Everything for me changed when I found out that Johnny was caught with Adderall at the final. A drug for which he did not have a prescription. After his win was announced, production confronted him and he admitted that it was his. He was fined $5,000. It was edited out and MTV has denied it. All the cast members at the final witnessed the confrontation, as did TJ, and it was filmed on camera in front of the production crew. Adderall, if you’re not familiar, is a drug meant for people who suffer with ADHD and other things, and if used illegally provides hyper focus, insomnia, and energy. Just the kind of side effects you’d need to perform well on a Challenge–particularly one in which the contestants must stay up all night. The two points John got by staying awake longer than Sarah gave him the win. He cheated his way to a win, got fined, and Sarah still got nothing.