Yvette Carnell Checks Queenzflip on Reparations... #ADOS


Aug 23, 2019
Its a confidence and insecurity problem..Its high time we discuss it openly.

After centuries of being constantly beaten down by the White man and his fascist institutions, some brehs are so damaged by the loss of status and being downtrodden by everybody they need to feel superior too so they pick some confused new immigrant arrivals to pick fights with to also feel theyre above someone. Cant always be at the bottom you know.

Sadly this has proven to be such a distraction, that anti Black immigration advocates like Tariq and Yvette are so worried about Black immigrants they dont see the millions on Hispanic, Asian and European immigrants coming in. Millions of Hispanics illegally entered the US, last year..but nah, lets go fight the tiny number of Black immigrants at the same time.

Anybody that makes them feel better about themselves by shytting on Black immigrants is their new King and Queen. If you think Im lying, why do you think they all fawn over Trump these days including their daddy Tariq, and Yvette running with known White Supremacists :pachaha:

This is what the next ADOS global meeting is talking about:


Absolutely nobody is coming to these meetings thinking anything about black immigrants (except the black second gen+ who are in these meetings) and it's all dedicated to training and understanding how to navigate political spaces. The average ADOS is 1,000% getting a better education on politics in these meetings than they did in High School.

This little online gatekeeping where you just make up whole ass narratives rooted in nothing about what a 100% grassroots organization is doing and talking about is some real weird shyt. I'll never understand it.

I get the Democratic shill bad faith concern trolling since they're not for actual black progress and want to keep their negro whisperer positions. I'm still trying to understand why the black immigrants/second gens on thecoli have an issue with the organization. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with what's actually going on in the meetings, or any of the outlined politics ADOS is advocating for. Maybe y'all spend too much time arguing with anime avatars on twitter and xXxDonKeYpuNCHXxX with the Sanji avi is who's shaping your perception of the ADOS Foundation and the people at these meetings and what's actually being discussed? :jbhmm:
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Big Boda

My Family Are Not Immigrants.
Aug 18, 2014
400 Year Survivors Of American Slavery.
She and Tone started all this and Tariq took it and ran with it.

Nah as soon as beef popped off I investigated and found Claude Anderson, Norris Sheldon And Tariq Nasheed were beating the Lineage reparations drum years and decades before Tone and Yvette made their first hashtag ADOS tweet

I could literally post the dated tweets but Yvette caught me laughing when she started to lose her roast battle with Tariq on Twitter and blocked me. All she did was call him gout foot and a pimp. He lit her ass right up.