13 Reasons Why - Season 1 Official Thread


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012

The way she told dude the story wasn't convincing she was sexually assaulted...

He blatantly asked her "did you say no" and her answer was I don't remember...

That makes it sound more like morning regret than sexual assault...

So how can you blame the counselor when the victim is not sure what happened and refuses to give a name?

What exactly was he supposed to do? Lie to her to make her give him more information?

He couldn't guarantee her she wouldn't have to face Bryce because he understands the legal system, you can't accuse somebody of rape and then go into hiding...You also don't have a case if you can't remember if you said no to dude physically imposing himself on you...

As a teacher I've had students tell me some crazy shyt and sometimes it may be bullshyt but I always report it to the couselors and principal. U just never know


Nov 13, 2013
On episode 7 and i hate this tony guy. What is this 35 year old looking mellow motherfukker doing in this story? Whenever clay acts like he wants to tell on these kids he magically pops out of nowhere to strong arm him with NO reasoning that makes any kind of sense. Got damn he's annoying. Breh don't you have a stock broker job to get to or something gtfo that high school :what:

Also Courtney's reasoning for not coming out to her TWO GAY DADS was beyond stupid :what:

Tyler sneaking around houses taking pics was dumb af

How are all these kids "in love" with Hannah? The fact that they all want her , she kills herself and makes a suicide series that lacks any hint of sadness depression in her voice and story telling makes me scratch my head. She even sounds peppy at times. The result sounds like some teenage girls wet dream on some "they'll all miss me when I'm gone! I'll show them" shyt.
Jul 26, 2012
He reverted almost immediately to "you should move on" once she expressed uncertainty about telling him more. He didn't keep going with the inquiry which is what u have to do in that position. There's no excuse for what he did here. Kids go to a counselor to get helped as the name counselor would imply. He already knows they ain't comin to his office to talk about rainbows and sunshine they need help. This case was even more extreme she said she thought she was raped no fukkin way u let a girl walk out of yo office after hearing something like that without getting some concrete results. He failed breh, he failed.

You do know that in real life that this is asking waayyyyyyyy too much from a guidance counselor, right? The shyt you're referring too get is done by people who get paid a lot more

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
She pretty much admitted she was suicidal after revealing rape, fukk all the cryptic shyt. How much dialogue is needed after that?

Not only was he not listening effectively he was distracted by the phone ringing which is mad unprofessional.

He definitely played his part and his reaction confirms it.
She NEVER told him nor revealed to him she was raped...

You nikkas that keep blaming the counselor clearly did not listen to the dialogue...Your reaction to him is purely based off what you already knew as the VIEWER prior to that conversation with the counselor...

You need to put yourself in his shoes, as someone who doesn't know anything, just like you before you started watching...She painted the picture of rape for us with the tapes but she NEVER did that for him...She said something happened at a party and he kept trying to get her to tell him what happened so he can better understand to get her help...

He flat out asked her, did you say no and her response was I don't remember...He also told her if she would like to press charges he needs a name...she refused to give a name and just stormed out of the room...How could you assume she was raped after that dialogue? :what:

Based on the information she provided it could just as easily been a case of girl drinking too much at a party and doing something she regretted in the morning...If you ever seen a white girl suffering from "morning regret" that's exactly how they act...

Could he have done more? Absolutely and he admitted himself he could have but directly faulting the man for what happened is asinine...

and what was he supposed to do about his damn phone constantly ringing? Not only do you nikkas expect counselors to be mind-readers apparently they also need to have telepathy to be able to stop people from constantly calling them...:martin:

Dude never even answered his phone, he chucked it in his drawer...

Bottom line: He didn't ignore her, he tried to help and she fought him off, just like she did Clay...


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
@The Fukin Prophecy

All that shyt you wrote and you're conveniently forgetting she told him she was suicidal, also the conversation highlights plenty about about the issues with rape culture.

His starting point was all wrong.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
@The Fukin Prophecy

All that shyt you wrote and you're conveniently forgetting she told him she was suicidal, also the conversation highlights plenty about about the issues with rape culture.

His starting point was all wrong.
I didn't conveniently forget anything...

I fully have acknowledged in multiple posts in this thread she hinted to the man she was suicidal and that he could of done more...

It's painfully obvious your entire point of view of that conversation is purely based off what you already know as the viewer...You are subbing in words that were never said by Hannah to the counselor to make sense of her cryptic dialogue...Like the word rape which was never said nor implied...

The difference between me and you is, I'm sharing the blame including acknowledging the victims roll in her own demise...You SJW's are utterly ridiculous with this blame everyone but the victim shyt and I hope you never have children because that's the type of weak mindset that breeds suicidal people...
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All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I didn't conveniently forget anything...

I fully have acknowledged in multiple posts in this thread she hinted to the man she was suicidal and that he could of done more...

It's painfully obvious your entire point of view of that conversation is purely based off what you already know as the viewer...You are subbing in words that were never said by Hannah to the counselor to make sense of her cryptic dialogue...Like the word rape which was never said nor implied...

The difference between me and you is, I'm sharing the blame including acknowledging the victims roll in her own demise...You SJW's are utterly ridiculous with this blame everyone but the victim shyt and I hope you never have children because that's the type of weak mindset that breeds suicidal people...
SJW? fukk outta here.

Did I say she never had anything to do with her own death? The whole premise is that she herself isn't blameless, but we're talking about the counselors role specifically.

As for talking about people breeding suicidal people shut the fukk up with your pseudointellectual bullshyt.