A mixed woman(Black mom/White Dad) says she's tired of Black People not taking her serious when she try's to talk about being a Black woman in America


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
I think he has a point. But its most likely due to one factor. Biracials with white fathers dont generally raise their children around black people. They dont want the babies mother around black men. And in general bedwenches are going to have babies by white men who are doing well enough they dont have to stay in the hood. And have no attachments to any other highly populated black areas.

Black men on the other hand dont mind seeding up broke Beckys. Or simply bringing a white woman to his neck of the woods.

So basically ,biracials with black fathers are more likely to grow up around black people. There will generally be no conflict because biracials are treated as black people.
It’s not true. I want you to get on tik tok and Twitter and see what these biracial kids with white mothers are saying about their experiences growing up with one.

early on, these little girls recognize they look nothing like their mothers. Their hair, their skin color. They see women who look like their mother all over the media just like we all do, they see the privileges their mother gets, they see a marked difference between their mothers and themselves. And their white mother knows very little about bw, so that disconnect extends even further from them—because their mother is teaching them things about life through her white lens. They are then made to feel different from their white mothers because they get to see and are reminded that they are not like their white mothers.

many end up not feeling connected to or truly accepted and understood by their white mothers, so they run to the black community to get acceptance from women they feel they look closer to.

White women with biracial daughters themselves are always asking bw for tips and for help. Yet y’all want to act like the women that white women raise are “more black”. Lol. i know all about biracial girls struggles because of all my biracial cousins and the White friends I had with Biracial daughters. As a woman, my insight is going to be different from a Breh for obvious reasons.

I got used to hearing them ask for help with braiding, with how to take care of their hair, and skin. Or hearing how their biracial daughters were crying and complaining and asking their white moms why they don’t look like them. And then them asking me what they should tell her… smh.

White women can’t teach anyone how to be what they are not. So how can their daughters be more in touch with blackness?

If anything I would say they’re more likely to run toward Black women and the black community because of the disconnect issues they have with their white mothers, but they actually ties back to what I said about their identity issues. All in all, hell nah, they are not more mentally sane, or less conflicted.

Even Brittany renner talked about her challenge with this too.


Nov 29, 2019
Just going through this thread and I see that Black people are confused.

Most Black people in this thread can't really define Blackness because most of you don't understand it. Especially where it concerns white supremacy which is the only way to really understand it.
Because some of these posters do not understand (nor can define) Blackness their arguments are not logical and come off as nonsense


Black people have two Black parents, therefore "biracials" aren't Black. This argument is inherently illogical because it ends up relegating Blackness as being 100% African, and that is not what Blackness is. Continental Africans probably wouldn't refer to themselves as Black in the same way ADOS does because they have a totally different reality and heritage. Most continental Africans don't have European DNA either. So if we defined Blackness on those grounds ADOS are less Black than continental Africans.

The other argument is the argument of "experience". This argument is nonsense because wealthy Black people have different experiences than poor Black people, but that should not - and does not - invalidate their Blackness. The same of Black folk who are deemed prettier, smarter, etc... They all have different experiences in life than other Black people. Pretty much most Black people in America have differing levels of experience where it concerns racism/white supremacy.​

But I get the confusion because it is as Neely Fuller Jr. said:

"If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else will confuse you."

Kenyan West

lazy fba philly nikka,
May 12, 2012
Tragic mulattos are usually mentally unstable, bootlicks, zaddy worshippers who frfr are mad disgruntled because they were sooo close to full cacness.

They're "black" because socially, they're forced to be. If they could hit a button and be full blooded cac tomorrow they'd all do that shyt

black people don't take them seriously for legit reasons

Thank God any of my children won't have to go through that mental anguish :wow:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
It’s not true. I want you to get on tik tok and Twitter and see what these biracial kids with white mothers are saying about their experiences growing up with one.

early on, these little girls recognize they look nothing like their mothers. Their hair, their skin color. They see women who look like their mother all over the media just like we all do, they see the privileges their mother gets, they see a marked difference between their mothers and themselves. And their white mother knows very little about bw, so that disconnect extends even further from them—because their mother is teaching them things about life through her white lens. They are then made to feel different from their white mothers because they get to see and are reminded that they are not like their white mothers.

many end up not feeling connected to or truly accepted and understood by their white mothers, so they run to the black community to get acceptance from women they feel they look closer to.

White women with biracial daughters themselves are always asking bw for tips and for help. Yet y’all want to act like the women that white women raise are “more black”. Lol. i know all about biracial girls struggles because of all my biracial cousins and the White friends I had with Biracial daughters. As a woman, my insight is going to be different from a Breh for obvious reasons.

I got used to hearing them ask for help with braiding, with how to take care of their hair, and skin. Or hearing how their biracial daughters were crying and complaining and asking their white moms why they don’t look like them. And then them asking me what they should tell her… smh.

White women can’t teach anyone how to be what they are not. So how can their daughters be more in touch with blackness?

If anything I would say they’re more likely to run toward Black women and the black community because of the disconnect issues they have with their white mothers, but they actually ties back to what I said about their identity issues. All in all, hell nah, they are not more mentally sane, or less conflicted.

Even Brittany renner talked about her challenge with this too.

My post was very specefic though. Im not talking about biracials who had to "run to the black community". Im talking about biracials who grew up in the black community. They learned how to do hair,learned about the black experience like every other black child.

Im saying that biracial kids with black fathers/white mothers are more likely to be raised in a black community than the other.

Black women who have children with white men are practically ex communicated. Or go into a self induced exile due to personal resentment of their black family. Or due to the judgement from their black family. As bedwenches are judged more harshly than bedbucks in our community.

Im not saying white women know how to raise their children more black at all. Im saying having a child with a black man,is more likely to put you in the proximity of black people. Black women have babies with white men to escape nikkas. Black men dont see white women as an escape from black people. And the white women in many cases are running towards blackness themselves. And have no issue raising their kids in a black environment. Using their child as a "hood pass":francis:

We probably come from two different environments,and may be speaking of different demographics.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016


Black people have two Black parents, therefore "biracials" aren't Black. This argument is inherently illogical because it ends up relegating Blackness as being 100% African, and that is not what Blackness is. Continental Africans probably wouldn't refer to themselves as Black in the same way ADOS does because they have a totally different reality and heritage. Most continental Africans don't have European DNA either. So if we defined Blackness on those grounds ADOS are less Black than continental Africans.
Nope. For me it has nothing to do with being 100% African or being born to two Continental Africans. For me it’s as simple as a Black person, cannot come out of a white p*ssy. A white man’s seed cannot create a black child. Are you saying that it is possible for a white person to bring a black child into the world? Then what is the point of Black people keeping it black? If all you need is one black parent to be black then what is all this importance on creating black children with another Black person? If they can create black families with a nonblack person, then, there is literally no need for bw to be with bm, or bm to be with bw to create black children. They can make black children with anyone. Glad I got that memo.

Wonder why Asians didn’t lol… they don’t claim mixed Asians neither do whites. We the main ones claiming the child made by whites women and white men. But I guess.

The other argument is the argument of "experience". This argument is nonsense because wealthy Black people have different experiences than poor Black people, but that should not - and does not - invalidate their Blackness. The same of Black folk who are deemed prettier, smarter, etc... They all have different experiences in life than other Black people. Pretty much most Black people in America have differing levels of experience where it concerns racism/white supremacy.​
I agree with this. But I also recognize this can be applied to everyone regardless of race. There are obviously differences between groups, a person raised by a white parent, and who is half white is not the same as a black person with two black parents.
But I get the confusion because it is as Neely Fuller Jr. said:

"If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else will confuse you."
the great thing is that we can agree to disagree. Some black people claim biracials, some don’t. I don’t. You do. That’s okay.


Jan 24, 2016
Honestly Black Americans don't want to play on team "Black". They didn't during slavery, most didn't during segregation because they ran to whites right after segregation ended, and definitely not today.

They seek out what they think is the best option and that's trying to fit into a white system that wants nothing to do with them. White schools where their children are tormented, white neighborhoods where they're blocked from even moving in and then constantly harassed by whites, or shop in white businesses where they're followed around just for being Black on a tuesday.

Like trying to date someone who's rejected you 1000 times already. And that's fundamentally because they don't want to be Black or build anything among their own group.

So with that understanding, Black Americans are done. Black South Africans are likely done. But some in the Caribbean and in West Africa and a few other countries can probably work together. But even that will take time because people will have to be shown that they'll be more powerful by working together than trying to force inclusion in a non-Black system that doesn't want them.

this is a wild ass take.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
My post was very specefic though. Im not talking about biracials who had to "run to the black community". Im talking about biracials who grew up in the black community. They learned how to do hair,learned about the black experience like every other black child.

Im saying that biracial kids with black fathers/white mothers are more likely to be raised in a black community than the other.

Black women who have children with white men are practically ex communicated. Or go into a self induced exile due to personal resentment of their black family. Or due to the judgement from their black family. As bedwenches are judged more harshly than bedbucks in our community.

Im not saying white women know how to raise their children more black at all. Im saying having a child with a black man,is more likely to put you in the proximity of black people. Black women have babies with white men to escape nikkas. Black men dont see white women as an escape from black people. And the white women in many cases are running towards blackness themselves. And have no issue raising their kids in a black environment. Using their child as a "hood pass":francis:

We probably come from two different environments,and may be speaking of different demographics.
How many black men are still there helping raising their child with that ww? You’re implying that most of those Brehs are there helping rear those children. I have biracial cousins who live in the hood, guess who did their hair when they were younger? Grandma, auntie. Guess who they learned about being black from? Other black girls and women, not their daddy. They learn from bw how to be bw. Period. Meanwhile bw learn from their black mothers.

My cousins call themselves black too. They look straight up white and Hispanic. We all just let them call themselves what they want but we know the kind of rearing they were getting from their white mama and we think it’s funny they don’t claim their white side.

I would never want a white mama, lord Jesus.

My son’s father identifies as black too. Look, They can claim what they want. Y’all can claim them too. But I’m not erasing their other parent. I call them what they are: mixed.

Anyways I gotta go.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
You can speak for all if you want. I know some Brehs love calling mixed women black because it’s easier for them to get away with saying they love bw, while choosing a biracial women who has the phenotype, hair, and complexion closer to a ww. It also means Brehs who have kids with WW can call their kids black and act like they didn’t c00n it out by getting with a WW. You can deny this if you want.

I didn’t bring up mixed men, because this thread is about a biracial woman who wants to call herself black and erase her white father. This thread isn’t about biracial men.

I think black men who accept biracial women as black also accept biracial men as black, so it didn’t really need to be stated.

And yes bw are speaking out. That’s why you hear bw complaining more about biracial actresses taking roles from full bw all over social media. Bw see that biracial women—especially those who look ambiguous or white-get privileges that bw don’t get. so they don’t want biracial women being lumped in with bw, when there are some marked differences between the two.

This doesn’t mean they don’t accept biracial women altogether—many bw have biracial relatives, friends, etc. it just means that bw want it to be acknowledged that biracial women are biracial.

I myself, have plenty of biracial cousins. My son’s father has a Latina mama. I mean shyt, I don’t have an issue with biracial people. I just don’t think having one black parent and one “other” parent is the same as coming from two black parents. No other group except black people, accept mixed people as being part of their race.

white people don’t accept anyone except those with two white parents. Hapas are called that for a reason—they can’t call themselves Asian or just white. Let mixed people just be mixed.

Seems very agenda driven in my humble opinion. Black men who may say they love black women,but only choose a certain phenotype are simply color struck. Ive never in life met a black man who has a strict rule of only dating biracial women:comeon:. Those same men will happily date a lightskinned woman all the same. So painting it as though color struck black men are seperating biracials from black women is a reach. Those black men are seperating lightskinned from brown/dark. So whats next? ostracize them based on the PERCIEVED actions of the colorstruck? Just seems like biracials are falsely being thrown under the bus there.

And at the same time its important to mention biracial black men. Because if black men accept biracial men as black. Maybe by in large, these alterior motives only exist in peoples head. Two things can be true,maybe black men just accept biracials because thats how its always been. And maybe many black men are simply colorstruck because thats how its always been.

These just seems like an anti biracial agenda,due to the sins of the parents. Which I dont really understand. Because people who are against bedbucks/bedwenches. Have never hesitated to go hard as hell on wenches and bucks. While still openly displaying thirst for biracial women:mjlol:

Bucks and wenches will always be held accountable and called out,hypocrisy be damned. So I dont know how black men calling their biracial children black changes that. Black folks still on that ass calling the parent a sellout and c00n.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Seems very agenda driven in my humble opinion. Black men who may say they love black women,but only choose a certain phenotype are simply color struck. Ive never in life met a black man who has a strict rule of only dating biracial women:comeon:. Those same men will happily date a lightskinned woman all the same. So painting it as though color struck black men are seperating biracials from black women is a reach. Those black men are seperating lightskinned from brown/dark. So whats next? ostracize them based on the PERCIEVED actions of the colorstruck? Just seems like biracials are falsely being thrown under the bus there.

And at the same time its important to mention biracial black men. Because if black men accept biracial men as black. Maybe by in large, these alterior motives only exist in peoples head. Two things can be true,maybe black men just accept biracials because thats how its always been. And maybe many black men are simply colorstruck because thats how its always been.

These just seems like an anti biracial agenda,due to the sins of the parents. Which I dont really understand. Because people who are against bedbucks/bedwenches. Have never hesitated to go hard as hell on wenches and bucks. While still openly displaying thirst for biracial women:mjlol:

Bucks and wenches will always be held accountable and called out,hypocrisy be damned. So I dont know how black men calling their biracial children black changes that. Black folks still on that ass calling the parent a sellout and c00n.
Sigh. You don’t comprehend my main point. I dgaf if bm lust for biracial women. I’ve dated biracial men myself. My main point is that a mixed person is mixed NOT black. And as a bw, nah I don’t consider biracial women black like me.

I do notice that in these conversations, you rarely bw arguing that biracial women are the same as them. Even in this thread, I’ve had many brehettes agreeing with me because we don’t see them like us. As an observation I see more Brehs asserting that biracial women are black women, then black women themselves…. Like tf.

And it’s funny because I don’t care if y’all like light black women or biracial women. I just think it’s silly when some of y’all pretend that your lust for biracial women isn’t part of the reason you may see this special kinship with them that many bw aren’t seeing . Anyways it’s been real. Peace.


St. BAWGustine - DarkSkxxxn
Aug 15, 2014
Ain’t disagreeing with none she said. I still will bring up that her dad and half her family white tho but she correct.

I wouldn’t deputize her to speak about THE Black experience but I could never invalidate her experiences of being a Black Person. :ehh:


Nov 29, 2019
Nope. For me it has nothing to do with being 100% African or being born to two Continental Africans. For me it’s as simple as a Black person, cannot come out of a white p*ssy. A white man’s seed cannot create a black child. Are you saying that it is possible for a white person to bring a black child into the world? Then what is the point of Black people keeping it black? If all you need is one black parent to be black then what is all this importance on creating black children with another Black person? If they can create black families with a nonblack person, then, there is literally no need for bw to be with bm, or bm to be with bw to create black children. They can make black children with anyone. Glad I got that memo.

Wonder why Asians didn’t lol… they don’t claim mixed Asians neither do whites. We the main ones claiming the child made by whites women and white men. But I guess.

I agree with this. But I also recognize this can be applied to everyone regardless of race. There are obviously differences between groups, a person raised by a white parent, and who is half white is not the same as a black person with two black parents.

the great thing is that we can agree to disagree. Some black people claim biracials, some don’t. I don’t. You do. That’s okay.

You still have not defined what Blackness is.

Blackness cannot be understood outside of white supremacy because that is where Blackness was birthed. It is a political designation - a designation born out of oppression.

Asians can understand their individual selves outside of oppression because they primarily come from Asian countries. So you cannot conflate us with Asians. The only other people that can be conflated with Asians are continental Africans and Europeans.

We, ADOS, are different. Blackness is not relegated to having "two Black parents" (I don't even know what that means because you need to clarify what is Black first).

We don't mate with whites, because the non-white children that are born from that arrangement will encounter a lot more nonsense than they should have to go through. That, and the non-white Black person in that arrangement comes out more confused than if s/he had not been in such an arrangement.

the only people confused here are mulattos :mjpls:

You going to answer my question?

Biracial + Black = non-Black child ???


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Your full of shyt smh. Most mixed women in general are confused and conflicted. The ones with white moms are not anymore humble or in touch with their blackness.

Not to mention for every example of a mixed women with a black mother who’s a c00n (Megan markle, maya Rudolph, tamera mowry), you have an example who is not:
Lauren London is a mixed bw with a black mom
Tia mowry is a mixed bw with a black mom
Jurnee smollet
Keyshia Cole

For every biracial with a black father who is a c00n (Doja cat, sage steele, Lionel Richie’s daugher, rashida Jones)
You have the ones who aren’t:
Zendaya (although she is with a wm)
Halle berry (although her kids are all by wm
Mariah Carey
Keke wyatt
Alicia keys

The reality is that with mixed people it will always be a toss up, regardless of if they have a black mom or a black dad.

Some are c00ns, some aren’t, but most are conflicted with their identity. And they aren’t the same as a person with 2 black parents. Y’all just want to claim mixed women with black fathers, because you’re a black man and want to feel free to pawg and create mixed children and call them black. But you can’t erase their white mama. And a white woman damn sure can’t pop out a black baby.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
How many black men are still there helping raising their child with that ww? You’re implying that most of those Brehs are there helping rear those children. I have biracial cousins who live in the hood, guess who did their hair when they were younger? Grandma, auntie. Guess who they learned about being black from? Other black girls and women, not their daddy. They learn from bw how to be bw. Period. Meanwhile bw learn from their black mothers.

My cousins call themselves black too. They look straight up white and Hispanic. We all just let them call themselves what they want but we know the kind of rearing they were getting from their white mama and we think it’s funny they don’t claim their white side.

I would never want a white mama, lord Jesus.

My son’s father identifies as black too. Look, They can claim what they want. Y’all can claim them too. But I’m not erasing their other parent. I call them what they are: mixed.

Anyways I gotta go.

You basically just said what I said.
Im saying whether the father is there or not they are left in good hands. They are left in the hands of the black community. So the black family and community are raising those biracials.

Thats not as likely to happen with a white father. Firstly white men aint coming to the hood to have babies with black women. And black women aint having babies by white men to live in the hood. Unless we are talking about those black women who just want white men for their sperm to have mixed babies:sas2:. But for black women who actually want relationships with white men,and have their children? Those women are less likely to be living around black people:manny: