Yvette Carnell Checks Queenzflip on Reparations... #ADOS


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
If you don't believe in study after study that diagnoses the problem and presents the remedy, which is race based reparations, then you are delusional.

You are living in an alternate reality.

Do you not believe in the racial gap:lupe:

Do you not believe in the economic mobility gap :dahell:

Yvette and Tone usually present secondary data curated by real social scientists.

Because they have weird personalities you think that invalidates the data:why:

I'm really trying to understand your stance.
Can you point me to one study they cited indicating growth? "The Data" is always doom and gloom with them. Thats not the only data available... and when tf did these esteemed economists conclude the issue is entreprenurs, celebrities, pan africanism, their own followers, etc?
Yvette didn't start shyt. In 2012, she was saying Ron Paul was the one true hope. In 2016, she said that asking for race-specific policy was immature.

She changes her positions by 270 degrees every election cycle.
Tell em. She said identity based politics AND reparations aren't an issue in 2016. 2019 rolls around and suddenly she's the authority and brow beating everybody else about their 'loud and wrong'


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
You are the same dude that was telling people to get behind Shaun King :dead:

You went and deleted the comment but we haven't forgotten.

You're fighting on your backfoot at this point. Idk what the hell that has to do with anything I said but what exactly is your issue there? I was working on mass incarceration BEFORE Michael Brown died, then I saw him share an actionable campaign. So I shared it here. And I'm not saying "sHaUn'S pOliTiCs aRe sTiLL tHe dIrEcTiOn" or whatever.... Problem?


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Here is Yvette on February 12, 2016:

That's 2016, at which point Ta-Nehisi Coates has been the public face of race-specific reparations for two years. And even after two years of Coates breathing new life into the reparations movement and making it a public discussion with real support for the first time in 20 years, Yvette was STILL shytting on the movement and arguing against race-specific solutions.

She didn't start shyt. N'COBRA should get credit for keeping the fight going for 35 years, but Coates was the one who reignited the conversation recently. Yvette just jumped on it years later after saying all sorts of bullshyt for so long and then turns around and shyts on those who were paving the way while she was still talking about Ron Paul.
I'll be honest, this IS interesting, but from a historian-after-the-fact perspective. I actually don't care. And neither do the millions of black Americans existing with a hole in their (financial) life due to the sins of the fathers.

I'm of the opinion, and I've stated this before: bp spend too much time arm chair quarterbacking and less time actually getting shyt done. We didn't use to be like this and I can see the contrast between me and my own mother. I have all the ideas in the world but she's the one actually putting in the sweat equity.

I only care who moves the ball forward. Ta- Nehisi, as much as I loved him during his peak, dropped it. :francis:


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
I'll be honest, this IS interesting, but from a historian-after-the-fact perspective. I actually don't care. And neither do the millions of black Americans existing with a hole in their (financial) life due to the sins of the fathers.

I'm of the opinion, and I've stated this before: bp spend too much time arm chair quarterbacking and less time actually getting shyt done. We didn't use to be like this and I can see the contrast between me and my own mother. I have all the ideas in the world but she's the one actually putting in the sweat equity.

I only care who moves the ball forward. Ta- Nehisi, as much as I loved him during his peak, dropped it. :francis:
Anti-identity politics/reparations advocatea hijack a Black American, (identity based) reparations centered movement and attack the source of inspiration, legacy orgs, the people they actually inspired, and others: "I mean that's interesting but I don't care at this point :manny:"


A midget, non-political, non-Black American prolly half your age broadcasts a livestream for the fifty-leventh time and happens share his opinion on Black Americans... "I notice you don't have anything to say about that


All Star
May 13, 2012
Kalamazoo, MI #ADOS
Here is Yvette on February 12, 2016:

That's 2016, at which point Ta-Nehisi Coates has been the public face of race-specific reparations for two years. And even after two years of Coates breathing new life into the reparations movement and making it a public discussion with real support for the first time in 20 years, Yvette was STILL shytting on the movement and arguing against race-specific solutions.

She didn't start shyt. N'COBRA should get credit for keeping the fight going for 35 years, but Coates was the one who reignited the conversation recently. Yvette just jumped on it years later after saying all sorts of bullshyt for so long and then turns around and shyts on those who were paving the way while she was still talking about Ron Paul.

She never claimed she started the reparations movement and has acknowledged many times the people that came before her and Antonio. What she has claimed is that the ADOS movement reignited the interest in reparations in addition to getting a significant number of the CBC to sign on to HR-40 and presidential candidates to publicly support the bill even though it was inadequate.

She has always stated that while Coates did a great piece on reparations he purposefully stopped short in pushing for it beyond his writing. He didn't even offer any pushback when Obama tried to explain why he didn't support it (a critical moment in my view).

To the race specific argument the whole point of ADOS is to delineate us from other blacks because we have a specific claim in this country and specific problems related to our history here. It makes no sense to give reparations to other blacks for that historical claim just because they are black. It's not that she is against race specific solutions she is against it being applied to us in that way and if you check out the ADOSAF website there is a black agenda that would apply to all blacks here in this country.

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Dr. Norris Shelton, the originator of the DAS (Descendants of American Slaves), had his movement hijacked by Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore along with Dr. Kevin Cosby, who's the current President of Simmons College in Kentucky, where Dr. Shelton was a student.

Dr. Cosby not only closely collaborates with Antonio Moore and Yvette Carnell, Dr. Cosby/Simmons College also facilitated Yvette Carnell's 2 #ADOS conventions.

Below is a video with Tariq & a grassroots #ADOS activist with receipts talking about Yvette & Tone stole from him.

I look at this kinda like when Hov bit Young Chris' flow situation :yeshrug::francis:

just based off what parts of the video I did watch


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Anti-identity politics/reparations advocatea hijack a Black American, (identity based) reparations centered movement and attack the source of inspiration, legacy orgs, the people they actually inspired, and others: "I mean that's interesting but I don't care at this point :manny:"


A midget, non-political, non-Black American prolly half your age broadcasts a livestream for the fifty-leventh time and happens share his opinion on Black Americans... "I notice you don't have anything to say about that

Useless, irrelevant bullshyt. This is why I limit my interactions with you.


May 1, 2012
Not gonna watch the whole thing but is Flip ADOS? He's from Queens so I know there's a good chance he's not, but I've never heard him actually say what his heritage is.

He's Jamaican and Haitian


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
What she has claimed is that the ADOS movement reignited the interest in reparations in addition to getting a significant number of the CBC to sign on to HR-40 and presidential candidates to publicly support the bill even though it was inadequate.
:gladbron: Did yall hear what he said everyone? HR-40 was "inadequate"-- it was "trash" according to Yvette and NO ONE should've ever recommended it. Even though she did, so we should all give praise for advancing said trash :blessed:

Useless, irrelevant bullshyt.
That's what I was saying when you tagged me over some shyt about a damn streamer, Kai Cenat. And when I tried to bring your attention to real life shyt going on with a bookstore "ADOS" bookstore in North Carolina, you asked why you should care as an "ADOS" person in NYC. All that lineage and acronym shyt out the window. Spare me your lectures on useless irrelevant bullshyt. Theres no substance.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
She never claimed she started the reparations movement and has acknowledged many times the people that came before her and Antonio.

My comment was responding to someone who did suggest she got it started.

She has always stated that while Coates did a great piece on reparations he purposefully stopped short in pushing for it beyond his writing. He didn't even offer any pushback when Obama tried to explain why he didn't support it (a critical moment in my view).

That doesn't even make any sense because Coates spoke out extremely forcefully on his disappointment with Obama. To complain about Coates not pushing back against Obama fast enough when Yvette was pushing for fukking RON PAUL at that moment is the height of hypocrisy.

My largest issue with Yvette isn't just that she changed her position over and over. It's that she keeps changing her position while shytting on everyone else, claiming that she has the one true way and everyone else is wrong.....then 3 years later she argues the exact same thing they did.

* In 2012, Yvette was pushing for the far-right racist Ron Paul who didn't want to give Black people fukking anything, race-specific or not, and who openly cavorted with White Supremacists and pushed racist troupes in his newsletters and social media. At the same time, she joins forces with the open White Supremacist John Tanton and co-heads one of his anti-immigrant organizations. This is a guy who was openly corresponding with and getting funding from White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis across the world, publishing White Supremacist literature, and stating that his goal was to maintain a "European-American majority". She was running hype for THOSE people during the Obama years, then 5 years later she's bytching that Coates wasn't far enough left of Obama.

* In 2016, Yvette is criticizing Coates for being too much of a hardliner on reparations, saying that he needs to stop focusing on identity politics and support someone more like Bernie Sanders, who is proposing dozens of big programs who will help Black folk. The same person who was promoting a libertarian 4 years earlier is now pushing a socialist.

* In 2019, Yvette starts shytting on Coates for endorsing Bernie, saying that Bernie isn't good enough on reparations. The SAME person who hit on Coates for not supporting Bernie enough in 2016 is now shytting on him for reluctantly supporting Bernie in 2019. And she does this with zero acknowledgment of how much her stance as changed. She just acts like she knows everything and is 100% right.....despite being on the exact opposite side 3 years earlier.

it's all just disingenuous to me. She doesn't have the data and research background to prove her points, they primarily go off of her personal authority.....but how can that authority be taken seriously when she changes on a whim every 3-4 years? Zero humility, zero admittance that she doesn't have all the hours, zero apologies when she's wrong. I can't take her seriously.