77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member

Awfully misleading in a way towards black males / black women. Throwing in the hispanic stat showing less is misleading as well and done simply to try to paint black males/women in the most negative light.

You could have a black child born to a black mother in a perfectly good relationship and since they don't happen to be 'married on paper' it's some how looked down upon because now its a 'single mother' ??


Apr 10, 2017
Shouldn't even be making anybody the mother of any children if you ain't sitting on a bag already and gettin money

Motherfukkers asking a bunch of random broke nikkas to get married to their broke girlfriends so they can "build wealth" and "provide a stable home"

If they were smart.... they would have built the wealth and provided the stable home BEFORE a baby was even born

How the fukk u gon build wealth when u broke and got a kid?? U disqualified :mjlol:

Being broke and married and trying to raise a kid living check to check is not providing any stability or building any wealth.... I don't understand how black folks think were gonna compete and build wealth by being broke and having kids... Marriage & stability dont mean shyt when u broke ..... shyt is lowkey disrespecful to your child to have them born into nothing, when other kids
are being born into big bags of money and assets..... We gon be forever losing until we stop bullshytting.

Basic common sense is lost on a lot of nikkas unfortunately....


Apr 10, 2017
I have a 20-year-old cousin who just got pregnant from a man who already has kids of his own. People told her to abort, but she's keeping the kid anyway. She was raised by her dad.

You see this man :snoop: No disrespect to your cousin fam but it's this kind of behaviour that really leads me to dislike a lot of black women it really does man.....:stopitslime:


Death to the demoness Allegra Geller
Aug 24, 2017
***When their women are Single they most are really single

Most black single mothers arent really single.. Some are, but some just aren't married.

***Plus black men are more likely to circle back around n wife a single mom


Race, Cohabitation, and Children’s Family Stability
by Laurie DeRose
  • Cohabitation patterns help explain the racial gap in the transition to marriage after a birth.TWEET THIS
  • There's a huge racial difference in the likelihood that an unmarried mother is in a cohabiting relationship, vs. being a lone mother.TWEET THIS
Black children in the United States enjoy less family stability than white children, experiencing close to twice as many family transitions—union dissolutions and partnership formations—as white children. Family instability is associated with a host of negative outcomes ranging from asthma to obesity, and from teen pregnancy to substance abuse. It is also negatively linked with fundamental predictors of success in adult life like educational attainment. For these reasons, black children’s family instability is an important part of the U.S. stratification story.

While low marriage rates among blacks can explain some of the family stability disadvantage that accrues to black children, a much more complete picture emerges from a study published in the Journal of Family and Economic Issuesthis month. The authors, Gerald Eric Daniels Jr., Venoo Kakar, and Anoshua Chaudhuri, estimate the chance that a woman who bears a child outside of marriage will marry the baby’s father within nine years. With 40% of births in U.S. occurring outside of marriage, this is an important question. Cohabitation has become common enough that despite its high dissolution rates, most long-term unions in the U.S. begin as cohabitations. While some of these convert to marriages before a child arrives, many others do not. In other words, we can’t know a child’s chances of growing up with both biological parents from partnership context at birth alone; we also need information on what happens after birth. Daniels and his colleagues found that cohabitation patterns helped explain the racial gap in the transition to marriage after a birth.

The essence of their argument can be grasped by contrasting the distribution of births between blacks and whites. Most previous work has focused on the blue slice of the pies in the figure below: 30% of black women are married at the time of childbirth, compared to 64% of white women.


Source: Child Trends Databank (2015). Births to Unmarried Women. Technical report.

Both the lighter and darker pink pie slices represent nonmarital births, and the authors draw our attention to the huge racial difference in how likely it is that an unmarried mother is in a cohabiting relationship, rather than being a lone mother. """"White women are about twice as likely to give birth within marriage than black women, and, if unmarried, are about twice as likely to be partnered as unmarried black women. So, there is no black/white racial gap in the share of all births in cohabitation (shaded in dark pink), but there is close to a four-fold difference in the share of births to lone mothers: 46% versus 12% (lighter pink).""""

""""The authors found that about 17% of black women with nonmarital births married their child’s father within nine years, versus 37% for both white and Hispanic women. In other words, the high nonmarital birth rate among black women coexists with low rates of subsequent marriage to the child’s father, a combination that adds up to a lot of black children not living full time with their biological fathers. Think of it this way: For blacks, if you add 17% of the pink share of the pie to the 30% blue slice, you have 42% of children whose mom is married to their dad at some time before their ninth birthday; for whites, adding 37% of the pink share to the 64% blue slice yields 77%. Thus, what happens after birth amplifies the advantage associated with having a greater share of marital births.""""

Children have a better chance of growing up with both parents if they start out that way.

The reason is simple: Children have a better chance of growing up with both parents if they start out that way, and a greater share of white women having nonmarital births are in cohabiting relationships (rather than being lone mothers). Even though children born to cohabiting parents see their parents split before their ninth birthday three times as often as children born to married parents do, they still have a decided advantage over children born to lone mothers: over 70% of them still live with both parents at age nine. When women who give birth outside a residential partnership later marry, they are much less likely to be marrying their child’s father. That makes sense because couples planning to raise a child together probably at least move in together during pregnancy, and those who have not made that transition by the time the baby arrives are more likely to be harboring doubts about the viability of the partnership.

Daniels and his colleagues concluded that the lower post-birth marriage rates among blacks could be explained by the lower pre-birth cohabitation rates among unmarried parents. They came close to suggesting that if black women cohabited at higher rates, part of the racial gap in children’s family stability would be closed. But they were too careful to do this because they also found that post-birth cohabitation with a different man dramatically reduced the odds of marrying the child’s biological father (hardly surprising).

I appreciated their attention to dynamics that affect children’s experience of living with both parents, but I was not convinced that in the end, we knew much more about the racial gap. Their analysis also showed that a shortage of marriageable black men (marriageability is eliminated by mortality, tremendously reduced by incarceration, and compromised by underemployment/unemployment) explained the racial gap in post-birth marriage, as did racial differences in attitudes among unmarried parents (e.g., higher levels of gender distrust among blacks). Therefore, it seems to me that when they concluded that cohabitation patterns were an important part of the story, they hadn’t taken seriously enough the idea that the same factors that dampen black marriage rates also dampen cohabitation rates—that unwed black mothers do not move in with their child’s father for many of the same reasons that they do not marry him.

Laurie DeRose is a Research Assistant Professor with the Maryland Population Research Center at the University of Maryland at College Park, where she has served since its inception in 2001. She is also Director of Research for the World Family Map project.

Editor’s Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or views of the Institute for Family Studies.

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Dec 5, 2017
You see this man :snoop: No disrespect to your cousin fam but it's this kind of behaviour that really leads me to dislike a lot of black women it really does man.....:stopitslime:
Simps are gonna be on your head for this comment.

I understand the frustration though. I think BM and BW can both do better. We both have flaws to work on as a collective. Needless to say this doesn’t apply to all BM/BW as plenty have everything together but a cultural change has to happen


Dec 16, 2015
this is not necessarily a race issue anymore, it is just the way humans are programmed, marriage is not natural. Single motherhood is rising in european countries too and it has nothing to do with aint shyt ******s, there is no longer societal pressure or financial pressure to have a two parent household. What is driving single motherhood is the fact that women will rather have a desirable/attractive guy nut in them even though they know he won't stick around if there is a baby.

Guys that already have one or two baby mamas are the ones getting women pregnant, while the less desirable guys cant get laid.

It is a race issue...

Poor people have more kids than rich people...whether it is rich nations or rich people within a nation. When you are in poverty you don't got some sort of long-term orientation to decide what you gonna do with your life. You fukk, have a kid, raise the kid.

Black people are a poor group of people...worldwide...

Meaning we are creating scores of young people with no opportunities and there ain't enough old people to support them...or we are aborting millions of babies...

This leads to crime, mental illness and overall societal corruption.

European countries got a 100 times better welfare system.

White women being single mother out of divorce or separation or for fun...

Black folks don't even get married...

And the reason why many people don't get married anymore isn't because it isn't "natural"

It is because we can't afford it...

Marriage cost money

Relationships cost money...

The real wages haven't gone up in 50 years...

We can't afford marriage like we used to...


All Star
Jun 6, 2014
I think illegitimate is bad terminology but anyways this is like the new normal, my cousin bout to have a kid no father in sight:yeshrug:

I do think it's kinda dumb though, cause having kids is a gamble, and putting your kids in the best possible situation is like betting with good odds. But people gonna do what they gonna do