omg.. Breh this is sooo true. This crap happen to me 2 weeks ago.
We were moving one of our environments to the cloud and so we needed to install SQL Server Management Studio on our PC because RDP'ing in wasn't going to work.
End of my day, I write an email w/ instructions on how to install it.
1.) Go to MS website, install it. Here's the URL to connect to the DB. etc.
Next day I come in. Within 5 minutes, one of them ping me. saying they can't open the program. So i'm like ok. It took me no more than 10 minutes to download & install.
Setup a Webex and asked them to screen share.
Ask them to open the program so I can see what error she was getting.
Come to find out, she installed it the first time but kept clicking on the setup.exe and she was getting the Repair/Uninstall message.
I'm like wtf. Go to your Start menu and open the program from there, you already installed it

Come on. You shouldn't even have to google something like that( but at least you could of done that ). This is some Intro to Computers BS. lol.
I didn't think I had to tell you to go to your start menu and open it in my email. Geez