Asked prominent GM: Who'd you rather have in deal for Dwight Howard - Bynum or Horford? A: "Horford, 'cause I know he'll play every night."
Asked prominent GM: Who'd you rather have in deal for Dwight Howard - Bynum or Horford? A: "Horford, 'cause I know he'll play every night."
The problem with that trade is that it completely kills off any chance of Orlando retaining Ryan Anderson.
they could re-sign him though since he is restricted. They could try trading Big Baby but I don't know who would take him. Or they could sign Anderson & trade him since he would bring back more than Davis would.
I'm just Monday morning GMing the scenario.
i have a knot in my stomach about batum
mayo/roy would be a nice move tooend this torture already....
Just going online and on SportsCenter: Hawks have agreed in principle to deal Marvin Williams to Utah for Devin Harris to shed even more $
i have a knot in my stomach about batum
mayo/roy would be a nice move tooend this torture already....
The same Horford who just missed almost the whole year, who was the GM Ferry? Dallas's GM?
except now they'd be paying damn near luxury tax dough on a treadmill team while blocking off their first round pick in Andrew Nicholson.
acting like Bynum wasn't injured all the damn time.
They bring in Bynum he needs an extension or you end up in the same situation you're in now. If they made that deal with the Nets at least they would have guys under contracts to build around for a few years.
After watching Drew play all last season and knowing he's going to Germany to be on the #KobeSystem I'm not worried about Bynum's knee.
truthfully part of why he kept getting hurt was he was coming back too soon.
Now they don't....Drew isn't passing up the chance to get the most money possible. He even said he's not sweating if the Lakers trade him because there's banks/ATM's everywhere.