[4/03/16] WWE Wrestlemania XXXII - Live from Dallas Texas!


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
So I was watching with an international audience of about 100 people, here is what I took from their reactions.

IC match: they popped for Zayn and Owens and didn't make no noise for anyone else that came out, when Ryder won it was met with a :manny: I guess he deserved it/it's about time type of response..

AJ/Y2J: they popped for both but AJ got the bigger reaction, Y2J was cheered when he won but only cause of who he is..

Brock/Ambrose: again you have a legend and a face both got cheered but the win seemed like it was nothing special

Women's match: they popped big when the new title was announced, Sasha got the biggest reaction, and when Charlotte won it was met with silence..

Taker/Shane: same reactions everyone had

BAttle royal: Silence, and a slight pop when Corbin won but only cause he new

The rock: you already know, same for Austin, The biggest pop of the night was when Cena came out tho
And HHH/ Roman: HHH was cheered louder on entrance but they popped big when roman won

Aside for their love of Roman they reacted pretty much the same way I did, meaning even the prototypical wwe universe pretty much likes what we like.. so who is wwe catering to with the these booking decisions? Why isn't the most over guys winning at mania? Why give Y2J that victory,why choose now of all times to show Ryder some love, when it was obvious we wanted Zayn or KO to win? Why have Charlotte retain after that amazing match, she ain't need that win, it was all just so underwhelming.. Why wasn't the stakes equally high for taker to win, Shane being off tv and fake disowned is nothing we haven't been seeing the last 8 years.. Whatever I give this show a C, you can't let nxt takeover be better than mania of all shows... After raw there is no interest outside of the Women's division anymore

Yayo Toure

Mighty Man City
May 23, 2012
I don't understand dudes who are Baron Corbin fans.... nothing about him is impressive.... and his promos aren't really promos, they are just shoots of his entitlement because he really does think he's the most talented dude in NXT...when in reality he's bottom tier in NXT in terms of talent.


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
Wow, what an incredible show. Every year I think the WWE can't do a better job of raising the bar, and every year they do. There's not a better show in entertainment in terms of spectacle and emotion than Wrestlemania. It's impossible to pick one moment that stands out, because everything was amazing.

If you didn't get chance to watch the show go to WWE.com and set up your WWE Network subscription today, so you can start watching the replay immediately and enjoying the phenomenon that is Wrestlemania. Trust me, you don't want to miss this spectacular event.



Atlanta to LA living
Jul 14, 2015
IC ladder match was good. not mad they gave the belt to ryder. dude has been fukked over for so long he deserved to have a good mania moment. and he cut a decent post match promo.

jericho ruined the match with aj. dude is just too slow to keep up and looked awful out there. match was so-so but him winning made zero sense. this could have been so much more but y2j is clearly not as good in the ring with faster paced opponents.

new days entrance was great and the austin/hbk/foley nostalgia run in was fun to watch but the actual match was asscheeks and did no favors. that match made NONE of the people in it look good.

lesnar/ambrose was solid but severely underwhelming. wwe wasted a month of good build for a limp dikk match. don't even care that dean did the job, just that this looked to be the match of the night and ended up being a dud.

the women's title match was great. about as good as you could expect it to be considering that all the people in it have strong track records. they seemed like one of the few folks who came into wrestlemania with intensity and were willing to put on a great match.

undertaker and shane was unbearable to watch. i came in with low expectations but the ending and the ring work was godawful and dinosaur-like. it was basically a twenty minute waiting game to see shane do one big spot that wasn't even that impressive when it happened. i would never watch this match again

andre the giant battle royale was garbage jobber fodder but at least baron corbin won. glad to see him get SOMETHING. he's come a long way

the rock segment was shyt. i love the rock but this did no favors for anyone involved

main event was average for a B show. had no business closing out the biggest event in WWE history (those :duck: about 100,000+ being there is downright insulting to my intelligence) roman got his big jerkoff win and nothing of value was acquired for the whole damn night. truly awful booking that's totally in line with what i've come to expect from wwe's GENIUS writing staff

this show was D grade and I say that GENEROUSLY. i was optimistic that if most of the card delivered that it wouldn't be nearly as terrible as people had come to expect but wwe came through and gave the fans a show that wouldn't even be considered substandard. the bottom of the barrel was scraped bone dry
Breh there wasnt a empty seat in the building from what i could see most def the most people I've personally seen at a mania and for a sporting event which i go to alot of football games it was packed def 100k there


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I seriously feel like that was number one priority over actually having a good show this year..
Aug 14, 2015
Can someone please explain to me what the hell was Michael Cole talking about when he said there was no rope break in a triple threat match.

I literally had the :what: face when he said that. Since when was this???:why:

A little less than 2 minutes later and the ref broke up a submission hold because Sasha was underneath the ropes.:mjlol:

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
I seriously feel like that was number one priority over actually having a good show this year..
that's always the case. I've thought about the show since it ended, and save for shane, the triple threat, the ladder match, and new day, this show sucked. nothing that makes me feel good about the future any more than the way 22 and 23 ended did. cancelled my subscription a half an hour ago, and I don't think that i'll regret this choice. how many times have the wyatts been jobbed out now? LON too. multiple losses in the feud doesn't help aj. turning roman into cena 2.0 is bad for everyone. there are 0 full time main event wrestlers who are over right now.
May 30, 2015
Breh there wasnt a empty seat in the building from what i could see most def the most people I've personally seen at a mania and for a sporting event which i go to alot of football games it was packed def 100k there
glad you got the binoculars out and counted all the people there. i just dont buy it. it was a PACKED house but there was no way they weren't going to inflate the numbers to satisfy the ego of BIGGEST WRESTLEMANIA EVER. they were more deadset on that bs than they were on roman winning clean as a whistle. and honestly if there was 100 k people there, they should be ashamed at how apathetic the crowd was through the majority of the show