That's the thing, we see things from our perspective while watching this. We think what she went through isn't shyt compared to what other people have gone through, now things get more serious in the latter episodes but I get what you're saying. And not only are we viewing it from our own perspectives, we're also males, so of course being on a list for "best ass" seems completely inconsequential to us as men. But girls get all fukking sensitive about shyt like that, and that also led to Bryce grabbing all up on her ass in that convenience store.Just for the record my little sister who's 18 (my perceived demographic of this) loved it.
@biscuitsnbangers is this a fair representation of suburbias problems and issues. As I said I know people who have committed suicide for little to no reason so I'm always interested in others perspectives
I'm also thankful for shows like this because it allows me to open up a dialogue with my sister on certain issues.