I like Chronicle but I can't disagree with you on asking why they hold him in such high regard for a guy who's only made one movie. Guess we'll find out. And I think Miles Teller is a really solid actor, seeing him in stuff like the spectacular now and whiplash, he's not just the "funny guy" and I think he can pull it off. But I'm more of a "wait and see" guy when it comes to these flicks now because I've noticed two cases in particular where the internet was up in arms about casting and throwing so many rocks before seeing the movies and then when they came out, everyone was impressed, or mostly everyone: Casino Royale and The Dark Knight. Cats were aggy about Craig being Bond and more aggy about Ledger being Joker. I feel like at this point, being even keel is always the best option but that's me

. But again, you're right, he's been handed a lot for a guy with just one flick under his belt