77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Just from a resource and time management efficiency standpoint, the
married, wife-mother/husband-father family structure consistently provides
better direct and community outcomes for children
than the single-mother/single-grandmother
headed family structure that is disproportionate in our community.

Married couple w/children: expenses to support one home; coordinated schedules; sharing of household duties; both parents available to directly nurture studies in the evening and morning; children have in-house male and female gender balance; cooperative relationship modeling in-house; two sets of biologically-related extended family members available for child care

Unmarried couple w/children (including out of wedlock and divorce): usually need expenses to support two (or more) separate residences; uncoordinated schedules; separate household duties; only one parent on-site to nurture studies in the evening and morning (if not at work); children have single gender presence; single-parent rule in-house; legal fees and arrangements needed for custody, support, visitation matters; usually single mother's extended family available for child care

Its just that simple.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I will say this although it goes against the core and common beliefs of the majority of Coli members.

Do NOT have children out of wedlock!


Regardless of race or nationality.

The easiest way to destroy your life as well as the life of another human (child), is to have a baby out of wedlock.

Marriage is the business of committment. If you cannot commit to the dedication of time and resources to a woman and offspring

you have no business having a kid. PERIOD.

Facts. Not one situation of people that I know who have kids OOW, ever had a good outcome. Child support, playing hot potato with the kid's life, not being around in critical moments of the kids life, and family situation all around shady.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The amount of excuses in here is very lame.

I was born in wedlock and raised in a 2 parent household. Not an accident baby. Both my parents married. Both loved me to the fullest.

It internally taught me the value of an invested copartnership.

This shouldn't be an anomaly.

Anyone trying to say this shouldn't be the norm are just lying to themselves to mask the pain of dysfunction.

This day and age, people who aren't engaged in dysfunction, often get criticized and even get stared at, simply cause they want to continue society's progression. :hhh:


Nov 19, 2013
I don't like the classification of illegimate child because the parents aren't married. Plenty of black fathers be in the picture whether they on good terms with they baby mom or not. It just feels like a BS stat to demonize black people, in particular black women for not living up to a Christian standard.
I agree with everything except for the Christian part.

Don't try to blame Christians for this. The main people who bash women for having oow kids are not even religious. Which is another reason why it doesn't make sense for them to care about marriage so much when marriage and religion are involved with eachother. Those are also the same ones who are pro abortion.

They don't give af about being Christian. They just don't want to look bad in the eyes of white people. They "don't want to be a statistic". Is always the reason.

Lazy Migrant

Apr 2, 2015
Breh why are you bringing religion into this?

Because religion has a lot to do with values. Crime, poverty, less education, at least you can make the argument that racism plays a part. But who can be blamed for such high out-of-wedlock births?

Look at some of these pew poll numbers regarding religion in America by ethnicity.
Religious Landscape Study

How can we be so much more religious than other races, yet have 77% out-of-wedlock birthrate, in addition to leading in crime, etc. Something just isn't adding up.

And marriage dont have shyt to do with crime.

The topic was mothers giving birth at an extremely high rate. Let's pretend we took a poll of American prisoners (men and women) you don't think prisoners raised in a single parent household would be significantly overrepresented? I do.

Fatherhood does not go away simply because of non marriage. There are plenty of black fathers outside the household....

Sure, there are good fathers outside of the home. I'd put my own brother in that category. But what the point of mentioning that. Do you think ot all 477, 752

77% out-of-wedlock birthrate is really really bad breh. I know some of you om this board are not big into religion but I'd be interested in how you would go about getting this rate lower.

EDIT: meant to ask "Do you think ot all 477,752 of AfrAm kids born out-of-wedlock in 2015 are being successfully co-parented?"
Last edited:


May 7, 2012
I'm convinced most of the "men" on this site have very limited dealings with women. Have you ever sat down and went over a woman's finances with her? Not just seeing what cool stuff she has, actually going over the dollars and cents.

Women are HORRIBLE with money. Not all, but a huge majority. Every year a large number of lower income single mothers receive anywhere from 3500 to almost $10000 from the child tax credit. By June most of that money is gone, spent on high end clothing, cars they really can't afford (and will soon be repo'd), traveling (cruises), and partying. All while their credit remains shot and no tangible assets are brought. These same women will go on to squeak by the rest of the year with next to nothing. That money could be used to clean up credit, put a down payment on an affordable house, or put into an IRA to give their kids a leg up when they become adults.

Fun fact: My son used to live with his mother for his first 5 years. Each of those years passed without any moves being made. She was still in the same trailer (that she moved into after we broke up), credit still shot, no tangible assets. My first year with the boy, I filed him on my taxes and with the money I got back, I completely cleaned up my credit (raised it over 200 points in a year), and established my savings to a point where it hasn't dipped beneath since. The credit helped me make other moves. I have a line of credit sufficient enough to start most any venture I can think of without ever setting foot in the bank.

Now I know the poorer women get the most shyt, but the "educated" women are worse. They graduate college after ruining their credit and carrying a ton of student loan debt. Now common sense would tell you that they should probably live modestly until that debt and credit sorts itself out. Nah. As soon as they get the good job they rent a place in a neighborhood they can barely afford, they buy the dream car that they "deserve" and pay double digit interest for the privilege. When they finally pay down enough debt to buy a house, you best believe it's gonna be at least 50 to 60k over what they realistically should be buying.

I think a lot of the dudes on this site grew up in situation 2. Hell i did too, even though I had a father ma dukes made more money therefore she did what she wanted. You get so caught up in seeing her professional accomplishments and material things and it never occurs to look at the balance sheet. I know so many young women and men who thought they were getting a nice inheritance, only to find out momma died with like 50 grand left on the house, maxed out credit cards, and a car note.

At this point it is what it is. Y'all can keep deflecting and making excuses, but business men know. I know a guy who makes a killing every year buying flooded luxury cars like benzes and Lexus at auction and flipping them at tax time. He literally only "works" from february to July. Weak men allow this too and business Davy people account for that, e.g. the club owner who let's women in for free so that thirsty dudes can spend their whole check on bottle service to impress them.

If we can't be honest about this game we're playing, we'll never win.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
But but but white people do it too.

It became impossible to have a conversation with black people solely based on principles. They have to bring white people in.
Well white folk taught most black people everything they know, especially in America, so this defense mechanism shouldn't be shocking.
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Mar 23, 2017
I'm convinced most of the "men" on this site have very limited dealings with women. Have you ever sat down and went over a woman's finances with her? Not just seeing what cool stuff she has, actually going over the dollars and cents.

Women are HORRIBLE with money. Not all, but a huge majority. Every year a large number of lower income single mothers receive anywhere from 3500 to almost $10000 from the child tax credit. By June most of that money is gone, spent on high end clothing, cars they really can't afford (and will soon be repo'd), traveling (cruises), and partying. All while their credit remains shot and no tangible assets are brought. These same women will go on to squeak by the rest of the year with next to nothing. That money could be used to clean up credit, put a down payment on an affordable house, or put into an IRA to give their kids a leg up when they become adults.

Fun fact: My son used to live with his mother for his first 5 years. Each of those years passed without any moves being made. She was still in the same trailer (that she moved into after we broke up), credit still shot, no tangible assets. My first year with the boy, I filed him on my taxes and with the money I got back, I completely cleaned up my credit (raised it over 200 points in a year), and established my savings to a point where it hasn't dipped beneath since. The credit helped me make other moves. I have a line of credit sufficient enough to start most any venture I can think of without ever setting foot in the bank.

Now I know the poorer women get the most shyt, but the "educated" women are worse. They graduate college after ruining their credit and carrying a ton of student loan debt. Now common sense would tell you that they should probably live modestly until that debt and credit sorts itself out. Nah. As soon as they get the good job they rent a place in a neighborhood they can barely afford, they buy the dream car that they "deserve" and pay double digit interest for the privilege. When they finally pay down enough debt to buy a house, you best believe it's gonna be at least 50 to 60k over what they realistically should be buying.

I think a lot of the dudes on this site grew up in situation 2. Hell i did too, even though I had a father ma dukes made more money therefore she did what she wanted. You get so caught up in seeing her professional accomplishments and material things and it never occurs to look at the balance sheet. I know so many young women and men who thought they were getting a nice inheritance, only to find out momma died with like 50 grand left on the house, maxed out credit cards, and a car note.

At this point it is what it is. Y'all can keep deflecting and making excuses, but business men know. I know a guy who makes a killing every year buying flooded luxury cars like benzes and Lexus at auction and flipping them at tax time. He literally only "works" from february to July. Weak men allow this too and business Davy people account for that, e.g. the club owner who let's women in for free so that thirsty dudes can spend their whole check on bottle service to impress them.

If we can't be honest about this game we're playing, we'll never win.

Japanese, Filipinas are some of the most fiscally responsible Women I have encountered. Filipinas are extremely low maintenance and don't demand much more than a hard dikk, respect for their parents and exclusivity. The only downside to them is they absolutely hate sharing but they will be as submissive and satisfy any fetish you have to keep the relationship fresh.

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
Breh, I've made a thread about everything welfare/government assistance does to harm our community and I was immediately branded a republican and a cac.

Ain't no use in having these types of conversations with those who are in their feelings or looking to deflect onto whites (who are in a completely different socioeconomic stratosphere).


Reason why I stop making appearances in threads like these and why I don't fukk with a lot of folks on here like I used to.

That thread I made about Trump getting ready to cut down on Section 8 made me open my eyes to some of the backwards ass thinking that prevails in the community.


President, BYNKRadio.com (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
The study just shows that most of us guys are down with the #GMB lifestyle and understand how necessary it is for our community.



Feb 2, 2016
Because religion has a lot to do with values. Crime, poverty, less education, at least you can make the argument that racism plays a part. But who can be blamed for such high out-of-wedlock births?

Look at some of these pew poll numbers regarding religion in America by ethnicity.
Religious Landscape Study

How can we be so much more religious than other races, yet have 77% out-of-wedlock birthrate, in addition to leading in crime, etc. Something just isn't adding up.

The topic was mothers giving birth at an extremely high rate. Let's pretend we took a poll of American prisoners (men and women) you don't think prisoners raised in a single parent household would be significantly overrepresented? I do.

Sure, there are good fathers outside of the home. I'd put my own brother in that category. But what the point of mentioning that. Do you think ot all 477, 752

77% out-of-wedlock birthrate is really really bad breh. I know some of you om this board are not big into religion but I'd be interested in how you would go about getting this rate lower.

We lead in crime? Is this all crimes...are you a criminal...how many criminals do you know? That statement is ridiculous.....And religion has shyt to do with values. Morality does...and plenty of immorality runs rampant in religious and non religious sects

Like I said marriage is down country wide...people just don't believe in the institution anymore...with that stated kids born out of wedlock means absolute shyt. You can't determine the amount of parents who co parent...have joint custody...raise kids together....all you have is bullshyt assumption...

Stop worrying about old archaic shyt like marriage first and foremost....white peoples numbers are worse than ours.....get more information on co parenting in the black community...stop letting Whitey tell us what our problems are....confront thier racist bullshyt and stop looking down on your own damn people

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
damn it went up from 70% a decade ago to 77%

and if you honed in that stat to concentrated black communities, the number went up to 90%

i bet it's damn near 100% now :francis: