13 Reasons Why - Season 1 Official Thread


Nov 13, 2013
I gotta say this again. This should be shown in all high schools. Rape and suicide happen way too much. Just ask for help, brehs and brehettes. I know it's hard, but get help. Suicide should never be an option, and this comes from somebody that has been very suicidal multiple time in my life.

Put that pride aside, and get help. Suicide should never be an option :ufdup:
Agreed. But what worries me is the way suicide is portrayed in this series. A beautiful girl gets to talks about her problems in a cool, retro way. There's a little bit of romanticism going on especially with the fact that the deceased girl gets to "go back" and tell her story and tell everyone that they've wronged her. The fact that everyone felt horrible could prove very gratifying for someone who wants to die to show people that they did something to hurt them. It's a justification for dying. It's literally what every hurt teen wants- for people to acknowledge their pain, to show someone that they hurt them to point at the bullies and shout "look what you did and what you caused". This show could have the opposite effect and give the idea that suicide is a good choice especially for teens who don't realize that death is forever, you don't get to see your friends cry over you passing. Your spirit doesn't live on, your ghost doesn't loom over the Highschool hallways. I wish they had done it in such a way that showed that death is final. The only thing that really helped was the way it affected her parents. That was sad and more realistic.


May 21, 2012
Agreed. But what worries me is the way suicide is portrayed in this series. A beautiful girl gets to talks about her problems in a cool, retro way. There's a little bit of romanticism going on especially with the fact that the deceased girl gets to "go back" and tell her story and tell everyone that they've wronged her. The fact that everyone felt horrible could prove very gratifying for someone who wants to die to show people that they did something to hurt them. It's a justification for dying. It's literally what every hurt teen wants- for people to acknowledge their pain, to show someone that they hurt them to point at the bullies and shout "look what you did and what you caused". This show could have the opposite effect and give the idea that suicide is a good choice especially for teens who don't realize that death is forever, you don't get to see your friends cry over you passing. Your spirit doesn't live on, your ghost doesn't loom over the Highschool hallways. I wish they had done it in such a way that showed that death is final. The only thing that really helped was the way it affected her parents. That was sad and more realistic.
Very good point


Nov 13, 2013
Agreed. But what worries me is the way suicide is portrayed in this series. A beautiful girl gets to talks about her problems in a cool, retro way. There's a little bit of romanticism going on especially with the fact that the deceased girl gets to "go back" and tell her story and tell everyone that they've wronged her. The fact that everyone felt horrible could prove very gratifying for someone who wants to die to show people that they did something to hurt them. It's a justification for dying. It's literally what every hurt teen wants- for people to acknowledge their pain, to show someone that they hurt them to point at the bullies and shout "look what you did and what you caused". This show could have the opposite effect and give the idea that suicide is a good choice especially for teens who don't realize that death is forever, you don't get to see your friends cry over you passing. Your spirit doesn't live on, your ghost doesn't loom over the Highschool hallways. I wish they had done it in such a way that showed that death is final. The only thing that really helped was the way it affected her parents. That was sad and more realistic.
I wanted to add more to this but my connected was lost for a minute.

What bothers me most is that the message here is for the bullies. It's saying don't bully someone because you never know what they've been through. IMO that's not an effective message for teenagers and it's not the message that stands out after watching the show. Hurt teenagers are going to relate to the fact that people hurt Hannah and caused her to kill herself. It validates that pain and the means to end it all. This is the message that could potentially hurt people. The intended audience won't get the real message (not to bully) because of the nature of how teens are. I said earlier that teens are naturally and unavoidably egocentric as part of their cognitive development. As much as it for Hannah to be about herself, it should be understood that it's equally natural for the bullies to feel that way too. Telling a bully that what they say could hurt someone they don't care about doesn't work because they simply don't care about them. And given the fact that in real life, kids don't usually bully their friends like in this show, and bullied kids are usually not as pretty or socially ept like Hannah (it's more than often the awkward, unattractive and poor kids), bullies are even more prone to not care that someone who has no effect on their lives could die or get depressed. They just won't and they just don't. You could argue that they can't. Watching this as an adult I get the message but I also get that this show won't appeal to bullies because they will more than likely shrug off the blame. This show will appeal to the bullied who want to show the world they are hurt and who don't have the cognitive ability to see past their own deaths. That's why I think it's potentially dangerous.


May 2, 2012
I wanted to add more to this but my connected was lost for a minute.

What bothers me most is that the message here is for the bullies. It's saying don't bully someone because you never know what they've been through. IMO that's not an effective message for teenagers and it's not the message that stands out after watching the show. Hurt teenagers are going to relate to the fact that people hurt Hannah and caused her to kill herself. It validates that pain and the means to end it all. This is the message that could potentially hurt people. The intended audience won't get the real message (not to bully) because of the nature of how teens are. I said earlier that teens are naturally and unavoidably egocentric as part of their cognitive development. As much as it for Hannah to be about herself, it should be understood that it's equally natural for the bullies to feel that way too. Telling a bully that what they say could hurt someone they don't care about doesn't work because they simply don't care about them. And given the fact that in real life, kids don't usually bully their friends like in this show, and bullied kids are usually not as pretty or socially ept like Hannah (it's more than often the awkward, unattractive and poor kids), bullies are even more prone to not care that someone who has no effect on their lives could die or get depressed. They just won't and they just don't. You could argue that they can't. Watching this as an adult I get the message but I also get that this show won't appeal to bullies because they will more than likely shrug off the blame. This show will appeal to the bullied who want to show the world they are hurt and who don't have the cognitive ability to see past their own deaths. That's why I think it's potentially dangerous.

am i the only one who sees the connection between this and the stevie stephens case? watching his video, he blames his girl, then throws his mother under the bus too for good measure. only difference is hannah killed herself, where as this demon chose to take others lives.

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Jeff was the coolest kid on the show

Tony is an ass, regardless of his intentions on honoring Hannah wishes

:beli: at her blaming her friend for fukking moving

Clay told Hannah he was socially awkward, numerous times he showed her first hand his awkwardness, his uncertainty, his stuttering and almost panic when she flirts. But she decides TO HERSELF that he's not socially awkward and he should be able to say what she wants to hear from him :beli:


I see you niccas...
May 8, 2012
Jeff was the coolest kid on the show

When all the clues came together and I realized Jeff wasn't in any present scenes...:gucci:


Jun 2, 2012
I wanted to add more to this but my connected was lost for a minute.

What bothers me most is that the message here is for the bullies. It's saying don't bully someone because you never know what they've been through. IMO that's not an effective message for teenagers and it's not the message that stands out after watching the show. Hurt teenagers are going to relate to the fact that people hurt Hannah and caused her to kill herself. It validates that pain and the means to end it all. This is the message that could potentially hurt people. The intended audience won't get the real message (not to bully) because of the nature of how teens are. I said earlier that teens are naturally and unavoidably egocentric as part of their cognitive development. As much as it for Hannah to be about herself, it should be understood that it's equally natural for the bullies to feel that way too. Telling a bully that what they say could hurt someone they don't care about doesn't work because they simply don't care about them. And given the fact that in real life, kids don't usually bully their friends like in this show, and bullied kids are usually not as pretty or socially ept like Hannah (it's more than often the awkward, unattractive and poor kids), bullies are even more prone to not care that someone who has no effect on their lives could die or get depressed. They just won't and they just don't. You could argue that they can't. Watching this as an adult I get the message but I also get that this show won't appeal to bullies because they will more than likely shrug off the blame. This show will appeal to the bullied who want to show the world they are hurt and who don't have the cognitive ability to see past their own deaths. That's why I think it's potentially dangerous.

That's where the parents come in, the show is just one part, the parents and school administrators are others parts
May 10, 2012
Lwo Lakeset
Gotdamn, Clay reminded me too much of myself in high school. His awkwardness and lack of social skills gave me some flashbacks to that time. Had me yelling at my laptop all those times he could have made a move on Hannah earlier, but he just didn't know what to do. Wish I could have had a friend like Jeff back then :mjcry:

I don't know how Hannah ain't try to whoop Tyler's scrawny ass after that shyt he did. Especially after she got all those pictures and he got mad she didn't want to hang out with him, so he sent that pic around the school. I'm sure his frail ass couldn't be able to fight back. She should have told some administrator or at least ran him that fade for it. I don't know, I was really mad she kind of let him off the hook for invading her privacy like that

nikka is a mess :mjlol:


Apr 15, 2015
Don't think I've said this yet but Hannah could get it
Her sexy lips and hair :wub:

The portrayal of the counsellor was a bit of a mess really. Sometimes it seems like he cares, others time he appears to not give a shyt. I understand he is conflicted but its not executed especially well.

Also I'm guessing the book handled the ending a lot better, because it felt like they just left a load of stuff hanging in the show. This is despite the fact that it probably has 3-4 more episodes that necessary.
They added a lot of stuff in the show and fleshed out the other characters more with their side stories that weren't in the book
Can tell they were leaving it open for another season


Jun 26, 2014
This is giving me vibes of that game Life is Strange

I just made it to Clay's tape....so he did what he asked her to do....and of course the typical girl thing is to get mad :beli:
Man fukk Hannah for including Clay in those tapes. Got dude super depressed and wondering for weeks what he had done to hurt her.