I'm done...
maybe this cat is schizophrenic

somethings not right though....

Why are we all c00ns?
Where are you going with this breh?
I'm saying it is an obvious lie that serves little to no purpose. And it is a betrayal of the fight for racial equality. We're not their yet as a society here in America and worldwide. Throwing up your hands and saying I'm done with it, let's those not interested in racial equality prosper IMO. You have to fight racists attitudes and systems not act like you are done with and above them. None of us are.
Not acknowledging race in the fight for racial equality is dumb. Can you stop sex/gender bias by saying I can't tell the difference between a man or woman? Of course not, you have to acknowledge the differences to then strike at the imbalances in the treatment of the oppressed.
Not acknowledging obvious differences just makes you either stupid or a liar. In this case, she is lying when she says she doesn't see color. It makes her feel better about herself or for whatever reason fine. But I'm not buying that brand.hmm yeah
im not really convinced that the way you are fighting racism is the only way to do it, and actually i would say you can end bias by NOT acknowledging racial differences
for examples forcing people to check a certain box for race prolongs racial differences IMO, so i dont think what she is saying complete bullshyt
and also you keep talking about racial equality, but you should be careful what you ask for, the inevitable outcome of less racism is people like zoe, eve or even tyler the creator or whatever abomination comes out of kim kardishians vagina (i kid)
im not against fighting for racial equality but i would disagree that racial equality is our goal, racial equality is a good thing that we should strive for, but fundamentally racial equality is a generic notion
i think the actual goal of the black race is not racial equality, but racial domination, so looking at from that point of view, i just see zoe as a black woman doing it big in hollywood, so i support her because she says she is black
im not really tied to the notions of racial equality and ending racism, i think those terms are generic and ephemeral, i would say that as americans we are fighting for individual freedom and economic freedom and as black people we are fighting for domination