January 2014 Comic Book Sales Figures
Estimated Comics Sold to North American Comics Shops
as Reported by Diamond Comic Distributors(Items marked with asterisks had their reported orders slightly reduced due to returnability.)
Comic-book Title Issue Price Publisher Est. sales
1 Batman 27 $3.99 DC 115,492
2 Detective Comics 27 $7.99 DC 88,702
3 Avengers World 1 $3.99 Marvel 86,727
4 Justice League 27 $3.99 DC 84,674
5 Superior Spider-Man 25 $4.99 Marvel 77,311
6 All New X-Men 22.NOW $3.99 Marvel 76,565
7 Superior Spider-Man 26 $3.99 Marvel 72,591
8 Harley Quinn 2 $2.99 DC 66,363
9 Avengers 25 $3.99 Marvel 65,591
10 Justice League of America 11 $3.99 DC 65,365
11 Walking Dead 120 $2.99 Image 65,286
12 Walking Dead 119 $2.99 Image 65,151
13 Origin II 2 $3.99 Marvel 64,631
14 All New X-Men 21 $3.99 Marvel 62,876
15 Guardians of Galaxy 11.NOW $3.99 Marvel 61,111
16 Batman Superman 7 $3.99 DC 61,074
17 Uncanny X-Men 16 $3.99 Marvel 58,676
18 All New Invaders 1 $3.99 Marvel 55,167
19 Uncanny Avengers 16 $3.99 Marvel 54,670
20 Black Widow 1 $3.99 Marvel 53,879
I don't see popular man anywhere..oh wait..he got a book WITH batman. THE no 1 title.
No dead pool.
December 2013 Comic Book Sales Figures
Estimated Comics Sold to North American Comics Shops
as Reported by Diamond Comic Distributors
(Items marked with asterisks had their reported orders slightly reduced due to returnability.)
Comic-book TitleIssuePricePublisherEst. sales
1Origin II1$4.99Marvel131,724
4Forever Evil4$3.99DC99,351
5Superman Unchained5$3.99DC96,322
6Justice League25$3.99DC94,004
November 2013 Comic Book Sales Figures
Estimated Comics Sold to North American Comics Shops
as Reported by Diamond Comic Distributors
(Items marked with asterisks had their reported orders slightly reduced due to returnability.)
Comic-book TitleIssuePricePublisherEst. sales
2Harley Quinn0$2.99DC114,212
3Amazing X-Men1$3.99Marvel112,337
4Superman Unchained4$3.99DC110,611
5Forever Evil3$3.99DC105,755
7All New X-Men18$3.99Marvel82,365
8Superior Spider-Man22$3.99Marvel81,250
9Batman Superman5$3.99DC77,198
10Superior Spider-Man21$3.99Marvel74,940
11All New X-Men
You chose the month he didn't have a top selling comic

it's all about the creative teams and lobdell isn't writing good stories I'm pretty sure he got superman due to being dan didios boy. You know that with Geoff writing a superman ongoing it's going to be a top seller again