Kill Dat Noize
Batman is in the top 10 and Spiderman is probably somewhere in the top 20.
Superman is unquestionably #1.
Superman is unquestionably #1.
Batman is in the top 10 and Spiderman is probably somewhere in the top 20.
Superman is unquestionably #1.
Number 1 at What exactly?
Batman is in the top 10 and Spiderman is probably somewhere in the top 20.
Superman is unquestionably #1.
who are the 9 comic characters more popular than Batman and the 19 more popular than Spiderman
its 2014, Batman is the only unquestionably #1 comic book hero.. fukk in 2014 Iron Man might be even more popular than Superman..
keep in mind, im saying IN 2014..
Before it was Superman than Batman, but going into the 2010s, superman has fallen off popularity wise while batman stock has risen
who are the 9 comic characters more popular than Batman and the 19 more popular than Spiderman
its 2014, Batman is the only unquestionably #1 comic book hero.. fukk in 2014 Iron Man might be even more popular than Superman..
keep in mind, im saying IN 2014..
Before it was Superman than Batman, but going into the 2010s, superman has fallen off popularity wise while batman stock has risen
I didn't say Batman was #10 or that Spiderman is #20. I was talkin the range. What I was saying is that Batman would be somewhere in the top 10 (maybe even top 5) and Spiderman would probably be somewhere in that top 20 range.
I mean yea the more I think about it maybe Spiderman would also crack the top 10 so maybe I ain't give him enough credit. But that's what I meant... not that they were #10 and #20 respectively.
And you are smoking crack if you think Iron Man is more popular than Superman. There might be a stronger public interest in his MOVIES right now but he is not a more well known and admired entity than Superman. That's ridiculous. You probably see or hear a Superman reference every day - or at least every other day - of your life. He's that engrained in the culture.
I think you are confusing popularity over the past years to the popularity of TODAY
General public is more interested in iron man than Superman
Public interest does not equate popularity.
I bet you more people know the name "Lois Lane" than "Tony Stark".
Public interest does not equate popularity.
Public interest does not equate popularity.
Public interest does not equate popularity.
Public interest does not equate popularity.
Public interest does not equate popularity.
See if Marvel would ever have the balls to release an Iron Man movie without the words "Iron Man" in the title or the phrase "Iron Man" uttered in the trailer.
Because that's what WB did with Man Of Steel.
Superman's LOGO carries more weight than Iron Man.