She never watched horror movies? That shyt always backfires
white folks pet lions
She never watched horror movies? That shyt always backfires
once they deceived people with long time periods it became hard to argue with themHe was he helped further separate spirituality from science which was never the case in "indignous cultures" or ancient cultures like Nile Valley civilizations. See the Dogon for example. But whats worse is that his followers have converted many into their religion. Even people of African descent.
Again the whole Earth being younger than it is goes in another direction. Either way this is what they say:
Controversial T. Rex Soft Tissue Find Finally Explained | Live Science
"God" can mean anything depending on different cultures spiritual beliefs.If ya’ll want to acknowledge this shyt is real then you have to acknowledge God is real as well
searched her name on FB and saw some RIP posts but Everytime somebody say what happened they say inbox me.As an oldhead I can't stand these Twitter news posts. I can't tell WHAT THE fukk happened skipping around from post to post. I just want to see a proper article or detailed post not a bunch of links
I feel like I just showed up on the block after shyt went down and I got to ask 20 differetn people what they saw just to find out it was nothing but some ratchet drama I didn't care about in teh first place
- Who the fukk is this bytch?
- Who the fukk is Papa Legba?
- Why am i staring at Jordans and a voodoo doll?
I want no smoke with voodoo, the supernatural and occult.![]()
White Supremacists online have tried to argue that many times. And that Africans are "less evolved." They run into issues when Europeans are closer to modern Africans genetically than Australian Aboriginals for example.once they deceived people with long time periods it became hard to argue with themeven myself I had to question things greatly. The whole basis "sounds" right until you realize their goal is to "prove" that white people are the evolutionary end of humanity and thus superior by evolution. When you realize that is the goal everything he did and has been done afterwards falls into place
Already know. He and the Nazi party were the beliefs of hitler and youll see that he is no different than current mainstream science just with a malevolent end
they dont want people studying hitler because he was secular. The US realizing what the world was coming to had to do a massive double take and effectively reject their own science to prevent WW3.
Elaborate?its no surprise that the civil rights movement came shortly after this tribulation. Even then they will struggle with the truth of their own existence as from their point of view its white people vs the world (due to recessive genes)
while I was looking at this peep one of the sons of Japheth - Tiras the patron of Thrace
Tiras - Wikipedia
it was them then that caused the bronze age collapse and those very same people who led the crusades and still do til this day![]()
I’m talking further than our great grand parents
they were in a propaganda/culture war with the soviets. The soviets accused America of doing to Africans what the Nazis did to jewsWhite Supremacists online have tried to argue that many times. And that Africans are "less evolved." They run into issues when Europeans are closer to modern Africans genetically than Australian Aboriginals for example.
Already know. He and the Nazi party were Darwinist.
I would say more so because his science was race science which caused a world war.
absolutelyI see you're also aware of how Indo-Europeans(not just Europeans) caused the destruction of the Bronze Age.People need to do some more digging then everything would make sense. Every non-Indo European needs to study Indo Europeans and why they act the way they do and then they wont seem so superior(mainly for c00ns).
All in all... European are mentally limited to materialism and this predominantly explains their encounters with other people since the Bronze Age (e.g. chattel slavery, colonialism, collapse of the Bronze Age), but also the structures in their societies (e.g. capitalism, materialistic science, European science was founded with the idea to dominate nature, hence the destruction of the environment in western style countries). Why do you think people of European descent are so damn obsessed with dominating nature meanwhile Africans try and work in unison with it?
they were in a propaganda/culture war with the soviets. The soviets accused America of doing to Africans what the Nazis did to jews
to save face they had to changematerialists or not they are still opportunists
materialism is the basis of paganism. the need for "material" gods. When you are spiritually deficient all you will see is the physical world. To seek the spiritual is to find less need in the physical
for many people, this is simply impossible. When you have a culture that warred with eachother mind you over this you realize that ultimately the spiritual europeans ultimately lost to the materialistic ones (Norse, Germanic etc)
Rome with all its atrocities was ultimately still an offshoot/child of an already warlike culture (Sea Peoples/Tracians/Trojans)
imo the knowledge of warfare once known spread like a plague in Europe and ultimately changed them from peaceful to perpetually warring. I find it intriguing how Greece goes from one form of warfare to scorched earth tactics after the bronze age collapse.
It is well known in mythos and history that in ancient times the nobleman/general who lead his forces would often duel the opposing nobleman as the squabble was not amongst the people themselves but just the nobles. Entire battles could be won or lost via the exchange without need for excess bloodshed (IE David and Goliath)
that all changed after the bronze age collapse and the style of warfare became focused on absolute victory and vanquishing of the foe (the romans would salt and spelt the earth after destroying their foes, evidence of this at the Battle of Zama). They no longer saught peace but rather dominion.
EDIT - one conspiracy is that the children of Nimrod went on to become the Huns/Mongols who were known to consume raw flesh from horses which was a common practice in ancient Babylon. Quite possible that the hordes that are written about were the very same hordes that plagued ancient europe
Folks keep thinking that this supernatural/spiritual shyt is a "ploy" need to get reminded real QUICK![]()
Black spirits needed to be murdering cac colonizers hundreds of years ago.In 2020 and people still believe spirts are fake. Until they murder your ass in your sleep. Do not mess with that stuff brehs. It's very real.
i mean paganism in the worship of created things as opposed to the creator. The worship of idols.You mean paganism in terms of European Gods? If not this is where we disagree.
The Shang progenitor[edit]
In Shang sources, Di is already described as the supreme ordainer of the events which occur in nature, such as wind, lightning and thunder, and in human affairs and politics. All the gods of nature are conceived as his envoys or manifestations. Shang sources also attest his cosmological Five Ministries.[17] Di, or Tian, as later texts explain, did not receive cult for being too remote for living humans to sacrifice to directly. Instead, an intermediary such as an ancestor was necessary to convey to Di the offerings of the living.[18]
According to some prominent scholars, including Guo Moruo, Shangdi was originally identical to Ku (or Kui) or Diku ("Divus Ku"), the progenitor (first ancestor) of the Zi (子) lineage, the founders of the Shang dynasty, attested in the Shiji and other texts.[18] According to this interpretation, this identification had profound political implications, because it meant that the earthly Shang kings were themselves by birth aspects of divinity.[19]
Further evidence from Shang sources suggests that there wasn't a complete identification between the two, as Di controls spirits of nature, while Kui does not; Di is frequently pictured sending down "approvals", while Kui is never so pictured; and Kui received cult, while Di did not. Moreover, Kui is frequently appealed in "horizontal" relationship with other powers, undermining any portrait of him as the apex of the pantheon.[19]
Deuteronomy 18
11 and 12
Or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you.
People will learn to heed the Bible and leave thespirit realm alone unless it is the Holy Spirit.
If ya’ll want to acknowledge this shyt is real then you have to acknowledge God is real as well