All Star
Thats actually a good point, so what about the AA's that immigrate to other countries like canada or elsewhere in the world like asia, europe etc for work/business purposes
I guess they're cowards too right "popimp"?![]()

I mean if you want u to call us cowards for that then go ahead but make sure you remember WE ARE THE ONLY BLACK PEOPLE IN THE DISPORA WHO ARE MINORITIES IN OUR LAND OF BIRTH. The word for the day is “context”. If anything you just pointed out how different we are built considering most of us don’t choose to immigrate.
I think the context is that you can't make it in your own city/town/state you had to move to a city/town/state in order to progress. Not exactly false equivalency

Again you can’t compare us moving around within our own land of birth to leaving our homeland for another country. No matter how bad you want that comparison to be valid...
I don’t need a passport to visit my relatives who moved to Texas