77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

Wear My Dawg's Hat

Nov 18, 2016
The Land That Time Forgot
Breh, I've made a thread about everything welfare/government assistance does to harm our community and I was immediately branded a republican and a cac.

Ain't no use in having these types of conversations with those who are in their feelings or looking to deflect onto whites (who are in a completely different socioeconomic stratosphere).

Unfortunately, it is the "Stockholm Syndrome" in play for a good number of black males.

Many of the fiercest defenders of the government-subsidized, 50+ years matriarchy in our community are black males ourselves (not black men...).

Some of us are "in our feelings" or in emotional/psychological internal turmoil, over having to cope with our marginalized status in "I don't need no man" households and localities.

So we over-compensate by assertively defending the female-led structures that "raised" us (or for too
many, didn't raise us).

In fact, I find a good number of black women, mostly married mothers and single women raised with
their fathers in the household, more willing to criticize and advocate against the matriarchy than
the copious amount of damaged black males who are its supporters.

Wear My Dawg's Hat

Nov 18, 2016
The Land That Time Forgot
This is from seven years ago, and the oow number has increased.

Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate

Debate is growing in and outside the black community
on how to address the rising issue


Dr. Natalie Carroll

updated 11/7/2010 11:06:05 AM ET

HOUSTON — One recent day at Dr. Natalie Carroll's OB-GYN practice, located inside a low-income apartment complex tucked between a gas station and a freeway, 12 pregnant black women come for consultations. Some bring their children or their mothers. Only one brings a husband.

Things move slowly here. Women sit shoulder-to-shoulder in the narrow waiting room, sometimes for more than an hour. Carroll does not rush her mothers in and out. She wants her babies born as healthy as possible, so Carroll spends time talking to the mothers about how they should care for themselves, what she expects them to do — and why they need to get married.

Seventy-two percent of black babies are born to unmarried mothers today, according to government statistics. This number is inseparable from the work of Carroll, an obstetrician who has dedicated her 40-year career to helping black women.

"The girls don't think they have to get married. I tell them children deserve a mama and a daddy. They really do,"
Carroll says from behind the desk of her office, which has cushioned pink-and-green armchairs, bars on the windows, and a wooden "LOVE" carving between two African figurines. Diamonds circle Carroll's ring finger.

As the issue of black unwed parenthood inches into public discourse, Carroll is among the few speaking boldly about it. And as a black woman who has brought thousands of babies into the world, who has sacrificed income to serve Houston's poor, Carroll is among the few whom black women will actually listen to.

"A mama can't give it all. And neither can a daddy, not by themselves," Carroll says. "Part of the reason is because you can only give that which you have. A mother cannot give all that a man can give. A truly involved father figure offers more fullness to a child's life."

Read more at: Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
I'm convinced most of the "men" on this site have very limited dealings with women. Have you ever sat down and went over a woman's finances with her? Not just seeing what cool stuff she has, actually going over the dollars and cents.

Women are HORRIBLE with money. Not all, but a huge majority. Every year a large number of lower income single mothers receive anywhere from 3500 to almost $10000 from the child tax credit. By June most of that money is gone, spent on high end clothing, cars they really can't afford (and will soon be repo'd), traveling (cruises), and partying. All while their credit remains shot and no tangible assets are brought. These same women will go on to squeak by the rest of the year with next to nothing. That money could be used to clean up credit, put a down payment on an affordable house, or put into an IRA to give their kids a leg up when they become adults.

Fun fact: My son used to live with his mother for his first 5 years. Each of those years passed without any moves being made. She was still in the same trailer (that she moved into after we broke up), credit still shot, no tangible assets. My first year with the boy, I filed him on my taxes and with the money I got back, I completely cleaned up my credit (raised it over 200 points in a year), and established my savings to a point where it hasn't dipped beneath since. The credit helped me make other moves. I have a line of credit sufficient enough to start most any venture I can think of without ever setting foot in the bank.

Now I know the poorer women get the most shyt, but the "educated" women are worse. They graduate college after ruining their credit and carrying a ton of student loan debt. Now common sense would tell you that they should probably live modestly until that debt and credit sorts itself out. Nah. As soon as they get the good job they rent a place in a neighborhood they can barely afford, they buy the dream car that they "deserve" and pay double digit interest for the privilege. When they finally pay down enough debt to buy a house, you best believe it's gonna be at least 50 to 60k over what they realistically should be buying.

I think a lot of the dudes on this site grew up in situation 2. Hell i did too, even though I had a father ma dukes made more money therefore she did what she wanted. You get so caught up in seeing her professional accomplishments and material things and it never occurs to look at the balance sheet. I know so many young women and men who thought they were getting a nice inheritance, only to find out momma died with like 50 grand left on the house, maxed out credit cards, and a car note.

At this point it is what it is. Y'all can keep deflecting and making excuses, but business men know. I know a guy who makes a killing every year buying flooded luxury cars like benzes and Lexus at auction and flipping them at tax time. He literally only "works" from february to July. Weak men allow this too and business Davy people account for that, e.g. the club owner who let's women in for free so that thirsty dudes can spend their whole check on bottle service to impress them.

If we can't be honest about this game we're playing, we'll never win.

Reason why I stop making appearances in threads like these and why I don't fukk with a lot of folks on here like I used to.

That thread I made about Trump getting ready to cut down on Section 8 made me open my eyes to some of the backwards ass thinking that prevails in the community.
Facts. I'm coming to terms with the fact that nikkas are way to emotional to honestly discuss or condemn anything in the black community that may hit a little close to home for them personally. Whats worse is they'll defend BULLshyt in the most disingenuous manner (deflecting, labeling, excuses) instead of admitting to obvious culpability and downside. Basically dudes on here will go to any length to argue something they know is wrong because they in they feelings just like the females that raised them.

Just deflection and excuses. These dudes will viciously condemn black christians, black multiculturalists, "hoteps", interracial daters, pc black people, concious rappers etc

But :cape: for gangs, drugs, welfare lifestyles, single motherhood, violent rap music, murders who are black etc

fukkin clowns

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
It's a lot of talk in here about black fathers still being involved and i don't deny that some are. I coparent my damn self
But the numbers for poverty and education level don't really suggest that there is a strong stable environment for our kids, which is what you would expect . so either these numbers are closer to being real or we as a whole are doing a shytty job of getting out of last place social economically. (probably some combination of both)
marriage thrives in poorer places than america

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
:comeon::duck: @ the responses in this thread.

Are you all, after the constant complaining about a lack of fathers in the black community being at epidemic levels on this board, honestly saying that it's not really that big of a deal because of this article? :why::lebrondahell:

"This is all CAC propaganda", "Unmarried doesn't mean single", "Black birthrates are in the negative" :russ::dead::dead: Y'all really trying to spin this?


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
Finally. Someone with sense enough to finally look at the whole pucture.

Yes. The black oow birthrate is high compared to wypipo. But the constant repeating of the 70+% is more about deflecting on the steep rise of oow wyte births.

The same thing is done with abortion stats. In raw numbers, blacks and wytes have about the number of abortions per day. But because we are less than 20% of the population you would think all black women do is get abortions. Totally leaving out stats about access and socioeconimics.

I encourage everyone to read the actual study here
@MansaMusa catches a lot of this crap too.

When you read and analyze it you realize these howlers

No it didn't. The Health Stats only track Hispanic/Non-Hispanic origin and nonresident/resident status. You can say non-resident is immigrant but there is still something funny with the numbers as I will explain shortly.

In the article OP quote, the nonimmigrant Black birth number is 477,742. In Table 1 of the health stats linked in the first line of this post, the total birth number of Blacks, including only US residents, is 640,079. Even if we include the number of immigrant Black births in the OP article of 89,252 we still fall short of this number. So they are shrinking the denominator somehow to inflate the result.

Even more at 640,079 being the "native" Black births, the total (all Black regardless of residency) unmarried births are 448,531 which give an unmarried birth rate of 70%. If you split hairs and look only at Non-Hispanic Blacks, the total births are 589,047 and unmarried births are 415,589 giving a ratio of 70.5%. Since 640,079 only includes resident Blacks, if you take out nonresidents from the 448k the number only gets smaller and the unmarried rate goes down

Something smells fishy
The only way I got about 77% (76% to be exact) was to use the total unmarried births of all Blacks at 448,531 and divide it by the total births of non-Hispanic Blacks to get 76%.:wtb:
Note the 30% rate for Whites is what you get if you do it the right way including all Whites for births/unmarried births or just non-Hispanic Whites for births/unmarried births. If they used all White unmarried births and divide it by non-Hispanic White population you get close to 50% which is a suspect number just like the 77%.

The real rates are about 70% for Blacks, 30% for Whites. With Blacks even if you exclude Hispanic Blacks you get similar data.

Even if they downloaded the 5GB of dataset that these numbers come from, there is still a huge gap in the total Black births they account for. It doesn't tie and it should.


Being married I obviously support it but a couple of facts people should know:

The percentage of children to unmarried women in the Black community has been around 70% for about 20 years.

The rise of children to unmarried women in the Black community was not largely driven by poor women having more kids. Poor womens' fertility has been falling for a generation. What happened is married fertility (among Blacks) fell even faster so the proportion of kids out of marriage is about 1/2 the consequence of married people having few or no kids.

Also despite unmarried births, Census reports 41% of Black kids grow up in 2 parent homes. Not perfect by far but not the 30% or less you think.

The trumpeting of our unfortunately high unmarried birth rate is a bit of a smokescreen. We have been there 20 years at the same rate while in the same time Whites have gone from about 10% to 30%--a 3x increase. The rate is lower but they are the ones gaining on us. Misery loves company:smugbiden:

:ufdup:And no i don't have kids, so its not a deflection.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
When I was a kid, living in Congo, every time a guy impregnated a woman, her whole family used to bring her to the guy's family and he was obliged to marry her. It was always like that. They used to do it in the morning with a mob so everybody can see what's going on.

Back then, I didn't understand the idea behind it. When I grew up, I understood.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
When I was a kid, living in Congo, every time a guy impregnated a woman, her whole family used to bring her to the guy's family and he was obliged to marry her. It was always like that. They used to do it in the morning with a mob so everybody can see what's going on.

Back then, I didn't understand the idea behind it. When I grew up, I understood.

It's how its supposed to be. Or else you have clowns getting 5 women pregnant and getting mad because no other man wants them. We used to do that here. I don't know what happened.

Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012
I'm convinced most of the "men" on this site have very limited dealings with women. Have you ever sat down and went over a woman's finances with her? Not just seeing what cool stuff she has, actually going over the dollars and cents.

Women are HORRIBLE with money. Not all, but a huge majority. Every year a large number of lower income single mothers receive anywhere from 3500 to almost $10000 from the child tax credit. By June most of that money is gone, spent on high end clothing, cars they really can't afford (and will soon be repo'd), traveling (cruises), and partying. All while their credit remains shot and no tangible assets are brought. These same women will go on to squeak by the rest of the year with next to nothing. That money could be used to clean up credit, put a down payment on an affordable house, or put into an IRA to give their kids a leg up when they become adults.

Fun fact: My son used to live with his mother for his first 5 years. Each of those years passed without any moves being made. She was still in the same trailer (that she moved into after we broke up), credit still shot, no tangible assets. My first year with the boy, I filed him on my taxes and with the money I got back, I completely cleaned up my credit (raised it over 200 points in a year), and established my savings to a point where it hasn't dipped beneath since. The credit helped me make other moves. I have a line of credit sufficient enough to start most any venture I can think of without ever setting foot in the bank.

Now I know the poorer women get the most shyt, but the "educated" women are worse. They graduate college after ruining their credit and carrying a ton of student loan debt. Now common sense would tell you that they should probably live modestly until that debt and credit sorts itself out. Nah. As soon as they get the good job they rent a place in a neighborhood they can barely afford, they buy the dream car that they "deserve" and pay double digit interest for the privilege. When they finally pay down enough debt to buy a house, you best believe it's gonna be at least 50 to 60k over what they realistically should be buying.

I think a lot of the dudes on this site grew up in situation 2. Hell i did too, even though I had a father ma dukes made more money therefore she did what she wanted. You get so caught up in seeing her professional accomplishments and material things and it never occurs to look at the balance sheet. I know so many young women and men who thought they were getting a nice inheritance, only to find out momma died with like 50 grand left on the house, maxed out credit cards, and a car note.

At this point it is what it is. Y'all can keep deflecting and making excuses, but business men know. I know a guy who makes a killing every year buying flooded luxury cars like benzes and Lexus at auction and flipping them at tax time. He literally only "works" from february to July. Weak men allow this too and business Davy people account for that, e.g. the club owner who let's women in for free so that thirsty dudes can spend their whole check on bottle service to impress them.

If we can't be honest about this game we're playing, we'll never win.

Thank you breh:salute:

Facts. I'm coming to terms with the fact that nikkas are way to emotional to honestly discuss or condemn anything in the black community that may hit a little close to home for them personally. Whats worse is they'll defend BULLshyt in the most disingenuous manner (deflecting, labeling, excuses) instead of admitting to obvious culpability and downside. Basically dudes on here will go to any length to argue something they know is wrong because they in they feelings just like the females that raised them.

Just deflection and excuses. These dudes will viciously condemn black christians, black multiculturalists, "hoteps", interracial daters, pc black people, concious rappers etc

But :cape: for gangs, drugs, welfare lifestyles, single motherhood, violent rap music, murders who are black etc

fukkin clowns


Lazy Migrant

Apr 2, 2015
@NoChill Jones You keep using exceptions rather than the rule, whether it be discussing co-parenting vs single mothers or the fact that some religious people do very bad things. As other posters have said very eloquently, co-parenting is just not as effective as married households. Plus co-parenting has such a loose definition. If the dad sees the kid once a week and buys clothes and food for them, is that co-parenting? They're both sharing duties but it's not comparable to a two parent household.

And religion has shyt to do with values. Morality does...and plenty of immorality runs rampant in religious and non religious sects

Religion absolutely has to do with values, in addition to other things. It's been the leading influencer of morality for the past few centuries. Where do you think people in our community have gotten morality lesson and inspiration from? It hasn't been Henry David Thoreau, Ayn Rand, or whoever else, it's been the Bible or the Quran.

We lead in crime? Is this all crimes...are you a criminal...how many criminals do you know? That statement is ridiculous....

The crimes that get people convicted. I don't want to get bogged down in a debate about crime rates because it's complex and the topic is Out-of-wedlock births.

Like I said marriage is down country wide...people just don't believe in the institution anymore...with that stated kids born out of wedlock means absolute shyt. You can't determine the amount of parents who co parent...have joint custody...raise kids together....all you have is bullshyt assumption...

But what you don't realize is were both using assumptions. You're preferring to use rosy assumptions where most of those kids have both parents active in their lives. I don't believe that's helpful or productive. As a matter of fact, from your comments it doesn't even seem you think 77% out-of-wedlock birth is a problem. :dahell:

Stop worrying about old archaic shyt like marriage first and foremost....white peoples numbers are worse than ours.....get more information on co parenting in the black community...stop letting Whitey tell us what our problems are....confront thier racist bullshyt and stop looking down on your own damn people

Not looking down on anyone. I, like many posters in this thread want to improve our situation in this country. The first step in fixing a problem is identifying it. If we can't even identify that 77% out-of-wedlock birthrate is a problem then were doomed.


Dec 16, 2015
marriage thrives in poorer places than america

But those marriages in the East aren't based on Love and those marriages actually last longer
Why an arranged marriage 'is more likely to develop into lasting love' | Daily Mail Online

Does love last longer in arranged marriages?

The West since the spread of Christianity instituted the Love Marriage as the default form of coupling for human beings over here.

So nobody marries to create stability or homes...people marry for love...which is fukking stupid btw because emotions change. Marriage for love is idiotic.

Marriage has always been an economic institution and a kinship institution.

And in the USA...wealth is created by owning your home.

nikkas don't seem to understand that. The way you make wealth in the USA as an average person, since the Great Depression is through homeownership.

So if you are not marrying the parent of child and living with them and you are renting seperately ...and you two are taking care of a kid together...what the fukk are you gonna pass down?

And god forbid that you have more than one kid with another person...

Some things are fukking stupid.

Not marrying the person you had a kid with is stupid as fukk from an economic point of view. You are ruining your kids life because on average a kid growing up with his or her parents married has several economic advantages over children that don't. Their mothers have several economic advantages. Their mothers are more educated, which means most likely your kid will be educated. Educate = above average income.

I see the advantages all the time because I have nikkas in my family that grew up without their parents sticking together and my life is way better than theirs.
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2016
Which is why I corrected myself.

Point is, your opinion that black men needs to be the focus is dumb as fukk when you take into account that 78% of black men live with their child.

The focus should be why such a large percentage of these woman don't have a man in the house if only a small percent of black men aren't in the picture.
Some may due to women sleeping with the same men. If 4 women have a child by one man...how can he be a full time father to all his children.


More chune for your headtop ehh
Apr 4, 2017
Some may due to women sleeping with the same men. If 4 women have a child by one man...how can he be a full time father to all his children.
This highlights the issue of oversexualization in not just the black community but all communities are affected by this hook up culture it's just that as black people we have been brainwashed into thinking we can do whatever with our bodies and not respecting it as a temple men are raised and seeing their moms bringing different guys every week the daughters see this too and subconsciously that behavior will rub off on kids being irresponsible is a detriment to not just you but the people around you but the issue is with this particular aspect you are asking people to a. Select better mates to have sex and build families with or b. Be abstinent until marriage now we all know that both of those solutions are far fetched so this is why we are in this perpetual state


Dec 16, 2015
This highlights the issue of oversexualization in not just the black community but all communities are affected by this hook up culture it's just that as black people we have been brainwashed into thinking we can do whatever with our bodies and not respecting it as a temple men are raised and seeing their moms bringing different guys every week the daughters see this too and subconsciously that behavior will rub off on kids being irresponsible is a detriment to not just you but the people around you but the issue is with this particular aspect you are asking people to a. Select better mates to have sex and build families with or b. Be abstinent until marriage now we all know that both of those solutions are far fetched so this is why we are in this perpetual state

It's not the hookup culture, we actually have less sex than previous generations.
Millennials are having less sex than any generation in 60 years. Here’s why it matters.

It's the lack of sex education and the lack of educational/health safety nets in poorer communities.

Cause unintended pregnancy and out of wedlock birth is an epidemic in our population.

Wealthier populations and higher educated populations don't have anywhere near the same rates. Which is why White people are being replaced worldwide by people of color.

When you have a bunch of young people that are impoverished, they tend to reproduce a lot.

They don't have access to reproductive education and healthcare and poverty tends to make you do stupid shyt.
Your Brain on Poverty: Why Poor People Seem to Make Bad Decisions

In August, Science published a landmark study concluding that poverty, itself, hurts our ability to make decisions about school, finances, and life, imposing a mental burden similar to losing 13 IQ points.