rose startin off the bench isnt goin to help the problem -who is going to stop the bleedin while he is on the bench
all.tim3 bad randle
dont worry about a second unit if your team is down 20 within the first 5 to 7
tommy said what i said in this thread before last game .. they need to be able to hold trae accountable x work both ends
@CHICAGO is right ..

he HAS to be BETTER... but so do tbe complimentary pieces

heres another idea... after Randles misses his first 5 shots of the game, or force him into horrible looks... randle should be autmatically thinking how he kan play decoy ,and then try create for his team mates
rather then force more shots ..(they already know he is going to do.that n try n shoot his way out the slump)
so use that opportunity to create and get the ball.movin ..draw the double and get the other guys goin

get some easy looks and get the crowd into it
.make the defens3 work ..randle has to read the game better x reaxt quiker
reactin wit a step back contested fall away isnt the ticket for him at the moment