Yvette Carnell & Tone Talks are loading up the ammo and finna ride on Claud Anderson tomorrow


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
Breh. I know this has nothing to do with what you're talking about but why the fukk are Yvette's screenshots always a bad look? I'm SERIOUS :what: She's gotten better about it but for a while they were consistently bad and a horrible look.

Back in 2016 I think she was borrowing the same camera Corey Holcomb used for his 5150 shows, 240p lol


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
:mjgrin:you mean african immigrants were working as civil servants for institutions in this country that were already built and well established, right? and africans didnt build any roads, or railroads or help create ANY american infrastructure - at best they did maintenance on what was already here, but maintenance and building from the ground up are two different terms, now aint they? and like i said, africans did not start mass immigrating into this country until the 1980s, but by then everything was already developed, well oiled and running on all cylinders, bytch nikka.:mjlit:so dont try to play semantics and word games now. you a straight up traitor azz, p8ssy azz coward:smugfavre:, and the fact you in here trying to take credit for paying taxes to build up a whole 'nother nation when you got sooo much building to do back home aint doing nothing but amplying how disloyal your fukk azz truly is to your ancestral home.:jawalrus:

My god :dead:

You do understand that new public infrastructures are built "from the ground up" every day and have been for years right?

So are you saying African immigrants through the years did not help build any of them?

And just so people can really understand how stupid you are

You do understand that america was already a country with its own built and established infrastructure before african slaves were introduced right? Or did your slow ass forget that?

So based on youre own senseless logic; AA's didn't help build america either since they arrived to a nation that already had built and established infrastructures and institutes :laff:

Man you hashtag warriors are dumb as bricks, its both sad and entertaining

I aint even got to do much but tell the truth, your stupidity is clear to anyone with half a brain cell

This is NOT a black person

Who me?

What am i then?
Last edited:


All Star
Jun 3, 2012
My god :dead:

You do understand that new public infrastructures are built "from the ground up" every day and have been for years right?

So are you saying African immigrants through the years did not help build any of them?

And just so people can really understand how stupid you are

You do understand that america was already a country with its own built and established infrastructure before african slaves were introduced right?(ima need one of the coli africans to step in and tell this nikka hes 100% wrong:pachaha:)Or did your slow ass forget that?

So based on youre own senseless logic; AA's didn't help build america either since they arrived to a nation that already had built and established infrastructures :laff:

Man you hashtag warriors are dumb as bricks, its both sad and entertaining

I aint even got to do much but tell the truth, your stupidity is clear to anyone with half a brain cell

Who me?

What am i then?
:russell:more semantics from a p8ssy azz coward. and why exactly again aint you getting your "bob the builder" on back in africa?:jbhmm:and your point that i bolded literally implodes on itself bcuz black americans literally...literally nikka!!! built the foundations to what became america. there was ZERO as in no american infrastructure before black americans built it, which is why tariq coined the term FOUNDATIONAL BLACK AMERICANS.(do you see what tariq did there?:pachaha:) and did you forget cacs bought slaves who possesed particular skillsets such as building and land farming from africans bcuz the cacs knew they were going to a whole new land where none of that shyt existed? the cacs didnt know how to do any of that shyt themselves, they just had the barbarism and the guns to enforce the shyt. who's teaching this nikka american history?:dahell:

SuperNintendo Chalmers

Send it to the friggin moon idiot
May 20, 2012
My goddamn self. Shout out to my real Africans
she reduced this man to "a fossil"

This is what a disdain for Pan-Africanism and your original self leads you to.

Yvette is like an entitled titled white child. I bet she calls her mom a bytch when her pizza rolls are taking to long to cook :hhh:


you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
Back in 2016 I think she was borrowing the same camera Corey Holcomb used for his 5150 shows, 240p lol
Nah breh, I'm not talking about the quality of the video I'm talking about the screenshots she CHOSE to use. They were consistently BAD... her face was always in a scowl/twisted up/midway thru a sentence and shyt.

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about :ufdup:

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
Immigrants helped build this nation to, not just AA's, so get the fck on stupid

Or are you suggesting that immigrants didnt help build america as well?

Im sure youre stupid enough to think that but i want to hear you say it

That first sentence you said is an attempt to sidestep our contributions. There was nothing here until our ancestors arrived. A lot of these businesses and colleges that exist today, can be traced to our labor. We built Wall Street; built the railroad industry, built the major banks and financial institutions, built NY, built DC, etc.

We built this bytch, ain’t no other people came to help, they came afterwards to reap the fruits off our labor.

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
For the other clowns in this thread saying black immigration and migration can't be compared

Just because two events arent the same doesn't mean they can't be compared

Most 13 year olds understand this concept and somehow yall dont, its baffling

Im for real worried adults pushing 30 if not much older with jobs can't grasp something so simple

I'll break it down again, both AA's and Africans have moved (migrated, emigrated) to escape persecution and or seek economic opportunity

Now this doesnt mean they are trying to escape the same conditions or that they have the same immediate history

But both events are comparable because they are both trying to escape persecution or find opportunity regardless

Lets use football and basketball as an example. They aint the same but they are comparable because they are both sports, get it?

fck i feel like im teaching the short bus basic math :dead:

nikka stop it w/ your anti-AA posts, don’t compare people who left black lands(Africans) to come to a mostly white country. We were bought here by force, Africans volunteered to come here. Even when our families left the South, we still challenged white supremacy(Detroit; Ferguson, and Watts riots) in these Northern/Western cities, African immigrants as a collective ain’t trying to challenge white supremacy.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
:russell:more semantics from a p8ssy azz coward. and why exactly again aint you getting your "bob the builder" on back in africa?:jbhmm:and your point that i bolded literally implodes on itself bcuz black americans literally...literally nikka!!! built the foundations to what became america. there was ZERO as in no american infrastructure before black americans built it, which is why tariq coined the term FOUNDATIONAL BLACK AMERICANS.(do you see what tariq did there?:pachaha:) and did you forget cacs bought slaves who possesed particular skillsets such as building and land farming from africans bcuz the cacs knew they were going to a whole new land where none of that shyt existed? the cacs didnt know how to do any of that shyt themselves, they just had the barbarism and the guns to enforce the shyt. who's teaching this nikka american history?:dahell:

So lets get this straight...

Before slavery you do know jamestown exported glassware back to england via ports and ship, right? So please explain to me in your infinite wisdom how they could've done this without building any sort of infrastructure :dead:

And you do know the institutional council of jamestown was created and governed by Edward Wingfield, so if no institutes were established before slavery how was that possible?

And last but not least I hope you also know that before even the british arrived to the americas, native americans had already established many settlements thoughout the land right?

Your lack of historical knowledge is hilarious and sad it really is

In fact do you even know sht about jamestown? Or has your daddy tariq not talked about it yet?

Since the london company didnt know how to build (:mjlol:) I guess jamestown didnt exist huh

So in the early 1600s when the jamestown settlers sort to acquired slave labour, who do you think built the ships, shipping companies, buildings, roads, maps and the ports they used to receive slaves in jamestown idiot? Goddamn clown

I guess slaves built them before they got to the americas somehow :dead:


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
nikka stop it w/ your anti-AA posts, don’t compare people who left black lands(Africans) to come to a mostly white country. We were bought here by force, Africans volunteered to come here. Even when our families left the South, we still challenged white supremacy(Detroit; Ferguson, and Watts riots) in these Northern/Western cities, African immigrants as a collective ain’t trying to challenge white supremacy.

nikka stfu and quote me with sht you can substantiate.

I'll stop posting when you clowns keep african immigrants names out your mouth.


All Star
Jun 3, 2012
So lets get this straight...

Before slavery you do know jamestown exported glassware back to england via ports and ship, right? So please explain to me in your infinite wisdom how they could've done this without building any sort of infrastructure :dead:

And you do know the institutional council of jamestown was created and governed by Edward Wingfield, so if no institutes were established before slavery how was that possible?

And last but not least I hope you also know that before even the british arrived to the americas, native americans had already established many settlements thought the land right?

Your lack of historical knowledge is hilarious and sad it really is

In fact do you even know sht about jamestown? Or has your daddy tariq not talked about it yet?

Since the london company didnt know how to build (:mjlol:) I guess jamestown didnt exist huh

So in the early 1600s when the jamestown settlers sort to acquired slave labour, who do you think built the ships, shipping companies, buildings, roads, maps and the ports they used to receive slaves idiot? Goddamn clown

I guess slaves built them before they got to the americas somehow :dead:
:mjgrin:why do you keep playing these bullshyt semantic games? :patrice:and why are you intentionally trying to call the natives who occupied the land at the time native americans when neither america as a country nor american infrastructure existed at that point? this was a british outpost at that point, but hey, this is the parallel youve been reduced to.:banderas: and since were not talking british ships or british shipping companies or british infrastructure, lets focus back on the american infrastructure that i said african immigrants had no hand in building, which strangely youre somehow trying to argue they did help build.:mindblown: and the jamestown settlers didnt have to build ships in america to go to africa for slaves, they came here from england in the 1600s starting from scratch with their slaves already in tow, remember?:skip: 2019 marks the 400 year anniversary of slavery in america bcuz thats when the slaves were forced to start building all of the infrastructure in this land that would come to be known as america. we pre date america:smugfavre: and thats why the same cacs who almost starved to death in jamestown sailed back to england to request more slaves shipped over bcuz the slaves knew what they were doing. so in 1619, from the ports, to the plowed fields to the railroads and even the white house, FOUNDATIONAL BLACK AMERICANS laid the foundations of the infrastructure that went into building what is now known as america. now semantic your way outta that fact, bytch:jawalrus:


Nov 2, 2017
New York
:mjgrin:why do you keep playing these bullshyt semantic games? :patrice:and why are you intentionally trying to call the natives who occupied the land at the time native americans when neither america as a country nor american infrastructure existed at that point? this was a british outpost at that point, but hey, this is the parallel youve been reduced to.:banderas: and since were not talking british ships or british shipping companies or british infrastructure, lets focus back on the american infrastructure that i said african immigrants had no hand in building, which strangely youre somehow trying to argue they did help build.:mindblown: and the jamestown settlers didnt have to build ships in america to go to africa for slaves, they came here from england in the 1600s starting from scratch with their slaves already in tow, remember?:skip: 2019 marks the 400 year anniversary of slavery in america bcuz thats when the slaves were forced to start building all of the infrastructure in this land that would come to be known as america. we pre date america:smugfavre: and thats why the same cacs who almost starved to death in jamestown sailed back to england to request more slaves shipped over bcuz the slaves knew what they were doing. so in 1619, from the ports, to the plowed fields to the railroads and even the white house, FOUNDATIONAL BLACK AMERICANS laid the foundations of the infrastructure that went into building what is now known as america. now semantic your way outta that fact, bytch:jawalrus:
Stop entertaining that cac

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
I don’t argue with cacs and c00ns (and apparently the troublemaker is already on my ignore list cuz I can’t see shyt :mjlol:) but I just want to say it’s funny that apparently Jamestown was brought up as some example of booming American infrastructure pre-slavery lmaooooooo

After practically starving because they were not agriculturally inclined and losing over 80% of their population to famine, disease, and war with the natives, the settlers actually declared Jamestown a failure and abandoned it in 1610. Settlers did not return and establish a successful town until 1619 when they came back with slaves to build everything for them. You can look it up, while the FORT at Jamestown is considered started in 1607, the actual TOWN and settlement was not declared until 1619. They tried to establish Jamestown several times throughout the late 1500s and early 1600s and were NEVER able to until the introduction of slave labor.

Slaves built all that shyt lmao we literally built this country and then everyone else came. Even post slavery, Black Americans were a huge part of the expansion out west because everyone else was too scared to go out there, so many former slaves were hired as sheriffs, law keepers, and postal workers (because stagecoach robberies were common and ppl didn’t want those jobs). The Great Plains Museum in Nebraska and Buffalo Soldier Monument in Kansas go in depth on Black Americans as an integral part of the exapansion ‘west’ which is really what made America AMERICA.

It will never not be wild to see immigrants of ALL races climb on the backs of Black Americans to get ahead in this country like we are some type of permanent underclass here and then look down and say we never did anything or they ‘helped!’ We did literally EVERYTHING!