Zack Snyder Reveals His Original Plans for 'Justice League'

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I feel you Zack. After Watchmen you deserved better......

Sucker Punch?:usure:

Respectfully..... I don’t he deserved anything after that movie. He also wrote and produced the 300 sequel :huhldup:



Nov 22, 2016
Sucker Punch?:usure:

Respectfully..... I don’t he deserved anything after that movie. He also wrote and produced the 300 sequel :huhldup:


Sucker punch was more weird stuff and with the young girls and the implied abuse...yeah guy is just a weirdo..... I give a pass for Sucker punch because at least it was something different(even though it was weird and kind of wack). I applaud attempts at originality. The whole movie within a movie within a movie thing was cool to didnt really work though.

I still havent seen that 300 sequel. :francis: I hear its not bad.....but I think people were just watching the pawg and not paying attention.

Saddest thing is he wont stay gone......someone is going to give him another shot at making another major action motion picture soon if they havent already. I just know it. :picard:

I also think Martha wasnt actually that bad. Their moms had the same name whicn prompted Bats to see the human side of Supes and have a change of heart. Cringy but it makes sense, I wasnt too mad at that in the theatre. It was when I got online I saw it was a meme and started clowning.:mjlol:


May 6, 2015
Sucker punch was more weird stuff and with the young girls and the implied abuse...yeah guy is just a weirdo..... I give a pass for Sucker punch because at least it was something different(even though it was weird and kind of wack). I applaud attempts at originality. The whole movie within a movie within a movie thing was cool to didnt really work though.

I still havent seen that 300 sequel. :francis: I hear its not bad.....but I think people were just watching the pawg and not paying attention.

Saddest thing is he wont stay gone......someone is going to give him another shot at making another major action motion picture soon if they havent already. I just know it. :picard:

I also think Martha wasnt actually that bad. Their moms had the same name whicn prompted Bats to see the human side of Supes and have a change of heart. Cringy but it makes sense, I wasnt too mad at that in the theatre. It was when I got online I saw it was a meme and started clowning.:mjlol:

Artemsia played by Eva Green was fire, her peformance is worth alone. Also, Junkie XL went HAM on that soundtrack....


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
The marvel flicks where they tried to fast track certain plot elements got similar fanfare to what DC did

People shyt on Iron Man 2 and Avengers 2 all the time and those flicks were semi-promotional. The solo flicks that felt like proper introductions got high marks.

So DC took every mistake marvel made and put it in two movies. The response was appropriate.


May 3, 2012
God's Plan
i thought sucker punch was a dope lil film for what it was. i didnt care for any of his dc films besides man of steel.


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange

Zack... just shut the fukk up and go do your Ayn Rand dream project. You already played yourself when you called Ant Man just a flavor of the month. Scott Lang got his sequel. Got some shine in Civil War, and is probably going to be vital to Endgame. Where's that Man of Steel sequel?
They didn't even show Superman's face in Shazam.
Get the fukk outta here.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
I don't know how you think I'm mad by my posts. I'll give you the last one where you think I'm mad. It's just annoying that you can't see how proper world building should be done for comic book movies. With comic books you have to take a decent amount of time to tell a story. You can't rush Superman's heel turn in 3-4 movies. What if the comic book Civil War was only 2 books instead of 7? It would've been a mess. That's why these mini-series are 4-12 issues.

I brought up those sagas because they used world building that you referred to as "Marvel formula." Then you ask the question regarding the difference between DC and SW world building. You can't compare world building in SW to comic books. I only brought up those different examples to show the difference: history known and unknown. Star Wars was fresh and didn't have a history before it was made. Comic books have a long history. With SW, George made shyt up. You can't do that with comic books. I realize I shouldn't have used those 2 different examples; I should have just typed this out. My mind is currently flooded, so my bad if those may have confused you.

I'm not saying those stories would've been bad. I'm just saying after the clusterfukk of BVS and decent JL, you can understand why I'm :patrice:

And you must not be reading my posts because I never said I hated them. You think I hate them because I'm not on the side of defending a poorly executed film (BVS). Come on, dude. :francis:
*Might have some off topic ranting*

You mentioned they were a clusterfukk so I took it as you didn't like them:yeshrug:

I think you and I interpret this Marvel formula differently. I see it as bunch of separate series within a franchise sharing an overarching narrative. You named a few movies that I didn't see lining up with my definition.

Also where we differ is that you are looking at the comics. I'm looking at it as strictly cinema forget the books. But since Superman is already known to the general public I don't see the need in establishing too long of a narrative (Marvel formula) to build up to something. Remember one reason Marvel set up their films the way they did was because the general public didn't know who those characters were.

I don't see why just because Superman is a comic book character a movie(s) based on him has to follow a certain path. You know, just as well as I do, that he has tons of different stories, with tons of different interpretations, written by tons of different writers, and drawn by tons of different artists. What Snyder was buildng up to was just another interpretation to add to the list. I believe Snyder envisioned the superhero concept though the filter of The Watchmen which is something DC has flirted with time to time. Even one of Supes best writers, Dan Jurgens, has been on record for going to bat for MoS and BvS. He saw what Snyder was trying to do.

The writer, Chris Terrio, mentioned that BvS was the Empire Strikes Back of story which is why it was dark, and that JL part 1 would be more upbeat. He mentioned he saw the films as one saga.
I still believe that in Justice League parts 1&2 along with Man of Steel 2 or JL part 3(forgot it was a five film arc originally), with each more than likely being over 2 hours long, is enough room to see Clark fall to the dark side and then redeemed.
Now how well it would've played out after WB made him truncate the story :yeshrug: don't have a clue but I was liking the direction they were going and was looking forward to seeing how the Superman story was going to end.

As far as world building, I'm sure with the formal introduction of the members of the league and Darkseid would've expanded the overall viewpoint and mythos of the DCEU like the flash back scene (very underrated, imo) in the theatrical cut of Justice League.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
*Might have some off topic ranting*

You mentioned they were a clusterfukk so I took it as you didn't like them:yeshrug:

I think you and I interpret this Marvel formula differently. I see it as bunch of separate series within a franchise sharing an overarching narrative. You named a few movies that I didn't see lining up with my definition.

Also where we differ is that you are looking at the comics. I'm looking at it as strictly cinema forget the books. But since Superman is already known to the general public I don't see the need in establishing too long of a narrative (Marvel formula) to build up to something. Remember one reason Marvel set up their films the way they did was because the general public didn't know who those characters were.

I don't see why just because Superman is a comic book character a movie(s) based on him has to follow a certain path. You know, just as well as I do, that he has tons of different stories, with tons of different interpretations, written by tons of different writers, and drawn by tons of different artists. What Snyder was buildng up to was just another interpretation to add to the list. I believe Snyder envisioned the superhero concept though the filter of The Watchmen which is something DC has flirted with time to time. Even one of Supes best writers, Dan Jurgens, has been on record for going to bat for MoS and BvS. He saw what Snyder was trying to do.

The writer, Chris Terrio, mentioned that BvS was the Empire Strikes Back of story which is why it was dark, and that JL part 1 would be more upbeat. He mentioned he saw the films as one saga.
I still believe that in Justice League parts 1&2 along with Man of Steel 2 or JL part 3(forgot it was a five film arc originally), with each more than likely being over 2 hours long, is enough room to see Clark fall to the dark side and then redeemed.
Now how well it would've played out after WB made him truncate the story :yeshrug: don't have a clue but I was liking the direction they were going and was looking forward to seeing how the Superman story was going to end.

As far as world building, I'm sure with the formal introduction of the members of the league and Darkseid would've expanded the overall viewpoint and mythos of the DCEU like the flash back scene (very underrated, imo) in the theatrical cut of Justice League.

I’m not looking it at a comic book stage. I’m looking at it with a writer’s mind.

I’m not saying they have to stretch the movies to 15-20 before Darkseid takes over the earth or Supes heel turn. You just gotta let it marinate a bit. Throw some hints here and there. Let it build to at least 8 movies because this idea isn’t 5 movies worthy.

And I’m positive a Supes heel turn and JL break up wouldn’t sit well with a lot of people. You can’t tell me otherwise.