2012 U.S. Murder rate rankings


Mar 1, 2013
Oakland, Ca
I think the problem we have here is the culture of African Americans. While poverty and socioeconomic positions are an issue this is a much bigger issue in my opinion. African American culture in general very much associates with the Hip Hop culture which has promoted images of hypermasculinity and violence. This culture is very influential amongst the black community which is why you can go to places like PG county in Maryland where the are many wealthy blacks and still have the large prevalence of violence. Unlike white people, black people lost every trace of our culture, language and history when we were brought here so we are still struggling to find who we are. Throw in that crabs in the barrel mentality that is very prevalent in the black community and you got a real problem.

This ain't on no blame hip hop shyt but let's be real other than the crack epidemic it was one of the worst things to happen to our community. Alot of it promotes violence and ignorant nikka shyt. It degrades and devalues our women and it's the only form of music where the artist disrespects it's listeners by talking about how much shyt they got and how little everybody else got. This might sound a little c00nish but it's the facts. Hip-Hop culture was bad for the black community :manny:

You sound like me. I was reading upon PG County, Maryland and the WEALTH/CRIME. It's like the 70th wealthiest county in the nations, and it's responsible for 20% of Maryland homicides. But these dumb pro black negroes would rather say, "people from OUTSIDE the community are responsible for that" :what: that's why I say ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY. Hip hop and crack go hand in hand man. But I've come to the conclusion that its something WRONG with these people.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
nikka, have you ever been to a trailer park? Not only is it massive, its filled with guns. Rednecks DO kill each other, make no mistake, white people are more likely to kill white people, but it's not nearly on the same scale. Percentage speaks volume.

How many large cities have trailer parks with tens of thousands of people sitting on top of each other :aicmon:

The drug trade, like the alcohol trade during prohibition takes place in New York, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc. . ., not west bumblefukk, Tennesee.

So, like I said, bigger city ghettoes is where crime has ALWAYS taken place for 300 years in Amerikkka.

that's the keyword. now, we have gentrification and over night the same space is super peaceful. in the 40s, during Capone, whites had a gang culture, hell even the streets of NY with the Irish. How come people can admit to it being cultural for them then, but as soon as you say PRESENT DAY, it's a part of black culture, people get defensive as if the numbers are lying? I say this time and time again, in order to fix a problem, you must first realize there is a problem......otherwise you wont fix shyt, you'll sweep it under the rug like its okie doke. that's dangerous....because in that instance the problem will not get fixed.

Do you know what gentrification is?

Kicking poor people out to bring in rich people.

So, you're telling me that rich people living in Brooklyn aren't killing each other? I'm shocked!

The White people would not bein in Brooklyn, Manhattan, etc. . .if they hadn't cleaned up the places. Those people are not livine 20, 30,000 deep in no fukking project buildings. They are living in nice brownstones

What about West Virginia though? Predominantly white, extreme poverty, and a very low crime rate.

Are you nikkaz retarded?

What about HIGH-POPULATION density do y'all not understand?

Big city ghettoes is where crime comes from usually.

Even cities like Gary, Camden, East St. Louis, etc. . suffer from being right by HUGE cities in New York City, Chicago, etc. . .

You can't compare people living in rural areas like West Virginia where you have 10 people living in one mile with urban centers that literally have millions of people in them. It's absurd.

How many times do I have to say this.

When poor White people lived in urban centers like Chicago, New York, etc. . .They put up astronomical murder rates. Astronomical.