all over social media. Bw see that biracial women—especially those who look ambiguous or white-get privileges that bw don’t get. so they don’t want biracial women being lumped in with bw, when there are some marked differences between the two.

This doesn’t mean they don’t accept biracial women altogether—many bw have biracial relatives, friends, etc. it just means that bw want it to be acknowledged that biracial women are biracial.

I myself, have plenty of biracial cousins. My son’s father has a Latina mama. I mean shyt, I don’t have an issue with biracial people. I just don’t think having one black parent and one “other” parent is the same as coming from two black parents. No other group except black people, accept mixed people as being part of their race.

white people don’t accept anyone except those with two white parents. Hapas are called that for a reason—they can’t call themselves Asian or just white. Let mixed people just be mixed.

It’s not true. I want you to get on tik tok and Twitter and see what these biracial kids with white mothers are saying about their experiences growing up with one.

early on, these little girls recognize they look nothing like their mothers. Their hair, their skin color. They see women who look like their mother all over the media just like we all do, they see the privileges their mother gets, they see a marked difference between their mothers and themselves. And their white mother knows very little about bw, so that disconnect extends even further from them—because their mother is teaching them things about life through her white lens. They are then made to feel different from their white mothers because they get to see and are reminded that they are not like their white mothers.

many end up not feeling connected to or truly accepted and understood by their white mothers, so they run to the black community to get acceptance from women they feel they look closer to.

White women with biracial daughters themselves are always asking bw for tips and for help. Yet y’all want to act like the women that white women raise are “more black”. Lol. i know all about biracial girls struggles because of all my biracial cousins and the White friends I had with Biracial daughters. As a woman, my insight is going to be different from a Breh for obvious reasons.

I got used to hearing them ask for help with braiding, with how to take care of their hair, and skin. Or hearing how their biracial daughters were crying and complaining and asking their white moms why they don’t look like them. And then them asking me what they should tell her… smh.

White women can’t teach anyone how to be what they are not. So how can their daughters be more in touch with blackness?

If anything I would say they’re more likely to run toward Black women and the black community because of the disconnect issues they have with their white mothers, but they actually ties back to what I said about their identity issues. All in all, hell nah, they are not more mentally sane, or less conflicted.

Even Brittany renner talked about her challenge with this too.

Nope. For me it has nothing to do with being 100% African or being born to two Continental Africans. For me it’s as simple as a Black person, cannot come out of a white p*ssy. A white man’s seed cannot create a black child. Are you saying that it is possible for a white person to bring a black child into the world? Then what is the point of Black people keeping it black? If all you need is one black parent to be black then what is all this importance on creating black children with another Black person? If they can create black families with a nonblack person, then, there is literally no need for bw to be with bm, or bm to be with bw to create black children. They can make black children with anyone. Glad I got that memo.

Wonder why Asians didn’t lol… they don’t claim mixed Asians neither do whites. We the main ones claiming the child made by whites women and white men. But I guess.

I agree with this. But I also recognize this can be applied to everyone regardless of race. There are obviously differences between groups, a person raised by a white parent, and who is half white is not the same as a black person with two black parents.

the great thing is that we can agree to disagree. Some black people claim biracials, some don’t. I don’t. You do. That’s okay.

So black men lust after "mixed" chicks, per your reasoning, but couldn't that same memo be attached to you for dating and having child with a "mixed" man?

I just think it's dangerous to broadbrush black men the way you did. I'm sure you've encountered those kinds of brothers as you described, but I've been a black man for 33 years. I've never heard another brother say he goes for "mixed" chicks because it's easier to say you love black women. And men talk shyt about everything, so whatever amount of men that is has to be low in number...

My two oldest daughters' mother has a white mom, and could pass for white in passing, because she is Mariah Carey fair-skinned. She's the lightest toned of all her sisters and she has 5 of them (including two sisters who are "full" black, and her three "mixed" sisters are all darker and more "black-looking" in appearance than she is). She has really thick hair though, among the thickest of her sisters, with otherwise typical Black American features. Once you get up on her you can easily see she isn't "white", but if you sat at a stoplight next to her, or passed her in a mall, your mind's eye would register her as a white woman in mist occasions...

She has been misidentified as white many times, and has spoken on having a semblance of white privilege based on appearance. She's gone thru identity issues from claiming herself as "mixed" or black, but mostly claims herself as a black woman....for me, do I think her life experiences have been the same as a sister born from two black parents? No, and she herself wouldn't argue against that, but I also don't think this disqualifies her blackness. She was raised by her white mom in black neighborhoods around her dad's black family (her mom's family disowned her and the kids when she had kids with a black man). Her appearance has given her some different experiences but she didn't grow up foreign to blackness and didn't have to "learn" how to be black because it is part of her and she grew up with her dad's family...

My youngest girl's mom is "Dominican and black mixed", never mind that Dominicans are a nationality, not race, of people who are heavily black themselves. Her dad looks like a light bright black man because he is, he's a lighter black man who speaks Spanish. She herself is about 5 shades darker than my first kids' mom, so from skin tone, there's no confusing her blackness, she's around Beyonce/Solange complexion. She has really thin and light hair, but she grew up under her black mother and Afro-Latino father, particularly all her mom's black family---->her dad's family didn't disown her father, but dissociated themselves from his black children because they are a family of racist NY/DR "Latinos"...

I've never seen anyone else on her dad's side but she says her grandma and other family are darker than she is, and she's Beyonce complexion. And if you know Dominican people this is very easy to believe...

She said she never struggled with blackness, her dad looks type black and her mother is clearly black, and she grew up amongst black family and neighborhoods. She did say at one point in grade school a few black girls told her she wasn't black but she didn't hear that anymore once she hit middle school...

Same thing with my first BM, her blackness isn't invalidated just because she has a "Latino" father--->who looks like a light skin black man that just happened to be born in another country...

I think my biggest disagreement with you is that, I don't think being biracial black is trying to erase your white (or Latino) side. Your white side is what it is. No one has ever told me that they felt they were erasing part of themselves by claiming black, I've only heard those tropes online in the social media era, but never off. And like you, I've known scores of "mixed" blacks, have family who are "mixed", not a single one has ever told me they are erasing their whiteness because they relate to blackness. That sounds like a social media construction that younger millenials and after latched onto...

My "mixed" uncle is 41 and once told me he ALWAYS viewed himself as black because his dad was black, and at 8 years old told his white mom he'd marry a black woman. He did and had 4 kids with TWO black women...

I just really don't understand this online assault on black people who didn't choose their nonblack parent, and I don't get the selective generalizations of black men who date "mixed" sisters but those generalizations are omitted with sisters like yourself who've dated "mixed" men...


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
Honestly Black Americans don't want to play on team "Black". They didn't during slavery, most didn't during segregation because they ran to whites right after segregation ended, and definitely not today.

They seek out what they think is the best option and that's trying to fit into a white system that wants nothing to do with them. White schools where their children are tormented, white neighborhoods where they're blocked from even moving in and then constantly harassed by whites, or shop in white businesses where they're followed around just for being Black on a tuesday.

Like trying to date someone who's rejected you 1000 times already. And that's fundamentally because they don't want to be Black or build anything among their own group.

So with that understanding, Black Americans are done. Black South Africans are likely done. But some in the Caribbean and in West Africa and a few other countries can probably work together. But even that will take time because people will have to be shown that they'll be more powerful by working together than trying to force inclusion in a non-Black system that doesn't want them.
May 24, 2022
You still have not defined what Blackness is.

Blackness cannot be understood outside of white supremacy because that is where Blackness was birthed. It is a political designation - a designation born out of oppression.

Asians can understand their individual selves outside of oppression because they primarily come from Asian countries. So you cannot conflate us with Asians. The only other people that can be conflated with Asians are continental Africans and Europeans.

We, ADOS, are different. Blackness is not relegated to having "two Black parents" (I don't even know what that means because you need to clarify what is Black first).

We don't mate with whites, because the non-white children that are born from that arrangement will encounter a lot more nonsense than they should have to go through. That, and the non-white Black person in that arrangement comes out more confused than if s/he had not been in such an arrangement.

You going to answer my question?

Biracial + Black = non-Black child ???
= black child, because the purity increased, majority rule


Nov 12, 2014
true ting dat
May 24, 2022
That contradicts your previous statement.

Someone asked what is Black, and you said,

You consider biracials to be non-Black.
biracials are not black be cause majority of their blood is not black and they have a white parent, i did not contradict myself, it is a simple math problem. you cannot claim black while being half black, a person who is 70-75% can claim black because they are majority black.


Nov 29, 2019
biracials are not black be cause majority of their blood is not black and they have a white parent, i did not contradict myself, it is a simple math problem. you cannot claim black while being half black, a person who is 70-75% can claim black because they are majority black.

The contradiction stems from the fact that you said, "Two Black parents create a Black child" and then turned around and intimated that it doesn't take two Black parents to create a Black child.

Also, DNA/genetics is not simple math. There is a lot more math that goes into understanding inheritance than what you've presented.

In any case...

So Blackness stems from how much African DNA you have?

A Black person with 51% African DNA and 49% white DNA is majority Black and could still come from a white person. But you said biracials aren't Black. This is another problem in your logic and will eventually lead to more contradictions in your arguments.

You don't necessarily always inherit 50/50. Sometimes you may get 51/49 from your parents depending on a number of factors, but that is a different discussion.
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MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
As a former multiple mutt masher, I can confirm this to be true. It’s not just their white father, their mothers are 99% of the time heavy on that :mjpls: .

When any woman marries a man, you marry into his culture/ideology (this includes EVERY combination of interracial marriages), unless the mother raises her by herself. And even then, that can be worse in some respects.
Exactly. Logically you just got to realize that any woman dating outside of her race MUST be dead set on rocking with people of that other race, because she’s essentially risking being ostracized by her own race, which is a deep human fear. So if a Black chick has a kid by a white dude, nine times out of ten she pretty much WORSHIPS white men, and obviously a white father has no incentive to prop up Black people/culture, so the kid is gonna be raised in a breeding ground for c00n behavior.
May 24, 2022
The contradiction stems from the fact that you said, "Two Black parents create a Black child" and then turned around and intimated that it doesn't take two Black parents to create a Black child.

Also, DNA/genetics is not simple math. There is a lot more math that goes into understanding inheritance than what you've presented.

In any case...

So Blackness stems from how much African DNA you have?

A Black person with 51% African DNA and 49% white DNA is majority Black and could still come from a white person. But you said biracials aren't Black. This is another problem in your logic and will eventually lead to more contradictions in your arguments.

You don't necessarily always inherit 50/50. Sometimes you may get 51/49 from your parents depending on a number of factors, but that is a different discussion.
majority rule is 2/3= 66%