21,000 Black Men have been shot dead in the past two years in America


Nov 29, 2019
Points of note from the article:

  • The surge in gun violence comes as firearm purchases rose to record levels in 2020 and 2021, with more than 43 million guns estimated to have been purchased during that period, according to a Washington Post analysis of federal data on gun background checks. At the same time, the rate of gun deaths in those years hit the highest level since 1995, with more than 45,000 fatalities each year.
  • Guns account for most suicides and are almost entirely responsible for an overall rise in homicides across the country from 2018 to 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • There is not one clear answer as to what is driving the rise in bloodshed, experts said, but possible factors include the stress of the coronavirus pandemic, fraying ties between the police and the public, mounting anger, worsening mental strain and the sheer number of guns in the United States. "You put all that into a pressure cooker," said Alex Piquero, a criminologist at the University of Miami, "and you let the pressure cooker blow up."
  • Local leaders, law enforcement officials and anti-violence advocates say they have seen a worrisome trend recently, in which disputes that would have previously led to fistfights instead escalated rapidly to gunfire.
  • The ample access to guns plays a significant role, experts said. Americans are arming themselves in the face of deepening fears and divisions, frightening public incidents involving gunfire or violence, or simply because they know others may also have guns.
  • It's clear that many other factors are more closely associated with gun violence than mental illness. They include experiencing trauma and violence during childhood, being young and male, living in neighborhoods where violence is more prevalent, poor impulse control, poor anger control and, perhaps most of all, easy access to a firearm.

Looks like @Dafunkdoc_Unlimited is right again.



May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
It’s a school system culture and economic issue not because going to school wasn’t cool, which I don’t even know what that means
So what is it that makes some of us sit down and learn but not the others? I went to the same public schools like most others. Sat down, learned, was recommended for the gifted program in 1st grade. You can’t blame somebody else or the “system culture” when many of us do just fine in school

You don’t know what it means that “school isn’t cool”?


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
For the 35 years I’ve been alive it has never been “cool” to us to go to school, pay attention, and learn. nikkas will not sit down and learn to save their lives; literally. The education is there and obtainable if people want it

Black men don’t have goals a lot of times. One way to get yourself away from fukkery is to wake up with a planned goal in your brain.

Whenever I watch hood docs and I hear a black man say his goal is to “survive” then I already know what the outcome of this person will be.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
So what is it that makes some of us sit down and learn but not the others? I went to the same public schools like most others. Sat down, learned, was recommended for the gifted program in 1st grade. You can’t blame somebody else or the “system culture” when many of us do just fine in school

You don’t know what it means that “school isn’t cool”?

Everybody not you bro. I salute you. shyt I went to a private school from 1-5th grade. Did shyt I'd never do again till 11-12 grade in public school. We had to wear uniforms and shyt. First day in 6th grade, I seen a chick wearing Jordans, I'd never seen someone were Jordans to school so I asked her "Are those michael jordans" chick got loud as hell and clowned me, "who the fukk calls them michael jordans" embarrassed the shyt out of me. We would compare grades in class in private school, you get one-upped you felt bad. I get to middle school, you ask the teacher what something means and you a teacher's pet. How do you navigate that shyt? Don't ask questions. shyt my 7th grade teacher was this young cat, couldn't have been no older than 22(Might have actually had sex with students, that was the rumor) told me I was a "fat and sloppy looking nikka". I'll never forget that shyt, I seen that nikka at the Dog Track one day, and wanted to absolutely ROCK his shyt, nikka wouldn't have known me from Adam, but I recognized him soon as I seen him. Another story, kids didn't wanna sign up for the Academic Bowl, well outside of the smart class boys and girls, I say I'll join just to fill it out. They have the competition and I answered like 1 or 2 questions but the teams lose. He pulls me aside and tell's me "I should have never put your fat ass on the team" Lesson learned don't ask questions or volunteer for shyt. Highschool same shyt. AH. Parker of Birmingham, teachers would tell us to leave immediately because Smithfield projects was hot, and sometimes they would get to shooting after school. Oh and nikkas would routinely catch wreck in class. Chicks getting slapped, nikkas getting jumped IN CLASS. Got called a "Friendly ass nikka" "talking white" etc...At a certain point when the inmates run the asylum you doing what the inmates do breh.
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