I only really wanted to see Dean-Brock and Shane/Taker. The former was really disappointing.

All that build involving the different weapons and they focus on kendo sticks and chairs, reusing the same chair spots that've been a staple for the last few years (throw tons into the ring, land on em etc). By the time it felt like it was starting it was already over.
Shane/Taker was about as good as I expected. Some parts fell flat. They looked

here and there but given their limitations I was entertained. Props to Shane for doing the big spot.
Everything else?
I missed the triple threat due to network buffering fukkery and missed the ladder match mostly so I gotta rewatch em.
Don't care about the preshow shyt.
Styles/Jericho was alright but they booked themselves into a corner on. Styles should've won but Jericho shouldn't have lost every match in the fued too so it was just them exhausting that matchup.
New Day/LON was decent. The legends segment was fun till they took out Xavier. Was unnecessary and kinda shyt on one of the biggest acts in the company for no good reason. They should've just been able to drink with them and dance.
Andre battle royal was whatever. Corbin winning was coo but the match was boring and I didn't care about anyone in it.
The Rock shyt felt tacked on and unnecessary but I didn't hate it.

Don't care.
Not the WOAT WM but should've delivered more.