i wish we had a slap option
they're clowns and have been selected as spokesman by the weakminded and sheeple
first of all im black and am for black people...i dont care if you fresh off the boat or if your great great great grandfather was picking cotton next to mine
its foolish to separate ourselves from other black people....and anyone who thinks its a good idea....doesnt really think....which goes for a lot of this board....and the vast majority of black twitter
Only thing your post shows is you're the one that's clearly not thinking.
I'm sick of nikkas up here running with the "ADOS are against other black people" narrative.
Its sickening.
Caricom is the Caribbean Nations reparations movement.
Homepage - Caribbean Reparations Commission
Its full of majority black member nations of the Caribbean, with a very specific justice claim against European nations that colonized those islands, and does NOT include ADOS in their justice claim.
For the slow nikkas like you, that means if they win their claim, the ONLY black folks that will receive reparations are black folks who are citizens of, or descendant from citizens of those specific nations.
No one said they are anti other black people, it's clear to see that they are addressing a specific justice claim that is meant for them.
That's great, it's not for us.
That's their fight, their justice claim.
We applaud them and their fight, and stand with them in support.
Same applies to any African nation that chooses to bring a justice claim against whatever European nation that colonized them, subjegated the black population for decades, and profited heavily from their resources.
So WHY when US born and bred black folks, with ancestors going back hundreds of years in THIS country(ADOS) bring their specific justice claim against the US Government, damn near every black person who's not ADOS has a fukkin problem with it and is all of a sudden stuck on stupid?
I'll tell you why..
Its because a lot of them was raised to think they are better than ADOS...
...don't give a fukk about our struggle unless it benefits them, and if any money/resources are passed out, they want in too, or they will join in with every other group in attempting to discredit the movement.
Plain and simple, but we're the ones considered anti other black folks...
Nevermind the fact that they have absolutely no problem seperating themselves from us when its convenient for them.
I would suggest you do some more research on the matter before you respond to this or I will continue to embarrass you.