13 Reasons Why - Season 1 Official Thread


May 29, 2012
She was getting fingered and instead of stopping him or resisting, she just let it happen

Did he rape Jessica with damn I forgot ol' boys name...the junkie athlete's help? If not it sounds like the show was a major departure from the book. The book actually sounds better. Sounds less dramatic and over the top.


#SnitchGang Elite
Apr 30, 2012
Sneak Nation
Did he rape Jessica with damn I forgot ol' boys name...the junkie athlete's help? If not it sounds like the show was a major departure from the book. The book actually sounds better. Sounds less dramatic and over the top.
The book and the show are probably 80% similar...of course they went into more details and fleshed out the characters in the show. Some things were change just to update it with the times since the book was published in 2007.


#SnitchGang Elite
Apr 30, 2012
Sneak Nation
Did he rape Jessica with damn I forgot ol' boys name...the junkie athlete's help? If not it sounds like the show was a major departure from the book. The book actually sounds better. Sounds less dramatic and over the top.
The book and the show are probably 80% similar...of course they went into more details and fleshed out the characters in the show. Some things were change just to update it with the times since the book was published in 2007.


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Here's a list of differences

General differences

-Clay's father was not present in the book, only mentioned.

-Clay listened to the tapes over the space of one night

-Hannah's parents were never present in the novel after Hannah's death, it was mentioned that their store closed and they left town

-The novel ended once Clay finished the tapes, sent them forward and went back to school with a new outlook of everyone involved. Quite a few of the differences I will mention are purely because the book didn't go that far.

-Lawsuit plotline

-In the book, Hannah is known to take pills and overdose. In the Netflix series, Hannah is known to buy razor blades from her parents store and another cassette tape.

-Hannah's parents owned a furniture store in the novel, but were pharmacists in the show

-Clay's demeanour was less passive than in the book, and he didn't confront any of the characters about what was on their tapes

-Skye in the series is a combination of the book's original incarnation of Skye and an unnamed barista character in the book that apparently knew Clay

-Jeff, Sheri and Montgomery were not featured in the novel. Jeff replaced an unnamed senior student, and Sheri was originally named Jenny.

Episode 1/Tape 1A (Justin)

-Photos of Hannah weren't spread in the book, Justin just bragged about what had "happened."

-Tony admitted his knowledge of the tapes further on in the story, around the time Clay was listening to tape 3/4

-Clay didn't fall off his bike in the novel (although I can understand why, it helps to notice when he is remembering the past/is in the present)

-Clay didn't mention anything to Hannah about his feelings towards the rumours

Episode 2/Tape 1B (Jessica)

-No family breakfast or any illusion to Clay needing medications

-Clay didn't seek out Justin at basketball practice, and Mr. Porter didn't attempt to discuss Hannah with Clay

-Hannah, Jessica and Alex said, 'olly-olly-oxen free,' instead of 'FML' when they had a bad day

-Jessica was actually on Tape 2A, with Alex being Tape 1B in the novel

-Justin didn't hide out at Bryce's house and skip school after hearing the tapes

-Hannah's parents weren't aware of the list, nor were there any discussions of legal processions.

-No allusions were made that Tony knew Hannah's parents

-In the book, Skye is only mentioned twice. The first time is when Clay is on the same bus that she is on, and the second time is the very final scene in the book ("Skye" -- said by Clay -- is the last word of the novel). In the novel, Skye is much more reserved and shy, and her clothes and attitude aren't as "spunky" as they are in the show.

Episode 3/Tape 2A (Alex)

-Clay never got drunk with the jocks, and Tony never beat up anyone

-Hannah and Clay didn't look at the moon together

-Hannah didn't confront Alex in the locker room about the list

-There were no references to Justin having a dysfunctional home life

-In the book, Wally (the man working at the convenience store) was one of those completely silent types. Once Hannah gets her ass grabbed, he finally speaks up and is angry because of how he appreciates Hannah. In the show, Wally doesn't even notice, and is just a friendly guy all together.

-Bryce was still the one who slapped Hannah in the liquor store, but he made a bigger point of it in front of the store clerk

Episode 4/Tape 2B (Tyler)

-Clay never met Mrs. Baker, nor did he go and stalk Tyler and release a compromising image.

-Courtney and Hannah did not kiss, the furthest they went to entice Tyler was a back massage. There also was not a side plot of Courtney trying to hide her sexuality, nor any mention of her family.

Episode 5/Tape 3A (Courtney)

-No school dance in the novel

-Hannah and Clay never got to dance together

-Clay and Courtney didn't visit Hannah's grave, in the novel Clay wasn't aware of where Hannah was even buried

Episode 6/Tape 3B (Marcus)

-Alex and Justin didn't get into a fight

-Sheri replaces Jenny Kurtz as the cheerleader who helps with the valentines

-Clay answered his valentine quiz as he thought Holden Caulfield would from 'Catcher in the Rye,'

Episode 7/Tape 4A (Zach)

-Clay didn't key Zach's car, nor have a breakdown at school

Episode 8/Tape 4B (Ryan)

-Tony and Clay didn't go rock climbing, nor did Tony see Hannah after she died.

-No allusions to Tony's sexuality or love life were ever discussed

Episode 9/Tape 5A (Justin)

-In the book, tape 9 was Clay's and was first chronologically in the sequence of events that occurred at the party.

-Bryce assaulted an unnamed character, while Justin watched on. Hannah was still hiding in the closet.

Episode 10/Tape 5B (Sheri)

-Jeffrey was not a character in the novel. An unnamed senior that went to the same high school died instead.

-Clay didn't visit the family of Jeffrey/unnamed senior, nor the old couple.

Episode 11/Tape 6A (Clay)

-Clay's tape was originally the first of the four that were about the party

Episode 12/Tape 6B (Bryce)

-Hannah and Clay didn't speak again after the party

-Hannah didn't lose her parents money

-This tape initially occurred at the end of Jessica's party. Hannah was walking the streets thinking about what happened with Clay, and happened to come across Bryce and Jessica in a hot tub.

Episode 13/Tape 7 (Mr. Porter)

-Mentioned above, but Hannah died from a pill overdose in the novel. For the most part however, this tape was fairly true to the novel actually.

-The novel ended with Clay calling out to Skye, realising that he did not want to ignore her signs of help that he didn't notice with Hannah.