Tenchi Ryu
Ashtray B!tch
One person does, yes.Do you need an internet connection to play the shared game?
In order to gameshare, one person will need to be constantly connected to the internet and signed in to verify you own the game. The other person who you are sharing your library with won't need internet access because this process made their xbox/ps4/switch your HOME console meaning MS/Sony/etc believe their console is your main home console.
For me, internet is never off in my place and always in use...and in rare causes of internet outage those only last about 15-20 mins tops. So if you got the internet running all day in your home its a great option. And the reason Xbox PS4 and switch gamesharing is better than Steam's is cause unlike on computer, you can both play the same game at the same time with this, this is great for coop games, only one copy for both to play.
I got about 600 games this generation cause for all of them I've only had to pay half while my brother paid the other half. And it gets even more ridiculous when a game goes on sale...even that sale price getting split