13 Reasons Why - Season 1 Official Thread


Jun 2, 2012
Maybe....if Clay had a little bit more experience with girls he might've been able to handle that situation. But she knew he was socially awkward. She out there blaming him for all the dudes she was dealing with before. That's not fair. I probably would've stayed until she told me what was wrong, locked the door, whatever until she talked but I'm not gonna fault him because she gotta take responsibility for something. You gotta talk if you want someone to listen.

Yea, she expected clay to read her mind when she clearly knew both by his words and actions he was socially awkward...They would have made a cute couple

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Man a dude i know that was on the same ship as me when i was in the navy killed himself last night.

Dude been depressed since his lady died in a car accident. He wrote a poem dedicated to her early yesterday entitled his last poem.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
I just can't buy that.

1. This is a small town. Everyone knows everyone, deaths are big deals, especially deaths of teenagers. This wasn't some bum in a huge city like Los Angeles that skid off the road into a ditch. This was a well liked HS student, star of the local baseball team in the prime of his life leaving a HS party and getting involved in a fatal accident, and injuring someone else in the process. That ain't a "lets just go home" case in a small community. Both the local reporters and the local police would have every reason to dedicate resources to figuring out exactly what happened, at at bare minimum, finding out how drunk the kid was.

2. If the assumption was that Jeff was drunk driving after leaving a big HS party right before school started, this would have cast a lot of scrutiny on the HS students and their parties. Just look at the town's reaction to the suicide with all of their suicide prevention posters and whatnot. There would have been DUI prevention talks, lectures, and probably investigations into these local parties. How drunk are these 15 year olds getting? Who in the local community is providing these sophomores with this much booze?

3. This wasn't just a single person accident, someone else was involved too. Someone that claims he still has nightmares because of the accident. That's a possible lawsuit waiting to happen.

4. It's not a wasted resource. The majority of states require mandatory BAC testing in fatal accidents where drunk driving is suspected. California is one of those states, where this town supposedly is located.

5. And even if none of those points quite resonate - the police don't care, the local reporters don't care, the injuried parties don't care, the school doesn't care, the local governing body doesn't care - what about Jeff's parents? They were equally devastated of their sons sudden death as Hannah's parents. I just don't buy that his parents would not want to know everything about that accident and party, including his BAC level.

One of the things I like most about shows like this is how lived in the world feels. How real the school feels, how real the town feels, how real people in the town feel. For most of the series, they excelled at making everything feel connected and real. But I don't think they did that in this instance, which was irritating because it involved the arc of several characters and came at the emotional climax of the season.

This is a close knit community where everything is in walking and biking distance. That town isn't washing their hands of a DUI related death of a young kid.

That's true. Weirdly enough IRL a kid named Jeff died that I went to school with. He was 16 and a sophomore too, which was eerie as hell when I watched the show. He was in the car with 3 kids, the driver went 100 miles per hour around a curve road, lost control and split the car in half when he smashed into a light pole. Everybody died except the driver....go figure. It was a BIG thing when he died. They had DARE and MADD (mothers against drunk driving) come to all the schools in the district and give presentations in front of the whole student body in the auditorium. Jawn was like three hours long :francis: Years later, I was working at the book store and I saw a woman who had Jeff's name (he had a unique last name) and so I said I was one of his friends and she said she was his Aunt and just started crying in the pickup line. I felt like shyt for bringing it up after she left :francis: I think the show was pretty realistic but, yea, they could've focused on Jeff's death a little bit more seeing as the Jeff I knew IRL brought alot of attention to the community when he died.


Feb 9, 2014
Antwone Fisher really was the WOAT counselor:wow:.
P: "did he force himself on you? :comeon:"
H: "yea kinda :to:"
P: did you say no? :sitdown:"
H: "no"
P: "maybe you consented, you know and changed your mind? :ld:"
H: "NO"
P: "I'll tell you what, you said he's a senior so that means he's only gonna be here a few more months. sometimes you just gotta get over it :camby:"


Because he is black, people are saying he couldn't do anything/he is innocent.

Dude was incompetent


May 2, 2012

Because he is black, people are saying he couldn't do anything/he is innocent.

Dude was incompetent
im sayin she didnt want help to begin with, which is why she secretly recorded the conversation. not to mention she didnt record the first 12 tapes to quit her mission at the very end

Family Man

May 5, 2012
Maybe....if Clay had a little bit more experience with girls he might've been able to handle that situation. But she knew he was socially awkward. She out there blaming him for all the dudes she was dealing with before. That's not fair. I probably would've stayed until she told me what was wrong, locked the door, whatever until she talked but I'm not gonna fault him because she gotta take responsibility for something. You gotta talk if you want someone to listen.
Listen man. Regardless of my experience level with women, if me and a bytch about to fukk and out of the blue she pulls a 180, telling me to GTFO and to leave her alone. Yelling and screaming at me. She wouldn't have to tell me twice. I'd be scared and confused as fukk like is this bytch insane, is she gonna claim I was trying to rape her. I wouldn't want to ever see her again.

Then this bytch has the nerve to come to his job all willy nilly like shyt is sweet and didn't even apologize or explain herself to that boy. That's some really wicked shyt she did to Clay.
May 7, 2012
That's true. Weirdly enough IRL a kid named Jeff died that I went to school with. He was 16 and a sophomore too, which was eerie as hell when I watched the show. He was in the car with 3 kids, the driver went 100 miles per hour around a curve road, lost control and split the car in half when he smashed into a light pole. Everybody died except the driver....go figure. It was a BIG thing when he died. They had DARE and MADD (mothers against drunk driving) come to all the schools in the district and give presentations in front of the whole student body in the auditorium. Jawn was like three hours long :francis: Years later, I was working at the book store and I saw a woman who had Jeff's name (he had a unique last name) and so I said I was one of his friends and she said she was his Aunt and just started crying in the pickup line. I felt like shyt for bringing it up after she left :francis: I think the show was pretty realistic but, yea, they could've focused on Jeff's death a little bit more seeing as the Jeff I knew IRL brought alot of attention to the community when he died.
To be fair, in the episode where they show Jeff's death, Alex and Clay did talk about all the poster's that were being put up in the halls about drunk driving, and then they show Clay by his locker listening to the PA announcement about the issue. Prior to that episode I only recall one of the administrators or adults saying something about how traumatic it has been losing two kids in such a short amount of time and I think (I'm not sure) I remember one of the kids saying something about how crazy it was that they were "chanting" the posters to suicide prevention or something to that effect.
May 7, 2012
Or you could be calling him incompetent because he's black. Counselors aren't psychiatrist and are legally bound to a strict set of criteria

Counselors, teachers, administrators, pretty much any adult working at a school are usually required to report any accusations of abuse of a child (be it at home or from other students). There's really no excuse for him not reporting that.

Of all the things on those tapes, that's gonna be what really wins the lawsuit for Hanna's parents.


Jun 2, 2012
i don't think you grasp how much of a c*nt hannah has to be to do what she did. fukk all the students, why ruin her parents lives?

I have stated over and over, how she is flawed and how she deserves some blame. However, there are some things going on in her life and when they continue to pile on and pile on, the ending was not shocking