A mixed woman(Black mom/White Dad) says she's tired of Black People not taking her serious when she try's to talk about being a Black woman in America


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
This woman claims herself as a black woman and likely experiences most black experiences, she's black. Having light skin privilege also happens to light brights who come from two black parents, that doesn't nullify your blackness...

If she claimed herself as "mixed" or white or downplayed her blackness abd leaned into her whiteness she'd be white...

A white woman cant birth a black baby. A white man can’t co-create a black baby.

This doesn't work because then alot of our freedom fighters in this country shouldn't be considered black, and that's wack...

The reality is you're treated how you look in the US, and your experiences mirror that. Megan Markle wasn't treated as a black woman because not only does she not look black, she didn't experience living black. The woman in OP looks black and has likely experienced living black...

The Coli is different animal but when I was growing up wether you were considered "black" or not as a biracial was determined by a combination of factors like

- If you dated nikkas or white guys

- Your culture ( music you listed to, ppl you hung around with

- Wether your dad was black or not

- Shade of skin tone(It is what is)

- Side of the family you were closer with

It was pretty easy to tell which biracials were considered black and which ones were

Bc at the end of the day, race is social construct made up by humans.


The social media era has muddied the waters on this but in general this is definitely how it goes. If you look white or lean into white culture, you're not one if us. If you look how she does and lean into black culture, we accept her as black. This post-2010 social media era where everyone has a soapbox to go public with has altered how black folk have accepted biracial blacks throughout history in the US...

Seems like some of y'all WANT a distinct, mulatto buffer class

You are what you look like in America :manny:


Man 1 it ain’t that serious and I don’t get why anyone judges mixed race people so badly

2 - if I didn’t know she was mixed I would’ve already assumed she was black.

I’m light skinned and know a bunch of folks light skinned as well that are fully black.

People gotta relax and mind they business


The most annoying thing is when BLACK people act as if you can't be BLACK with light skin or curly hair or freckles or whatever...

Anybody BLACK has known light brights with two black parents unless you're sheltered...

Is this an issue about culture or race? Because many ADOS got European blood in them, so I doubt racial purity tests of the SA apartheid persuasion is going to be suggested here. Well, I would hope not.

These racial purists would all lose big if everyone who "looks" black had to submit DNA abd publicize it. What's the threshold for blackness, 90%? 80%? It won't be 100% because ain't nobody 100% black lmao 😆...

Because then the narrative would shift to two black parents------->oh wait, then you have people policing the purity if your parents blackness if one or both of them are biracial...

This shyt stupid as hell...


Mar 24, 2014
But do cacs take her seriously when she complains about their racism, or is blame reserved for Black men only in this world..


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Honestly Black Americans don't want to play on team "Black". They didn't during slavery, most didn't during segregation because they ran to whites right after segregation ended, and definitely not today.

They seek out what they think is the best option and that's trying to fit into a white system that wants nothing to do with them. White schools where their children are tormented, white neighborhoods where they're blocked from even moving in and then constantly harassed by whites, or shop in white businesses where they're followed around just for being Black on a tuesday.

Like trying to date someone who's rejected you 1000 times already. And that's fundamentally because they don't want to be Black or build anything among their own group.

So with that understanding, Black Americans are done. Black South Africans are likely done. But some in the Caribbean and in West Africa and a few other countries can probably work together. But even that will take time because people will have to be shown that they'll be more powerful by working together than trying to force inclusion in a non-Black system that doesn't want them.
I know this which is why I'm leaving and lowkey find the ADOS thing funny. Like cool you got ya own label you done with cacs orrrrrr


Sep 25, 2012
Honestly Black Americans don't want to play on team "Black". They didn't during slavery, most didn't during segregation because they ran to whites right after segregation ended, and definitely not today.

They seek out what they think is the best option and that's trying to fit into a white system that wants nothing to do with them. White schools where their children are tormented, white neighborhoods where they're blocked from even moving in and then constantly harassed by whites, or shop in white businesses where they're followed around just for being Black on a tuesday.

Like trying to date someone who's rejected you 1000 times already. And that's fundamentally because they don't want to be Black or build anything among their own group.

So with that understanding, Black Americans are done. Black South Africans are likely done. But some in the Caribbean and in West Africa and a few other countries can probably work together. But even that will take time because people will have to be shown that they'll be more powerful by working together than trying to force inclusion in a non-Black system that doesn't want them.
nikka stfup

black americans were the main ones fighting for the concept of "blackness"

we basically defined it and are the face of it :gucci:


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
This woman claims herself as a black woman and likely experiences most black experiences, she's black. Having light skin privilege also happens to light brights who come from two black parents, that doesn't nullify your blackness...

If she claimed herself as "mixed" or white or downplayed her blackness abd leaned into her whiteness she'd be white...

This doesn't work because then alot of our freedom fighters in this country shouldn't be considered black, and that's wack...

The reality is you're treated how you look in the US, and your experiences mirror that. Megan Markle wasn't treated as a black woman because not only does she not look black, she didn't experience living black. The woman in OP looks black and has likely experienced living black...


The social media era has muddied the waters on this but in general this is definitely how it goes. If you look white or lean into white culture, you're not one if us. If you look how she does and lean into black culture, we accept her as black. This post-2010 social media era where everyone has a soapbox to go public with has altered how black folk have accepted biracial blacks throughout history in the US...



The most annoying thing is when BLACK people act as if you can't be BLACK with light skin or curly hair or freckles or whatever...

Anybody BLACK has known light brights with two black parents unless you're sheltered...

These racial purists would all lose big if everyone who "looks" black had to submit DNA abd publicize it. What's the threshold for blackness, 90%? 80%? It won't be 100% because ain't nobody 100% black lmao 😆...

Because then the narrative would shift to two black parents------->oh wait, then you have people policing the purity if your parents blackness if one or both of them are biracial...

This shyt stupid as hell...
A white woman cant birth a black baby. A white man can’t help create a black baby. They make mulattos. That’s all they can make because they are white. Acknowledging that some freedom fighters were biracial does not take away from the work they’ve done or their contributions. I’m not sure why being called what you are (half white) somehow discounts the discrimination, experiences and contributions you’ve made to support black people. All we’re saying is you can’t erase your white parent. I don’t see myself as the same as a person who has a white parent. I have two black parents. They don’t. If a biracial is black, then people with two black parents must be Blackity-black.

Biracial people have unique experiences that aren’t necessarily the same as black people anyway because of their close proximity to whiteness(in the white relatives they have, and white parent that rears them—I cant relate to that. I also can’t relate to that conflict of what to call myself, of what side to take when racist situations happen, or all the other scenarios I would be put in that are frankly unique from a black person with two black parents).

I see biracials as akin to the house slaves. And Full blacks as the field slaves. Now both are slaves right? but one group of a slaves gets special privileges and things a bit easier because they have a white parent. Biracials and blacks have similarities in experiences and sometimes even in looks, but they have a unique privilege due to their proximity to whiteness that we don’t have as Black people.

Now y’all can call biracial people black if you want, and they can identify as whatever they want, but I as a person with two black parents do not have to call them black like me, just because y’all want to.

Some Brehs like calling biracial women black for a reason lol. And I’m not mad at it, but black women ain’t wit it. That’s why more bw are speaking up and putting biracial women in a different category from us.
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Your full of shyt smh. Most mixed women in general are confused and conflicted. The ones with white moms are not anymore humble or in touch with their blackness.

Not to mention for every example of a mixed women with a black mother who’s a c00n (Megan markle, maya Rudolph, tamera mowry), you have an example who is not:
Lauren London is a mixed bw with a black mom
Tia mowry is a mixed bw with a black mom
Jurnee smollet
Keyshia Cole

For every biracial with a black father who is a c00n (Doja cat, sage steele, Lionel Richie’s daugher, rashida Jones)
You have the ones who aren’t:
Zendaya (although she is with a wm)
Halle berry (although her kids are all by wm
Mariah Carey
Keke wyatt
Alicia keys

The reality is that with mixed people it will always be a toss up, regardless of if they have a black mom or a black dad.

Some are c00ns, some aren’t, but most are conflicted with their identity. And they aren’t the same as a person with 2 black parents. Y’all just want to claim mixed women with black fathers, because you’re a black man and want to feel free to pawg and create mixed children and call them black. But you can’t erase their white mama. And a white woman damn sure can’t pop out a black baby.

I think he has a point. But its most likely due to one factor. Biracials with white fathers dont generally raise their children around black people. They dont want the babies mother around black men. And in general bedwenches are going to have babies by white men who are doing well enough they dont have to stay in the hood. And have no attachments to any other highly populated black areas.

Black men on the other hand dont mind seeding up broke Beckys. Or simply bringing a white woman to his neck of the woods.

So basically ,biracials with black fathers are more likely to grow up around black people. There will generally be no conflict because biracials are treated as black people.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
A white woman cant birth a black baby. A white man can’t help create a black baby. They make mulattos. That’s all they can make because they are white. Acknowledging that some freedom fighters were biracial does not take away from the work they’ve done or their contributions. I’m not sure why being called what you are (half white) somehow discounts the discrimination, experiences and contributions you’ve made to support black people. All we’re saying is you can’t erase your white parent. I don’t see myself as the same as a person who has a white parent. I have two black parents. They don’t. If a biracial is black, then people with two black parents must be Blackity-black.

Biracial people have unique experiences that aren’t necessarily the same as black people anyway because of their close proximity to whiteness(in the white relatives they have, and white parent that rears them—I cant relate to that. I also can’t relate to that conflict of what to call myself, of what side to take when racist situations happen, or all the other scenarios I would be put in that are frankly unique from a black person with two black parents).

I see biracials as akin to the house slaves. And Full blacks as the field slaves. Now both are slaves right? but one group of a slaves gets special privileges and things a bit easier because they have a white parent. Biracials and blacks have similarities in experiences and sometimes even in looks, but they have a unique privilege due to their proximity to whiteness that we don’t have as Black people.

Now y’all can call biracial people black if you want, and they can identify as whatever they want, but I as a person with two black parents do not have to call them black like me, just because y’all want to.

Some Brehs like calling biracial women black for a reason lol. And I’m not mad at it, but black women ain’t wit it. That’s why more bw are speaking up and putting biracial women in a different category from us.

While I acknowledge you used the word "some". I speak for black men as a whole when I say,we reject this implication.

Because I dont think you can show where black men dont accept biracial men as black. Unless they are on the Logic,Shaun King side of the game. So its insulting to assume we are accepting biracial women,just because many black men are color struck. Two things can be true. Black men can accept biracial people as black AND be color struck.

Also on behalf of black women I reject it. The same black women who have been treating trannys and gay men as women. Suddenly dont want to accept biracial women:mjlol:?

Ive never seen black women not accept biracial women. But if you say more black women are speaking up,maybe we will hear about it soon. And I hope you question these black womens motives as well. Sure doesnt sound like you did though:sas2:


All Star
Jun 12, 2014
the Yay 510
Too many Black People pick and choose when a Biracial is Black or not.

No consistency at all.
That's what it is right there. We're quick to say you not fully black, you're mixed, stay out of black folks business. But when famous mixed folks like Tiger embraces all their different ethnicities, he's a Tom

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I know this which is why I'm leaving and lowkey find the ADOS thing funny. Like cool you got ya own label you done with cacs orrrrrr

:salute: If only a few of us make it out black people will still survive.

Other than that,soon black people in this country will be assimilated and become octaroons. The argument they are having about accepting biracials will soon be the fate of their future grand children and great grand children. And so not to have to live with the shame. I predict they will begin calling themselves Octaroonians. So that they dont have a constant reminder of who they once were. Yall better start accepting biracials. The only difference is that they will beat yall to the fully assimilated finish line.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Too many Black People pick and choose when a Biracial is Black or not.

No consistency at all.

It's literally one of my biggest issues with the Coli and a few other out there cats that I meet.
Its weird too, because to me, this is a new phenomenon from roughtly the past 15 years or so. Growing up mixed people were black...flat out. In fact, most mixed people just got called light-skinned.

Alls I know, is that mixed people for damn sure don't get lumped in with white folks. So I don't understand the hatred for it. It reeks to me of inferiority complex.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
While I acknowledge you used the word "some". I speak for black men as a whole when I say,we reject this implication.

Because I dont think you can show where black men dont accept biracial men as black. Unless they are on the Logic,Shaun King side of the game. So its insulting to assume we are accepting biracial women,just because many black men are color struck. Two things can be true. Black men can accept biracial people as black AND be color struck.

Also on behalf of black women I reject it. The same black women who have been treating trannys and gay men as women. Suddenly dont want to accept biracial women:mjlol:?

Ive never seen black women not accept biracial women. But if you say more black women are speaking up,maybe we will hear about it soon. And I hope you question these black womens motives as well. Sure doesnt sound like you did though:sas2:

I have but LITERALLY only in the past 5 years. And most of them are, and this is me being perfectly honest, bootmouths.


Jul 24, 2015
Man... f*ck this mixed up bytch. She's been answering to a white man(Her daddy) her whole life so you know it's going to be a problem when a black man try's to tell her something.

This bytch has been enjoying that "Mixed Girl Previlage" her whole life.

She.... wait... hold up. I think I may have jumped the gun. Let's hear what this sister has to say. Her mom is Black so she can't be all that bad right? Everybody deseveres a chance to be heard!!!

The whole human race is from Africa … we need to hear her out



At peace
Nov 19, 2016
While I acknowledge you used the word "some". I speak for black men as a whole when I say,we reject this implication.

Because I dont think you can show where black men dont accept biracial men as black. Unless they are on the Logic,Shaun King side of the game. So its insulting to assume we are accepting biracial women,just because many black men are color struck. Two things can be true. Black men can accept biracial people as black AND be color struck.

Also on behalf of black women I reject it. The same black women who have been treating trannys and gay men as women. Suddenly dont want to accept biracial women:mjlol:?

Ive never seen black women not accept biracial women. But if you say more black women are speaking up,maybe we will hear about it soon. And I hope you question these black womens motives as well. Sure doesnt sound like you did though:sas2:
You can speak for all if you want. I know some Brehs love calling mixed women black because it’s easier for them to get away with saying they love bw, while choosing a biracial women who has the phenotype, hair, and complexion closer to a ww. It also means Brehs who have kids with WW can call their kids black and act like they didn’t c00n it out by getting with a WW. You can deny this if you want.

I didn’t bring up mixed men, because this thread is about a biracial woman who wants to call herself black and erase her white father. This thread isn’t about biracial men.

I think black men who accept biracial women as black also accept biracial men as black, so it didn’t really need to be stated.

And yes bw are speaking out. That’s why you hear bw complaining more about biracial actresses taking roles from full bw all over social media. Bw see that biracial women—especially those who look ambiguous or white-get privileges that bw don’t get. so they don’t want biracial women being lumped in with bw, when there are some marked differences between the two.

This doesn’t mean they don’t accept biracial women altogether—many bw have biracial relatives, friends, etc. it just means that bw want it to be acknowledged that biracial women are biracial.

I myself, have plenty of biracial cousins. My son’s father has a Latina mama. I mean shyt, I don’t have an issue with biracial people. I just don’t think having one black parent and one “other” parent is the same as coming from two black parents. No other group except black people, accept mixed people as being part of their race.

white people don’t accept anyone except those with two white parents. Hapas are called that for a reason—they can’t call themselves Asian or just white. Let mixed people just be mixed.