Why aren't black women aren't considered gun toting thugs and aren't pulled over nearly as frequently as their male counterparts. Why do women clinch their purses and lock their doors when a black male is within fifteen feet? You're concerned with arguing who has been dealt the shyttier hand in society.
I'm not.
Uhhh yeah you are. Which is why you have such an interest in trying to dictate to me how I don't face sexism because I'm just Black and nothing else.
Black men and women are both untamed savages in the minds of millions of Americans, yet your focus is on stereotypes, not why millions of people by into those stereotypes and who they are perpetuated by. A black man need not walk in the shoes of a woman to know that she's discriminated against if she shares the same skin color. Discrimination isn't exclusive to your gender, and I assure you that black male slaves weren't the only ones who were hung by their throats from oak trees. Your race is oppressed, no matter how much you desire to distance yourself from that fact, and until you tackle that issue, you're fighting a battle against an invisible opponent.
No one has said the Black race doesn't face discrimination
. All these straw men you're setting up and knocking down don't help your argument because anybody reading knows you're just making shyt up.
There was no diversion, only truth. A hard truth that unfortunately may not hit you until you experience first hand how little your true oppressors care about you or your counter-productive movement. You are terribly misguided. I did not only address black female issues, sweetheart, I compared and contrasted. You desire to practice feminism yet omit that you aren't even considered a woman in this country.
I'm not considered a woman yet I still manage to earn less per hour, amass less wealth, have my specific issues go disproportionally unaddressed, and be a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault,
even with race held constant? Explain how that is not as nonsensical as I'm telling you it is.
Women of every nationality in this country are treated better than you. Women of every nationality in this country experience better health care than you. Women of every nationality sans Hispanics(and that's only on average, in their case) are provided better education and learning institutions than you. You want to know something crazy?
This is not exclusive to your gender.
Now you are literally just lying lmao
Each and every one of those races of women compared to their race of men are worse off because of the system of patriarchy that you wish to support by denying it exists. You sound ridiculous right now.
You will destroy the black community. Along with the absentee fathers, drug pushers, and unfit mothers of three content with section 8 housing and more interested in free before 9 at Primetime than their children's education.
Yes, a person fighting for equality between all races and genders is truly a menace to society. Again, you sound absolutely ridiculous. Like a white racist talking about the Black boogeymosters coming to take away all their rights by demanding equality.