:kewn: azz chick
Lying and saying "oh, I don;t see race." is corny and somewhat insulting. That's where we differ.
Yeah that's fine, I don't co sign but I'm not tripping on it either because I can't really cosign people that do "see race"
Just fyi, eve was saying the same sort of thing the other day
Eve on interracial dating: ‘Black men have been doing it for years’ | theGrio
Cosign?! Most people can tell a white person from a Black person from an Asian person etc. This fake blindness serves what purpose?!
And she says she is colorblind and wants her kids to be such and then sights many an example where she isn't exactly colorblind,noticing who is and isn't dating outside their ethnic background. It's phony rhetoric that is completely unnecessary.
Well i just don't see it as a race betrayel, I'm not exactly cosigning what they say, I just dont think its that serious, when eve or Zoe start saying they aren't black that is when I would start tripping
The purpose of such a view is to reduce racism I guess
But realistically this whole thing of seeing race in everything is not really where the culture is headed to and I don't think that seeing race in everything is healthy either
lol at people tryna drop a gem and still using terms like negro and black
lol just funny to me...i rather use the actual term thst actually describes the chemical that gives the appearance of brown that actually is in us![]()
I'm saying it is an obvious lie that serves little to no purpose. And it is a betrayal of the fight for racial equality. We're not their yet as a society here in America and worldwide. Throwing up your hands and saying I'm done with it, let's those not interested in racial equality prosper IMO. You have to fight racists attitudes and systems not act like you are done with and above them. None of us are.
Not acknowledging race in the fight for racial equality is dumb. Can you stop sex/gender bias by saying I can't tell the difference between a man or woman? Of course not, you have to acknowledge the differences to then strike at the imbalances in the treatment of the oppressed.
It's a common tactic of trying to prove to others implicitly or explicitly, that you are different and that you are not a typical stereotype of your race. Similar tactic is used in situations dealing with a person's sex, occupation, political party, wealth, sexual orientation and religion. The tactic calls for me to minimize the common stereotypes in order to avoid enacting "predictable" behavior that will result in others dismissing/categorizing me
So with black folks a common stereotype is that we are too concern with race and are naturally very tribal. So many of us will minimize that common stereotype by describing racial identity as being somewhat trivial
The problem with this approach is that without a solid foundation of who I am and if I cannot identify the innate problems I face, I will be susceptible to being condition to view whiteness as a litmus test for beauty, intelligence, courage, quality leadership, wealth etc...also...
-I will depend on others to defind who I am and what is my usual behavior in differnt situations
-I will unknowingly participate in the undermining and muffling of actions and discussions that attempt to further address racial inequalities because I don't want to seem like I'm playing the race card, so I won't partiticpate
-I will often identify my racial identity in slashes.....I'm Irish/Indian/Korean/Afro-American
-I will distance my self from any person talking too much "black pride" BS
-I will rationalize my good relationship with my white friends as a reason why we are a post racial society
-I will minimize the impact race plays in the hiring practices, casting for movie roles, lack of resources in certain communities, wealth distribution, and quality education, even though there are clear differences along racial lines with folks having similar attributes(education,talent etc)
Then I have kids, the process repeats. But I will compliment soceity's conditioning of my kids, by reinforcing why racial identity is trivial
at the end of the day the CRACKER A$$ ZIONISTS who run Hollywood still will view her a COONMAMA regardless of how EXOTIC or ATTRACTIVE she comes across.....
byatch will be back to doing straight to DVD Urban films with Clifton Powell before she can count UNO DOS TRES QUATRO on her little niglet fingers...................![]()
maybe she hates the stigma that comes with being black? don't we all?
let her date who she wants. she hasn't met every man in the world, who knows if the right one for her is black? and if he wasn't whats it to you? your not making her happy.
you need to see beyond race before you bash someone as self hating. to me, I don't think she cares, I think shes trying to distance herself from the black vs white argument and the stigmatism of being black, the constant fight against stereotypes. You guys take that as self hate.
but its that SAME thing that racism is built on. Some of us are past that. I'm black, I love it, I'm pro-black, but im Pro Humanitarian over that.
I just fight and argue cause maybe I can help ya'll look beyond race and towards a united world view. And its fun![]()
Zoe's gets alot of hate, just because she strictly on thatpolicy
But, I'm a BLACK female who loathes the phrases "people of color" and "African American"
My mother's Costa Rican (dark skin) and father's Panamanian (light skin) and we all put up our Black power fist proudly
I also don't have an issue with her playing Nina Simmone
Just that I don't think her acting skills is that strong to pull oft such a revered legend
And, she's way too pretty to be up under all those ugly cac dudes![]()
--I will often identify my racial identity in slashes.....I'm Irish/Indian/Korean/Afro-American