2012 U.S. Murder rate rankings


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
really? because, last i checked, the holocaust wasn't perpetrated by black men. the extermination of native americans wasn't perpetrated by black men. black men didn't drop an atomic bomb on the japanese. so, who's violent, again?

thats your people, cac.

embrace them, you half breed mulatto
May 1, 2012
thats your people, cac.

embrace them, you half breed mulatto

you're not about that life. we can take into the streets. i'm dead serious. you are not about that life. i'm black. and i can prove that to you. stop stalking me on this forum. you're a clown and not worth the keystrokes.

if you want to catch a fade, we can do that. let me know where you live. i'll take a plane out there. it's nothing. but stop harassing on this forum. and stop talking greasy when we know you ain't about that.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Screaming and carrying on like an idiot will not bolster your argument.

And once again, your main variable is always race to the exclusion of all other variables (but only when it works to your racist advantage). Of course urban density plays no parts in your argument. How many major metropolitan cities are dominated by meth/rednecks/ poor whites? I work with statistics for a living doggy, higher density, higher opportunity for crime. Simple --- especially when we include other variables that work against a specific group and its quality of life.

You tried to pull a statistical slight of hand by comparing atlanta, a very dense area, to the rest of Georgia which is highly rural. Of course you are quick to post an anti-black statistic that is misleading, and you avoid the fact that crime in Atlanta has fallen to the point where it was recently lower than Salt Lake City. But because that doesnt fit into your lil racist world and argument, you just avoid it completely.

And what is this cultural argument supposed to mean exactly? How does this black culture operate and establish itself, without the influence of the white majority, when blacks have little control legislative, judicial, economic and media control? Just stop. You're out of your depth. I'll let you have the last word tho.
If you work with statistics, you should know that because they are rural areas they'd be EASIER to make the list. Much like Jackson, Miss, can make the list over Chicago. :snoop: You still fail to prove to me the poor areas, of unemployed white men that do just as much if not more drugs, making the murder rate list....because you can't. You'd rather point to atlanta who has upper middle class blacks, and match it up to Utah, yet that is not your argument....which is that socio-economic disadvantage breeds violence. So, if that's the case, why can you not show me a predominately violent white area? it should be quite easy. I mean, Im sure you can show me a mexican, and rican one. but alas, you fail to show me a white one. That's the bottom line. you can dance around it all you want, but you WILL NOT be able to show me a predominately violent white area. I didn't say it had to do with race, but rather, culture. and the poorer african american culture glamorizes gun clapping. while the disadvantaged whites do not. They do not have the same murder rate, not even close.

really? because, last i checked, the holocaust wasn't perpetrated by black men. the extermination of native americans wasn't perpetrated by black men. black men didn't drop an atomic bomb on the japanese. so, who's violent, again?


people like you are the clear product of a poor education.

What does this have to do with the black community in america? ALL humans are violent. Nazi Germany was a violent CULTURE (Fascism), Military is of violent nature, you just proved that. Now why do you have a hard time admitting nikkas love violence? I can't believe I'm even arguing this right now. :heh: like I can't hear violence on the top 20 hottest hiphop tracks on the radio. wtf is going on here. :heh: really yall? is the list in this thread invisible to you?
May 1, 2012
What does this have to do with the black community in america? ALL humans are violent. Nazi Germany was a violent CULTURE, Military is of violent nature, you just proved that. Now why do you have a hard time admitting nikkas love violence? I can't believe I'm even arguing this right now. :heh: like I can't hear violence on the top 20 hottest hiphop tracks on the radio. wtf is going on here. :heh: really yall?

my point is this: in the annals of mankind's history, the most violent race are whites. so, this MYTH of black violence needs to stop. i don't care if 20 black men shoot at each other this weekend in chicago. history does not support the MYTH that we are more violent than whites.

whites are the savages, and their behavior clearly demonstrates that.


Omniversal Guardian
May 4, 2012
you are a kuhn if you agree with him. truth hurts. What you are promoting is a racist interpretation of crime and statistics. Basically you extract away all other meaningful variables that influence crime, and singularly focusing on the social construct of race as the one and only meaningful variable in your mind (and your conclusion is not in agreement with hundreds of years of American history with extreme violence perpetrated against black folks by whites simply for being black)

Socio-economic status is the variable you want to follow. Look at atlanta, as socio-economic status has improved, so has its crime rate to the point where it has an overall lower rate than Salt Lake City Utah in 2010. Last time I checked, Atlanta has a whole lot of niqqas, and there aint so much in Utah, so whats the theory there? Does Atlanta have a different species of blacks? Do they suddenly operate with a different genetic code than other blacks around the country?

No, its the basic common sense approach that because more Atlanta blacks are living better, they have less inclination towards violence, and to expand that whites have been committing economic violence towards black americans to their benefit for centuries, so that they can put themselves in a collective environment where life is good for them and there is little provocation for violent outcomes. When people have a lot to lose, they act accordingly. Thats human nature.

You say I must realize a problem? What problem is that, niqqa? That blacks are somehow genetically predisposed to violence? Thats some nazi germany sht, doggy. Again, history disagrees with that assessment, but we never let the facts get in the way of racism, especially if it makes white folks look bad.


Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
my point is this: in the annals of mankind's history, the most violent race are whites. so, this MYTH of black violence needs to stop. i don't care if 20 black men shoot at each other this weekend in chicago. history does not support the MYTH that we are more violent than whites.

whites are the savages, and their behavior clearly demonstrates that.
I don't care about the past. I live today on this timeline from america. And right now, in america, the african american community is the most violent.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
no, they're not. again, you had a poor education. it shows.

so in america, which community is the most violent. please. by all means. tell me.

questioning my intelligence doesn't make your argument anymore valid. I don't know or care where you went to school. so I dont need to insult you, stick to the fukking topic. stop the petty jabs, it shows weakness.


May 2, 2012
Alright, let me give you some context. I grew up in an upper middle class family but gravitated towards the streets. I'm educated, articulate, cultured, etc. but I did dirt because I just, for whatever reason, didn't feel like I belonged to that upper class world. Anyway, because of that, I have friends in that life who I still hang with. The problem is that they'll talk about shyt I'm like :wtf: at. They'll act in ways that make me go :snoop:, but I go along with it cuz these are nikkas I've made money with and who I've known since high school. It just gets frustrating keeping my feelings inside about their behavior because they know me as this street nikka, yet I'm more than that. I'm just venting about the culture clash and how it makes a nikka feel.



✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
If you work with statistics, you should know that because they are rural areas they'd be EASIER to make the list. Much like Jackson, Miss, can make the list over Chicago. :snoop: You still fail to prove to me the poor areas, of unemployed white men that do just as much if not more drugs, making the murder rate list....because you can't. You'd rather point to atlanta who has upper middle class blacks, and match it up to Utah, yet that is not your argument....which is that socio-economic disadvantage breeds violence. So, if that's the case, why can you not show me a predominately violent white area? it should be quite easy. I mean, Im sure you can show me a mexican, and rican one. but alas, you fail to show me a white one. That's the bottom line. you can dance around it all you want, but you WILL NOT be able to show me a predominately violent white area. I didn't say it had to do with race, but rather, culture. and the poorer african american culture glamorizes gun clapping. while the disadvantaged whites do not. They do not have the same murder rate, not even close.

This is what you call a moment of clarity. Listen, race being a direct link to crime is YOUR argument, not mine. Im not making that argument. So if I introduce data which shows other areas with high concentrations of blacks, that have relatively lower crime rates especially in relation to other black areas, then what is the explanation? Shouldnt it all be the same, because its in our culture to commit crime, without regard to any other variables or explanations? We should all be violent if your argument held, at roughly the same rate. Again, this is the argument you're making.

You want me to compare white areas to black areas, but the same variables that influence crime arent present in both. You're just using race which is intellectually bankrupt and spurious. Use this as a learning experience.


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
you're not about that life. we can take into the streets. i'm dead serious. you are not about that life. i'm black. and i can prove that to you. stop stalking me on this forum. you're a clown and not worth the keystrokes.

if you want to catch a fade, we can do that. let me know where you live. i'll take a plane out there. it's nothing. but stop harassing on this forum. and stop talking greasy when we know you ain't about that.


not only are you a half breed, but youre black half is a fukking c00n :dead:

shut the fukk up you confused half breed mulatto fakkit. I'd beat your mulatto ass into a coma :comeon:

running around on here being a cac-c00n complaining you can get a job because of your record, yet you gonna hop a plane to philly just to get beat into a coma :what:

shut the fukk up cac-c00n :comeon: be a good confused half breed mulatto and sit in the corner, fukking fakkit