]You can lie to yourself but not me. Black feminists have never shyed away from pointing out white racism, myself included. You just get upset when we point out how Black men contribute to patriarchy, in hopes that they can one day be the ultimate beneficiaries of it like white men.
The only person lying to themselves is you. You have literally 100s of post on this very subject with the common denominator being black men and how their privilege oppresses you. Sexism exists, but it is far from the primary antagonist in black women's lives.
Again you lie to yourself. The only reason I have made it a point to mention Black men is because you continuously try to pretend my gender does not put me at a lower status and that Black is Black. You want Black man and Black woman to be in one barrel, never having to address the inequality that Black women face at the hands of Black men every day.
Black is black. The color of your skin puts you at a lower disadvantage than your gender. That's not arguable. It's why white women will always make more than you. There is no black man you can blame for that. You can't argue that you want unity in your community but the only opponent you're focused on fighting are black men.
Nevermind the fact that you will be quick to remind black men they hold no power or influence in society, yet they hold the power to oppress you.
Honest question.
What are you going to do about it?
What are you doing about it?
It is much easier for you to try to turn the light back onto white supremacy instead of chastising your brothers for contributing to the ism that Black women face.
I have never supported dead beat fathers, drug addicts, criminals, or domestic violence offenders. That is all I can do. I am not interested in chastising grown men, but I am interested in keeping black men out of prison, in classrooms, off drugs and in their children's lives. More than that, I'm interested in the eradication of institutional racism, police brutality, and discrimination. You are invested in one upping the opposite gender and if there is anyone you hold contempt for, it's the men with the same skin color as you. In the grand scheme of things, I see racism and prejudice as the problem. You see black men as the problem. We're focused on two different things.
Nope. Black men not pretending as if a gender bias doesn't exist even within the Black community, with Black men as the perpetrators and Black women as the victims, would.
Gender bias exist. Are black men the only perpetrators you have encountered, and how have you been personally affected?
This doesn't even make sense. Are you saying that Asian and white women would deny sexism too? If so....
Of course not. The thing is that Asian woman are Asian..and white women are white. They face sexism, but they are not considered second rate citizens. You, as a black woman have nothing in common with them outside of the fact that you have a vagina. You will face racial prejudice more than sexism. How long it takes for you to come to term with that is up to you.
So the Black Womanist movement doesn't accept me? Oh ok lol.
Those that share in your desire to tear down black men at any cost? Sure. Fortunately, there are black "womanist" that do not share your vitriol towards black men and instead focus their efforts on the white power structure and procuring a better future for black women
and men.
*Does anyone have that twitter link? It was a great read.
Correct. And with all this said none of this changes the fact that even if we achieved racial equality tomorrow, you'd be fine as a Black man and I'd still have to struggle as a Black woman. That is, only if I was foolish enough to follow you and say my womanhood doesn't matter and only my race does.
Sure. If we were all "equal" you would struggle to the same degree as a white woman. I have never stated that your gender doesn't matter. I have only stated that your race matters much more than your gender, and will affect you more than any other factor, and that applies across the board. If it wasn't so, you would receive the same sentences and treatment in the U.S. as white women. Whether or not you like that fact is ultimately irrelevant.
It's why many professional schools target a diverse class. It's why many patients will refuse to see a black woman or man as their doctor. It's why a lot of people outside of black America were impartial to the Trayvon Martin verdict.
Actually, that is a part of the reason they do. Again, you are trying to define my experience and the experience of all Black women and you never will. I hope you find a way to deal.
I'm only telling you what you should already know, and that is that you're black in this world first and a woman second. You won't get fair treatment by targeting and focusing your anger at black males. Sexism exists, but it's your primary concern. Odd, considering that you're barley classified as a citizen in the U.S. You claim to hold both efforts of equal value, but your posts and comments say otherwise.
where? Certainly not in the Black community,
There have been several specials and articles on NBC/CNN concerning the disappearance of black women. There is also an entire movement dedicated to solving these cases, male AND female. You're simply too busy playing victim to acknowledge anything outside of your selfish little existence that doesn't further your agenda.
and certainly not in the eyes of many Black men like yourself if a Black man is thought to be the suspect in the disappearance. Look how many black men rallied around an admitted abuser of women and took his word as gospel INSTEAD of a Black woman who was given 20 years for a warning shot. I'm still waiting on a rally for her led by Black men too, the way Trayvon's was by Black women.
I don't know a single black man that sympathized with "an admitted abuser" and if they did, shame on them. Every male I know was appalled that she got the sentence she did. She didn't get that sentence because she was a woman, but that goes without saying.
Speaking of generalizations, I also know of black women that claimed they weren't moved by Trayvon's death because he was a black male. I believe a few of them identified as black feminist.
I will continue to fight for Black women's equality outside the race and Black women's equality outside AND within it, even as Black men like yourself are content to continue acting as if its not a real cause to be concerned with just because sexism doesn't effect you personally.
That's great,
but who are you fighting?
Yeah..no. I want everybody to have the same opportunity and privilege as white men. Its you who has an issue with this equality, which is why you want to silence a movement that attempts to make it so the ENTIRE BLACK RACE, NOT JUST BLACK MEN, gets that.
Perhaps you're attempting to convince yourself. You have 100s of comments that say otherwise. I have established my focus throughout this entire exchange. You're not illiterate, so your last sentence is clearly an emotional response as opposed to a logical one. I will treat it as such.