@Sad Bunny
It only applies to type 2 diabetics.
Type 1 diabetics can’t do fasting because they have to inject high doses of insulin into their body and they can’t skip meals because of it. Skippinf/missing meals = high risks of hypoglycemia (very low blood sugar) because if you take high doses of basal insulin (long acting, slow acting daily insulin) without eating something for hours your blood sugar will be low and you will fall into hypoglycemia. And if you take rapid acting insulin(the insulin you take just before meals, it acts quickly) without eating, because it’s rapid effect insulin, your blood sugar will drop much quicker you will fall into a coma and die.
You should know that type 1 diabetes is not a metabolic disease like type2 diabetes, it’s actually an autoimmune disease diagnosed early in life during childhood/teenage/early twenties years. By comparaison , type 2 diabetics since their pancreas still produce enough insulin can keep their blood sugar stable with the additional help of healthy lifestyle, exercise, medication or diet. They don’t need insulin injections. Also When it comes to Type 1 diabetics, their overactive immune system for some reason killed all the beta cells of their pancreas the latter are called the islets of langerHans. The beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin and regulate blood sugar so because of the permanent destruction of the islets of langerHans, they can’t produce and secrete insulin, they can’t stabolize their blood sugar, so their blood sugar is rising dramatically and they cant metabolize gkycose so the body uses fats to burn energy and produce acidic ketones in your blood. It’s a deadly condition called diabetic keto acidosis, DKA. You get thirsty all the time, go to the bathroom to urinate and puss all the time, you are always hungry, You throw up, your body is losing magnesium, potassium and other electrolytes, you fall into coma, you can’t breathe, you have stomach cramps pains, lose consciousness and you slowly die.
that’s why They need high doses of insulin to survive. Without insulin, they die.