A mixed woman(Black mom/White Dad) says she's tired of Black People not taking her serious when she try's to talk about being a Black woman in America


Nov 29, 2019
majority rule is 2/3= 66%



Oct 17, 2015
Honestly Black Americans don't want to play on team "Black". They didn't during slavery, most didn't during segregation because they ran to whites right after segregation ended, and definitely not today.
literally the only group who not only embrace "black" but literally invented the context of what it is and what we now know it today so

errr, wrong

They seek out what they think is the best option and that's trying to fit into a white system that wants nothing to do with them. White schools where their children are tormented, white neighborhoods where they're blocked from even moving in and then constantly harassed by whites, or shop in white businesses where they're followed around just for being Black on a tuesday.
saying all this, but gassing up groups of people who left their majority african and african descent countries and came here and running to Europe :dead:
ike trying to date someone who's rejected you 1000 times already. And that's fundamentally because they don't want to be Black or build anything among their own group.
caribbeans literally are about to breed themselves out in UK

Jamaicans marry out heavy in Canada, and Africans marry out in their share as well. On top of all that good stuff you have the sprinkles of them who date out here in the US.

o with that understanding, Black Americans are done. Black South Africans are likely done. But some in the Caribbean and in West Africa and a few other countries can probably work together. But even that will take time because people will have to be shown that they'll be more powerful by working together than trying to force inclusion in a non-Black system that doesn't want them.
good luck with that, the moment black americans are done with the equation(which cant happen sooner) yall will crumble, some of you africans cant stand each other, caribbeans, etc. yall will be squabbling without the lynchpin and the source that gave you a style to run with(ADOS) there to help out.


Nov 2, 2017
New York
Honestly Black Americans don't want to play on team "Black". They didn't during slavery, most didn't during segregation because they ran to whites right after segregation ended, and definitely not today.

They seek out what they think is the best option and that's trying to fit into a white system that wants nothing to do with them. White schools where their children are tormented, white neighborhoods where they're blocked from even moving in and then constantly harassed by whites, or shop in white businesses where they're followed around just for being Black on a tuesday.

Like trying to date someone who's rejected you 1000 times already. And that's fundamentally because they don't want to be Black or build anything among their own group.

So with that understanding, Black Americans are done. Black South Africans are likely done. But some in the Caribbean and in West Africa and a few other countries can probably work together. But even that will take time because people will have to be shown that they'll be more powerful by working together than trying to force inclusion in a non-Black system that doesn't want them.
Black Americans have our c00ns yes but out of any group touched by white supremacy on this planet we are the least conforming and eurocentric group on this planet. nikka gonna bring up Africans and Caribbeans like they not piling on the cake soap as we speak :scust: like they don't flee their countries and go to Europe or here kissing white ppl ass. Foh with this made up history of AAs. This is why FBA is necessary you foreign c00ns just say anything.


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
Thing is, if she embraced what some of y’all are saying:

“I’m not black, I’m mixed.”

...people would still have a problem (likely moreso) and lump her with the “me no black papi” Hispanics :mjlol:

Whole thing is selective nonsense. Let her be famous and/or represent the U.S. is some way. Guarantee she’ll be called black. Didn’t we just have a “black” president :dead:
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The contradiction stems from the fact that you said, "Two Black parents create a Black child" and then turned around and intimated that it doesn't take two Black parents to create a Black child.

Also, DNA/genetics is not simple math. There is a lot more math that goes into understanding inheritance than what you've presented.

In any case...

So Blackness stems from how much African DNA you have?

A Black person with 51% African DNA and 49% white DNA is majority Black and could still come from a white person. But you said biracials aren't Black. This is another problem in your logic and will eventually lead to more contradictions in your arguments.

You don't necessarily always inherit 50/50. Sometimes you may get 51/49 from your parents depending on a number of factors, but that is a different discussion.

exactly, people need to stop with this 50/50 notion as that is not how race is decided. Race is decided based on features. And most biracials race defining features favor the black parent. Did no one learn about dominant/reccessive genes in school? Its not 50/50 split down the middle.

Only biracials you could argue should have their own category are mixed people who could pass for either or. The Mariah Careys,Megan Markles,Logics,Halseys of the world. That would truly be a "bi-racial" being,as you could pass for two races.

And I pretty much believe this is how we already do it now. As I think even people who accept biracials as black,dont accept all the above mentioned.

The blackness of a neighborhood would be defined by how many black people live there. If black people are the majority or not. Well,black features are typically the majority among biracials. The whiteness was reccessive and therefore was assimilated:wow:

If you are a biracial whos black parent had weak genetics,tough break. You might have to fall over to the other side. You have the ability to opt back in through your child,choose wisely. Be Mariah,not Megan Markle:francis:


Nov 29, 2019
If that’s the case, with your reasoning I can see how Rachel Dolezal and many like her were able to do what they did .

I put that in quotations for a reason. I was - in that instance - using her logic. Later down I clarify why it doesn't make sense to exclude so-called "biracials" from being Black based on that sort of reasoning.

I will just restate here.

If the claim is "biracials" aren't Black because they don't come from two Black parents, that makes any offspring they have with a Black person non-Black.
We can extend this sort of reasoning further down and it gets to absurd levels because you end up having to relegate Blackness to being 100% continental African.

Blackness was born out of white supremacy and slavery - chattel slavery as practiced in what is now known as the USA. You cannot separate Blackness from white supremacy and chattel slavery in the USA.

ADOS collective, shared experiencd comes from 240 years of that practice, and then 100 years of Jim Crow. That shared experience and those 340 years made an entirely new ethnic group of people, Black Americans. No other group on this planet has gone through that experience.

Go to any African nation talking about they are Black like you, and they will tell you they aren't Black, they are 'insert tribe/nation'.

It would be disrespectful to say that to them because you are attempting to erase their history at that point and define it in terms of ours (I don't know if you are Black American, so you'll just have to forgive me for assuming).
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Mar 24, 2014
exactly, people need to stop with this 50/50 notion as that is not how race is decided. Race is decided based on features. And most biracials race defining features favor the black parent. Did no one learn about dominant/reccessive genes in school? Its not 50/50 split down the middle.

Only biracials you could argue should have their own category are mixed people who could pass for either or. The Mariah Careys,Megan Markles,Logics,Halseys of the world. That would truly be a "bi-racial" being,as you could pass for two races.

And I pretty much believe this is how we already do it now. As I think even people who accept biracials as black,dont accept all the above mentioned.

The blackness of a neighborhood would be defined by how many black people live there. If black people are the majority or not. Well,black features are typically the majority among biracials. The whiteness was reccessive and therefore was assimilated:wow:

If you are a biracial whos black parent had weak genetics,tough break. You might have to fall over to the other side. You have the ability to opt back in through your child,choose wisely. Be Mariah,not Megan Markle:francis:

Everyone has their own rule for this, because the whole thing was corruptly defined from the start.

Everything was put in place for the benefit of White men only, so racial classifications of mixed people were done to favor whites and keep their gene pool free of foreign dna. Hence why no mixed person was considered White. They could be anything they wanted but White, and people 100s of years later and enforcing that same outdated rule in todays world.
Your bolded point is moot because Halle Berry insists her daughter, a product from a cacs seed is also a Black person. Never mind the kid is even more mixed than her mother. Its become ridiculous and stupid.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I put that in quotations for a reason. I was - in that instance - using her logic. Later down I clarify why it doesn't make sense to exclude so-called "biracials" from being Black based on that sort of reasoning.

I will just restate here.

If the claim is "biracials" aren't Black because they don't come from two Black parents, that makes any offspring they have with a Black person non-Black.
We can extend this sort of reasoning further down and it gets to absurd levels because you end up having to relegate Blackness to being 100% continental African.

Blackness was born out of white supremacy and slavery - chattel slavery as practiced in what is now known as the USA. You cannot separate Blackness from white supremacy and chattel slavery in the USA.

ADOS collective, shared experiencd comes from 240 years of that practice, and then 100 years of Jim Crow. That shared experience and those 340 years made an entirely new ethnic group of people, Black Americans. No other group on this planet has gone through that experience.

Go to any African nation talking about they are Black like you, and they will tell you they aren't Black, they are 'insert tribe/nation'.

It would be disrespectful to say that to them because you are attempting to erase their history at that point and define it in terms of ours (I don't know if you are Black American, so you'll just have to forgive me for assuming).
I understand your first point and I’m not black american, but it’s pretty simple to me and those like me.

That woman is half-cast, she’s definitely black but she’s also white.

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
Can't be truly problack if there are cacs you have genuine love for :manny:

And half breeds are not just black, they are everything that makes up what they are not just a portion


Nov 29, 2019
Everyone has their own rule for this, because the whole thing was corruptly defined from the start.

Everything was put in place for the benefit of White men only, so racial classifications of mixed people were done to favor whites and keep their gene pool free of foreign dna. Hence why no mixed person was considered White. They could be anything they wanted but White, and people 100s of years later and enforcing that same outdated rule in todays world.
Your bolded point is moot because Halle Berry insists her daughter, a product from a cacs seed is also a Black person. Never mind the kid is even more mixed than her mother. Its become ridiculous and stupid.

'Race' doesn't exist. Race is an outdated concept that was only propped up to create a hierarchical system to benefit those classified as white.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Everyone has their own rule for this, because the whole thing was corruptly defined from the start.

Everything was put in place for the benefit of White men only, so racial classifications of mixed people were done to favor whites and keep their gene pool free of foreign dna. Hence why no mixed person was considered White. They could be anything they wanted but White, and people 100s of years later and enforcing that same outdated rule in todays world.
Your bolded point is moot because Halle Berry insists her daughter, a product from a cacs seed is also a Black person. Never mind the kid is even more mixed than her mother. Its become ridiculous and stupid.

The European was ignorant and talking out of their asses most of the time. At one point they thought albinos were proof that we devolved from them. So it really isnt wise to look at what other races do or think. Since most still wont acknowledge black genetics are superior as it pertains to being in sync with a natural environment,and protected from it as well.

Every other albino in nature knows it needs to mate back with a non albino countetpart to opt back in. And often the non albino animals refuse to mate with albinos. So that mutation never becomes widely spread.

So point is albino mutations attempting to keep black people out of their bloodline is nothing but comical:mjlol:. Sure,I guess it works when you live in the zoo created by the European. They are correct in their logic,they just have it backwards like most things.

Its up to black people with knowledge of self to create the rules. And the rules of nature say you either reject mutations. Or you assimilate them back into the fold.

But black americans have been assimilated and Europeanized. So the laws of nature dont come into play when we procreate.

Id have to see Halles daughter. I didnt even know Halle wae biracial for years. So her child may have mostly black festures. Which would make her child black. Her child better choose wisely:francis:


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
Last 15 years, the emergence and super expansion of social media. It's the social media era that have created this "mixed not black" thing, it IS a new phenomenon....

Only a small minority of black people weren't claiming biracial blacks as black pre-2010, and only a small minority of biracial blacks weren't self-identifying as black pre-2010. They still aren't the majority in either case but the amount of people pushing these new narratives is much larger than it was pre-social media, without a doubt...

So black men lust after "mixed" chicks, per your reasoning, but couldn't that same memo be attached to you for dating and having child with a "mixed" man?

I just think it's dangerous to broadbrush black men the way you did. I'm sure you've encountered those kinds of brothers as you described, but I've been a black man for 33 years. I've never heard another brother say he goes for "mixed" chicks because it's easier to say you love black women. And men talk shyt about everything, so whatever amount of men that is has to be low in number...

My two oldest daughters' mother has a white mom, and could pass for white in passing, because she is Mariah Carey fair-skinned. She's the lightest toned of all her sisters and she has 5 of them (including two sisters who are "full" black, and her three "mixed" sisters are all darker and more "black-looking" in appearance than she is). She has really thick hair though, among the thickest of her sisters, with otherwise typical Black American features. Once you get up on her you can easily see she isn't "white", but if you sat at a stoplight next to her, or passed her in a mall, your mind's eye would register her as a white woman in mist occasions...

She has been misidentified as white many times, and has spoken on having a semblance of white privilege based on appearance. She's gone thru identity issues from claiming herself as "mixed" or black, but mostly claims herself as a black woman....for me, do I think her life experiences have been the same as a sister born from two black parents? No, and she herself wouldn't argue against that, but I also don't think this disqualifies her blackness. She was raised by her white mom in black neighborhoods around her dad's black family (her mom's family disowned her and the kids when she had kids with a black man). Her appearance has given her some different experiences but she didn't grow up foreign to blackness and didn't have to "learn" how to be black because it is part of her and she grew up with her dad's family...

My youngest girl's mom is "Dominican and black mixed", never mind that Dominicans are a nationality, not race, of people who are heavily black themselves. Her dad looks like a light bright black man because he is, he's a lighter black man who speaks Spanish. She herself is about 5 shades darker than my first kids' mom, so from skin tone, there's no confusing her blackness, she's around Beyonce/Solange complexion. She has really thin and light hair, but she grew up under her black mother and Afro-Latino father, particularly all her mom's black family---->her dad's family didn't disown her father, but dissociated themselves from his black children because they are a family of racist NY/DR "Latinos"...

I've never seen anyone else on her dad's side but she says her grandma and other family are darker than she is, and she's Beyonce complexion. And if you know Dominican people this is very easy to believe...

She said she never struggled with blackness, her dad looks type black and her mother is clearly black, and she grew up amongst black family and neighborhoods. She did say at one point in grade school a few black girls told her she wasn't black but she didn't hear that anymore once she hit middle school...

Same thing with my first BM, her blackness isn't invalidated just because she has a "Latino" father--->who looks like a light skin black man that just happened to be born in another country...

I think my biggest disagreement with you is that, I don't think being biracial black is trying to erase your white (or Latino) side. Your white side is what it is. No one has ever told me that they felt they were erasing part of themselves by claiming black, I've only heard those tropes online in the social media era, but never off. And like you, I've known scores of "mixed" blacks, have family who are "mixed", not a single one has ever told me they are erasing their whiteness because they relate to blackness. That sounds like a social media construction that younger millenials and after latched onto...

My "mixed" uncle is 41 and once told me he ALWAYS viewed himself as black because his dad was black, and at 8 years old told his white mom he'd marry a black woman. He did and had 4 kids with TWO black women...

I just really don't understand this online assault on black people who didn't choose their nonblack parent, and I don't get the selective generalizations of black men who date "mixed" sisters but those generalizations are omitted with sisters like yourself who've dated "mixed" men...
I never said I had an issue with Brehs dating mixed women though. I think a lot of y’all just aren’t comprehending my point. I only care about y’all calling them black women, because the need to call them bw, is sometimes motivated by some of yall not wanting to admit that y’all like the look of women who are closer to white. By referring to them as bw, you can still say you date bw, despite the fact that the women arent fully bw.

It’s not something that is said out loud, so I doubt you would hear any Breh admit to it. But I’ve seen many Brehs say they love bw, only to then post zendaya, Jhene aiko types—when in reality those women do not look like black women. it’s a way to skate around the fact that your preference actually isn’t bw like you claim, but more so women who are more ambiguous. Now I’d rather y’all just own up to what you like, and admit that you might find women who look more ambiguous attractive, rather than pretending those women are representive of bw.

the difference is when I’ve dated mixed men, I called them what they are. I call my son’s father mixed. Hell my son used to think his dad was white. Everyone thought it was hilliarious. I’m not going to refer to him as a black man and take away from what actually is representative of a breh, when he isn’t and is only half.

I just want people to keep it real. And real is recognizing that a person who has a nonblack parent is not fully black.

As a bw, I can speak further as to why it’s an issue for bw. We are in a society that is conditioned to put women who are European at the top, and those who are closest to European are generally favored more than those who aren’t. Bw have spoken out about how they’ve seen opportunities meant for black women be given to mixed women, because those mixed women get away with calling themselves black while looking ambiguous and closer to white, which means they gets more privileges and opportunities than a black women with two black parents.

We’ve seen this take place in acting for example—you gave ambiguous mixed women continuing to take roles where they are playing the black mother, girlfriend, daughter etc, instead of actual bw. In other words they get chosen by whites who recognize they are closer to white but aren’t white and therefore can represent bw, despite not being a full bw. That takes away from actual bw.

So the issue with continuing to have this
large umbrella of what can constitute as black, means those who just skate the lines can get the benefits that are meant for full black people. It gives white people the opportunity to pretend as if they’re being inclusive and giving bw a shot by picking women who are actually closer to them…

When we give mixed people their own category, we then give black people a more defined notion of what blackness is, we also get more opportunities and actual (and fair)representation. We are not trying to discount mixed peoples experiences or tell them they can’t claim or talk about their experiences or their blackness. We’re simply saying they have another side too-it makes them unique from us, and we want them to get a unique identity that fully represents both sides of their background.

If we were in a society that did not give advantages and opportunities to people who are closer to white, this wouldn’t be a big deal.. but we aren’t in that society. And I see mixed people as mixed and therefore not representive of me as a blacks person with two black parents.