Come on, bruh. You still putting it against the Marvel movies. We never had a movie where the antagonist found an item they were searching for in a single movie? Plus this was going to be a 2 part movie with each probably being as long as BvS (directors cut) which was well over 2 hours which is enough time two explain boomtubes and motives. The seeds for the Injustice storyline was already planted in BvS and would've been fleshed out over JL part 1&2.
Injustice had two hit games and I'm sure that the vast majority that played them were not comic book heads. With that you got people already familiar with the story and they'll explain it to their friends or whoever, or people that don't know it will look it up because you know Snyder or someone will bring it up in interviews leading up to the movie's release.
And by the way, I liked BvS. Was it perfect? No, Doomsday should've been shown earlier maybe in hibernation and then have Lex awaken him. Also the dude from Ant-Man should've been playing Lex.
World building isn’t “Marvel formula.” Star Wars, Godfather, Harry Potter, LOTR followed the world building formula. They just weren’t as extensive as Marvel.

Look at how much JL and BVS were shyt on because cats were

BVS DC was 3 hours. You can’t have every movie 3+ hours in this day and age.
I enjoyed MOS, BVS DC and JL. My love for comic books appreciates them, but I understand why people disliked them. Your love of comic books is really blinding you, dude.