This is the problem that people don't get, YOU are one person, not millions. This is an important fact that most ignore. There were always a few black people doing better then other black people, but most were fukked up, and it wasn't because of a "grind". Like I posted earlier, black miami had business, and was thriving, but the government gutted everything out to make way for the I-95 highway, then put them in projects.
In Miami, your skin color is a better predictor of wealth than where your ancestors came from
The median wealth for U.S. black households was $3,700, compared with $12,000 for black Caribbean households and $107,000 for white households, the study found." "The median household income for black Cubans was $22,900, compared with $38,000 for white Cubans."
I think West Indians got a little more because the ones who came here mostly came at a time when education was the new way to get jobs. I say that because west indians were shown to have the highest debts of all black groups(i have to find that study), and that shows me they are able to get credit because of their schooling, and type of jobs, but you can see racism is at play because I bet you most of those cubans, and whites don't have a college education!
Then you have to add on you come here with no debts! That is a major plus because if you have no debts, you can get credit with not much interest. As a black american you have debt BEFORE you even play the credit game, because the government has made it to where anything black is worth way less then others. I don't know what would happen if whole communities were black immigrants because this has NEVER happened, it has always been you go where your race is. Your name, where you live, and race all effects your ability to "make it". Of course it could be done, but if you have to go through all of this to live like a normal American, imagine the people who just get burned out from this shyt, because it starts as soon as puberty hits. I didn't even mention those who got caught up in the system, its way harder for them. it's not just because they got caught up, its because they are black & got caught up. Studies have shown a white person who went to prison can still come out, and do better then someone who never even went!
You have to look at the bigger picture, because let's say they do get rid of black americans, who do you think will be the next whipping board?