10 Facts That Clear Up Confusion Around What Exactly Is an Arab

May 16, 2012
Haha. Amazing. You are a true citizen of a country that will soon have Trump as a president. Little things like fact verification mean nothing to you people.

I live in the UK. You clearly know little about how British people view their own history. Race is very rarely discussed; emphasis is placed on groupings such as Roman, Viking, Anglo Saxon, Celt, etc etc. The difference is, the proof of all these people's influence is shown every day in the language, food, road names, public area design, culture, and art of the UK.

Your ridiculous and patently wrong assumption that ALL Egyptians were black, based on your ridiculous extrapolation of things like nose size, just further proves what an idiot you are.

Because no one says the Greeks were non-white.

The reason race is important to us black folks right now is because white people have spent the last 500 years trying to convince us and the world we are morally and intellectually inferior.

Ancient Egypt, the Moors, Nubia, Songhai, etc. are all proof that the ideology of white supremacy is false. That is why we focus on it. That is why getting the truth out on the race of the Ancient Egyptians is important. It is necessary to counteract 500 years of false propaganda.

And who said anything about ALL Egyptians being black? The only point we have ever made is that Ancient Egypt was a black civilization. Its founders were black. Most of all of its pharaohs were black. Its culture was also quintessentially black. Saying all Egyptians were black is as dumb as saying all Greeks were white. There were some black and mixed Greeks but the overall civilization was a white civilization. Just as overall Egypt was black.


Jul 2, 2014
I guarantee if you spend a few years living outside america you wouldnt be so fixated on ancient Egyptians LOL.


May 1, 2012
Original Arab = those people who were called Arab and spoke Arabic in the 7th century A.D. before the rise of Islam.

Today's "Arab" population is mostly made up of "arabized" people. Similar to how after Spain conquered Central and South America, the natives of those areas became Hispanic. With the spread of Islam, alot of people who didn't use to be called Arab and who didn't have Arabic as a native tongue became Arab and started speaking Arabic.

Thus alot of today's modern Arabs are not the same ethnicity as the "original Arabs".

"Arabized Arabs" are adnani Arabs. Muhammad was an adnan Arab, and in this very thread you and others were saying Muhammad was black.

Qhatani Arabs are pure Arabs, and they aren't anything close to black. They look more Indian than they do black because of their darker skin. Give it up, you're all over the place. You should have left this thread to die.


May 1, 2012
The reason race is important to us black folks right now is because white people have spent the last 500 years trying to convince us and the world we are morally and intellectually inferior

“Things that may not be true can be made if you repeat them long and often enough, therefore, always repeat statements that will give your race a status and an advantage. That is how the White man has built up his system of superiority. He is always telling you he is superior and he has written history and literature to prove it. You must do the same.”

– Marcus Garvey

Thats cool, but I prefer reality.
May 16, 2012
This fool actually said 'most had thick hair and broad noses'... What on earth would you base that assertion on if not random paintings you've seen?

Look, I fully realise the beast that is white supremacy needs to be killed, on a worldwide scale. But it won't be done by trying desperately to link yourselves to all sorts of random historical civilizations that history shows you as an African American more than likely have no link to. I am descended from east and central Africans, but even though I admire Chinese culture, I'm not now going to start looking for any and every random historical information that I can use to form a tenuous link between me and the ancient Chinese!

Statues. Monuments. Busts. You know....the very artifacts left by the Egyptians depicting themselves.
Faces of Ancient Egypt


Queen Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun

The Great Pharaoh Amenhotep III, husband of Tiye, father of Akhenaten and grandfather of Tutankhamun

Bust of Pharaoh Amenhotep III

Rare depiction of Queen Tiye

The Great Pharoah Akhenaten, husband to Queen Nefertiti and father to the boy King Tutankhamun

Profile view of the Pharoah Akhenaten

Relief Portrait of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

Bust of a young Akhenaten

Mektaten, second daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his Wife Nefertiti, sister to Tutankhamun

Head of the statue of a princess, one of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

Statue of the Great Pharaoh Ramses II at Abu Simbel

The Great Sphinx of Giza

Statuette of Egyptian Female

Statue of Egyptian Male

***Ancient Egyptian Hair***

The fact you could say something this stupid shows me you are probably a crakkka or someone with no knowledge of Ancient Egypt. If you don't even know the Ancient Egyptians made statues and busts depicting their Kings and Queens, how can you claim that they are not black?


Jul 2, 2014
I never said none of them were. I said its likely their black descendents are living in east and north east central Africa. Its highly unlikely their descedents are African Americans, which I think you know deep down seeing as you've clearly spent some time doing research. Why don't African americans who want to fixate on the past idolise figures like Mansa musa, the wealthiest man of his time. There is a lot to be proud of in west and central African history where your ancestors as an African american most likely came from. But instead, not just on this website, but also twitter and instagram, soooo much of what I see is focused exclusively on Egypt. Hotep nikkas talking about kmet and all that stuff. y. Egypt is the romantic thing to associate oneself with I guess lol

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
I never said none of them were. I said its likely their black descendents are living in east and north east central Africa. Its highly unlikely their descedents are African Americans, which I think you know deep down seeing as you've clearly spent some time doing research. Why don't African americans who want to fixate on the past idolise figures like Mansa musa, the wealthiest man of his time. There is a lot to be proud of in west and central African history where your ancestors as an African american most likely came from. But instead, not just on this website, but also twitter and instagram, soooo much of what I see is focused exclusively on Egypt. Hotep nikkas talking about kmet and all that stuff. y. Egypt is the romantic thing to associate oneself with I guess lol

Englishmen whose ancestors are Danes, Celts and Saxons believe they are the cultural descendants of ancient Achaeans (Greeks). This isn't so different.


Jul 2, 2014
Actually you guys are overstating that point. Have you ever lived in england? What are you basing that assertion on?

I have lived in england most of my life and I can honestly say I can't remember for the life of me coming across a British person doing what you said! British academics might venerate ancient Egyptians and Greeks, but if there is ANY ancient groups the Brits are really obssessed with, its the Romans and the Vikings? Guess why that is? Because these two groups of people left a very large and visible mark on the country; city names, roads and city design, food, language, etc etc you only have to walk through more historical cities like York in the North of Yorkshire to see the evidence in front of your eyes! British people as far as I'm aware are FAR from being fixated on the ancient Greeks the way you guys seem to have randomly convinced yourselves they are!

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Actually you guys are overstating that point. Have you ever lived in england? What are you basing that assertion on?

I have lived in england most of my life and I can honestly say I can't remember for the life of me coming across a British person doing what you said! British academics might venerate ancient Egyptians and Greeks, but if there is ANY ancient groups the Brits are really obssessed with, its the Romans and the Vikings? Guess why that is? Because these two groups of people left a very large and visible mark on the country; city names, roads and city design, food, language, etc etc you only have to walk through more historical cities like York in the North of Yorkshire to see the evidence in front of your eyes! British people as far as I'm aware are FAR from being fixated on the ancient Greeks the way you guys seem to have randomly convinced yourselves they are!

What do you think British history books place the start of European culture in Ancient Greece

Stop! :mjlol:
May 16, 2012
I never said none of them were. I said its likely their black descendents are living in east and north east central Africa. Its highly unlikely their descedents are African Americans, which I think you know deep down seeing as you've clearly spent some time doing research. Why don't African americans who want to fixate on the past idolise figures like Mansa musa, the wealthiest man of his time. There is a lot to be proud of in west and central African history where your ancestors as an African american most likely came from. But instead, not just on this website, but also twitter and instagram, soooo much of what I see is focused exclusively on Egypt. Hotep nikkas talking about kmet and all that stuff. y. Egypt is the romantic thing to associate oneself with I guess lol

Why does all of Northern Europe fixate over Ancient Greece and Rome? Two Southern European civilizations that most Europeans have no ancestry from? Once again you are trying to hold Africans to a standard you won't hold Europeans to. I have literally never heard a non-Greek or non-Italian white person being told to shut up talking about Ancient Greece or Rome because they are not descended from those people.

You ask why the fascination with Egypt vis-a-vis Mansa Musa?

I'll tell you why. Its because there isn't an active conspiracy to deny Mansa Musa was a black man. The reason we focus on Egypt is because of the active conspiracy by white supremacists to deny what is undeniable truth. And lets not get it twisted. Egypt isn't just some run of the mill ancient civilization. Ancient Egypt is is by far the greatest civilization of ancient times and the one with arguably the most lasting influence. It also has by far the most incredible artifacts and monuments of the ancient world. I mean we still have no fukkin idea how they built the pyramids (the greatest marvel of the ancient world). Obviously if it was a run of the mill civilization, there would not have been such a concentrated effort by white supremacists to deny its blackness. The reason Ancient Egypt is important is because white supremacists have tried to whitewash it.

If whites were to accept that truth that Ancient Egyptians were black, then white supremacy as an ideology would collapse. This is why there has been a concentrated effort for the last 200 years to whitewash Ancient Egypt. Its funny that before the 1800s there was no dispute as to the racial classification of Ancient Egypt. It was considered a black African civilization like Nubia and Aksum. Once white supremacy rose, the white supremacists had to deny the blackness of Ancient Egypt. Why? Because if they admitted Ancient Egypt was black, they would have to admit civilization and specifically western civilization was inspired and birthed by black people. Because that is what the Ancient Greeks say. They say That their civilization came from Egypt. And we all know whites claim Western civilization came from Ancient Greece. So if Ancient Egypt is black and the Ancient Greeks say they got everything from Ancient Egypt then that would mean western civilization came from black people.

And that my friend would totally destroy white supremacy as an ideology.

That is why Ancient Egypt is important and why ALL black people should know its true history.
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Jul 2, 2014
What do you think British history books place the start of European culture in Ancient Greece

Stop! :mjlol:
Stupid lost American lol. Listen there are no influential or relevant British historians that claim or place any relevance on British origin from the Greeks. By and large, Brits are very self confident in their own relatively 'unique' European identity, but they are also aware they are a culture that is heavily influenced by northern European influences whether they were scandanavian, french, or germanic peoples. Ancient Greek culture is so irrelevant in these type of discussions around British people. The problem is you guys just read a bunch of nonsense on the internet. You're all totally clueless hahaha. Not doing much to dissuade the 'stupid American' stereotype.
May 16, 2012
And FYI all the pharaohs from dynastic Egypt were BLACK. Not just some as your last post tried to insinuate.

The statues I posted were just a small sampling. But they were representative of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt in general. If anything, the Pharaohs I posted were less black than the older Pharoahs of Egypt like the great King Namer (the man who united Upper Egypt with Lower Egypt and kicked off the first dynasty).

Alot of the Pharoahs I posted like Ramses and Tut were during the tail end of dynastic Egypt when the Ancient Egyptians had conquered lands to the North and began mixing with white foreigners. The oldest Egyptian Pharoahs were actually blacker. They have more "negroid" features. Thick lips, broad noses.
May 16, 2012
Stupid lost American lol. Listen there are no influential or relevant British historians that claim or place any relevance on British origin from the Greeks. By and large, Brits are very self confident in their own relatively 'unique' European identity, but they are also aware they are a culture that is heavily influenced by northern European influences whether they were scandanavian, french, or germanic peoples. Ancient Greek culture is so irrelevant in these type of discussions around British people. The problem is you guys just read a bunch of nonsense on the internet. You're all totally clueless hahaha. Not doing much to dissuade the 'stupid American' stereotype.

I bet if there was a propaganda war by some other race portraying the Ancient Greeks as Asians and saying white Europeans had nothing to do with it, there would be some Brits that would have a problem with that and want to correct the record. Add to that a propagation of an idelogy for hundreds of years that white people are inferior to all other races. I'm sure if those conditions were met, the British might have something to say about the racial classification of the Ancient Greeks.

Once again you seem to be idly glossing over the fact that the main reason there is so much emphasis on Egypt (by both sides might I add cause you seem to ignore the obsession WHITES have with Egypt as well) is because of the false narrative spread by white supremacy that the Ancient Egyptians were non-black.

If Ancient Egypt was potrayed by mass media and mainstream educators as it was before the rise of white supremacy in 1800 (and that was as a black African civilization no different than Nubia and Aksum), then I personally wouldn't be talking about it so much. It would fall in the same category as Aksum, Nubia, Songhai, etc. But because the true blackness of Ancient Egypt is being whitewashed by white supremacists, I will continue to talk about and promote these ideas so that the record can be set straight.