This is exactly what happened to No Limit. Thanks to Cash Money.The gap between both albums, artists/labels could have lost their steam from the masses.
This is exactly what happened to No Limit. Thanks to Cash Money.The gap between both albums, artists/labels could have lost their steam from the masses.
I agree. If not earlier in 99.You're late if Summer '99 was your first time hearing that song. This song was in rotation on The Box and BET that Spring.
Nope. Just platinum according to RIAA.Didn’t G Code got double?
Respectable = positive to neutral connotation
If Unspectacular = negative connotation.
They are not synonymous and they were not attempting to use them in a synonymous fashion.
Still coppin pleas. You don't see me in here saying Elektra dropped the ball on Missy's album, yet you're on here talking about Juve didn't have promo, dissing Wayne because he got the same promo as Juve and pretty much every CMR artist who was dropping albums at that time.
I understand what you are saying. Still going Gold is a huge decline from going double platinum and it took that album over a year to go gold. Yet you got posters claiming Missy flopped, yet the album went platinum just like her previous one, but it took longer.
thats because elektra didnt drop the ball.
they pushed her singles. they just didn't catch on until the 3rd one, and it was really the remix. im being really nice actually by crediting missy for coming thru in the clutch, when in reality it took a remix full of star guest appearances to get her over the hump.
I didn't say juvi didn't have promo. im saying his rollout was terrible for a follow-up to an album that was still selling and moving 4-5 million units.
whats even crazier is youre admitting to it, as you defend the fact that a 5x platinum artist was stuck with the same level of promotion as his labelmate who never sold a record. could you imagine puff throwing biggie out there with the same promotion as black rob?? HELL NO. and mind you, when biggie was alive, he only sold half of what 400 degreez sold.
so you admit that the album wasn't pushed to sell anywhere near 400 degreez numbers, but yet youre in here tryna call it a flop. that makes no sense whatsoever.
youre purposely trying to twist words around in this missy argument and youre playing dumb.
You're moving goal posts. Fact is DMX had three albums on the charts at the same time. His debut and sophomore albums dropped within months and "Ruff Ryders Anthem" was still big even when "Slippin" came out. Both albums were multi-platinum.
And yes, newcomers get more promo than flagship artists. Prime example is how hard Bad Boy pushed Mase or any of their newer artists.
And again, where did Wayne's Tha Block Is Hot have more promo than Juve? Wayne had two videos and one of them, as you admitted flopped. Juve's singles, both of them made some semblance of noise and he still only did Wayne numbers.
I saw the same Unsung episode. In context, they weren't even talking about album sales when Leelee said that song saved the record. This was said right after she said it was the only song she liked. Still, I stand corrected on her saying that song saved the record.
And no there wasn't two years between their sophomore album and this one. It was one year. SWV was Pop friendly even though they had that street edge.
Missy isn't all about numbers. There's articles before Da Real World dropped that refute that. Her and Timbaland are on record saying they wanted to make that album darker, theatrical, and more ghetto. Her words.
The only one that is retroactively going back I time here is you. You didn't even know "Hot Boyz" was the remix version that dropped in 1999. You thought it dropped in 2000 and were questioning why the original wasn't played. And again, you still have yet to produce any proof of this "list of flops".
You're late if Summer '99 was your first time hearing that song. This song was in rotation on The Box and BET that Spring.
im not moving goal-posts. and ruff ryder anthem's video was pretty much off the air by the time slippin dropped. it dam sure wasn't on TRL for months, the entire time that he had the video out for the next album like juvenile.
that mase comment proves that YOURE FULL OF CHIT.we really gonna sit here and pretend that mase got as much promo as biggie & puffy??
wayne & juvi got the same push, and i'd argue that Wayne's push was a lil better. juvenile just managed to sell more because he was the more popular act. stop being dense.
youre right, the SWV albums were a year apart, but they were two school years apart tho.
and naw, they weren't pop-friendly. the had a string of huge hits that caused the general music fan to gravitate towards them. not the other way around.
I don't care what missy's words were. the bottom line is that she never attracted that type of audience. and their idea of darker beats were still goofy and commercial as f*ck. shes a pop rapper, no matter how you wanna slice it.
most people initially didn't know that it was the remix. that's the version that people generally know, unless you really loved the song and went all out & copped the album because of it, only to be disappointed when you just hear her ass on the record.
I don't need to provide proof of chit. I have the tape right here. whether you believe it or not, is up to you. I don't know why you hold that chit in high-regard anyway. F*CK an MTV.![]()
I don't think the box was the same in every city.
I remember BET playing "follow me now" in the spring.
I even remember when BET Hit List was doing the black college spring break stuff that year, and they had the episode where they showed clips of cash money performing somewhere. I don't recall any clips of "back that thang up" and I certainly didn't see them airing the video. somebody requested that BG "cash money is an army" tho. I have that on tape.
unless by spring, you mean late may or something - which is virtually the summer.
And again, all this bologna you're coming up with to justify Juve not flopping is laughable considering you're in here trying to say Missy flopped.
And no you're not being "nice", because at that point in time "Hot Boyz" was the biggest single for everyone that was featured on it. And this isn't the first instance of an artist dropping a remix as a single (wasn't even a first for Missy) that was their biggest single. You could go all the way back to the Bad Boy era of "Flava In Ya Ear" remix and the "One More Chance" remix.
The rollout was the same roll out that every album had at the time. What makes Juvenile a special case?
I'm not admitting to anything. A 5X Platinum artist does not need the same promo as an artist who never sold 1 record. Why? The media, other artists, radio, and retail already have an established relationship with a 5X Platinum artist. The 5X Platinum artist won't struggle to get his song played because he has an ESTABLISHED FANBASE. Magazines are reaching out to them to sell their issues. Television shows are reaching out for cameos to help their ratings. Other artists are reaching out for features. The newbie has to work their record to establish a base. They don't have said relationships. For the record, Juve went 4X Platinum not 5.
Tha G Code was pushed to sell. The difference between Tha G Code and 400 Degreez is that G Code didn't have a "Ha" or "Back That" to catapult sales. They gave both albums the same promo and a harder push for 400 would've been understandable because that was Juve's introduction to most of the world.
Puff was definitely throwing Mase out there with the same promo as Big. Black Rob wasn't even a factor until after Biggie died. I'm not even understanding what Big's numbers had to do with 400 Degreez.
I'm not playing dumb. If anything you're playing dumb. You're in here trying to make it as if Missy sold 600-700K in 2000 and make it as if "Hot Boyz" remix was a single from 2000. And you're wrong on both accounts.