Finished it up about an hour ago with my girl. So sad. It did a nice job of showing you how fukked up kids can be, and how fragile we as humans can be.
I went through the first 2 pages of this thread, and I agree with with alot that some have said: her parents deserved a tape. Clay was annoying with the always asking questions instead of just listening to the damn tapes. WHY PROTECT BRYCE?!? Seriously, dude was a scumbag. Courtney was the most annoying character. I wanted to reach through the TV and choke her a few times. Justin was a coward.
I think the show did a good job of having Hannah tell her story, and the last couple of episodes were rough. shyt made my heart hurt. And I'm gonna be honest: I couldn't really watch the rape scenes. I let the first rape scene with Jessica play, but looked away, and I fast forwarded through the 2nd time they showed some of it, and I fast forwarded through Hannah's. I had no interest in watching that. I thought for sure Justin was gonna end up shooting Bryce, but guess he really was a coward to his core. So much shyt happened because he was just a coward.
I'm curious to see what they're gonna do for season 2. We can get the fallout of the tapes getting out, what happens to Bryce and Mr. Porter. Clay moving on (with Skyla?).I liked Alex's character, and I'm a bit surprised that he would try and kill himself. I think that Tyler taking his picture down could symbolize that he was actually the first victim of his foreshadowed rampage. They can't run with the tapes idea again though. It just wouldn't work a 2nd time around.