Young Brehs Charged After Smashing LSU Student Who Later Dies When She Gets Dropped Off And Hit By A Car


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
Of course, the guy who rapes women at gun point would believe a woman with .319 BAC is even capable of consent :heh:

I know most TLR posters are borderline retarded and hate women like Hitler hated Jews, so they're not even capable or willing to try and understand how absurd that number is when it comes to intoxication. That's literally alcohol poisoning levels.

All of them deserve to go to jail

The Impact of Blood Alcohol Levels​

As an individual’s blood alcohol level increases, so do their impairments. To know when your blood alcohol concentration may be too high, it helps to understand how levels of alcohol in blood can affect you.

  • 0.01 – 0.03% – This is the lowest measurable blood alcohol level. At this mild level of intoxication, you may feel slightly warmer and more relaxed.
  • 0.04 – 0.06% – Your behavior will become exaggerated (speaking louder, gesturing more), you may begin to lose control of small muscles (resulting in things like blurrier vision), and your judgment will be impaired.
  • 0.07 – 0.09% – Mild impairment of speech, vision, coordination and reaction times make it dangerous for you to drive. In the United States (aside from Utah), it is illegal to drive at or above .08% BAC; you will test as legally impaired at this blood alcohol level if you’re 21 or older.
  • 0.10 – 0.12% – Obvious physical impairment and loss of judgment. Speech may be slurred.
  • 0.13 – 0.15% – At this point, your blood alcohol level is quite high. You’ll be affected by blurred vision, loss of coordination and balance, and potentially dysphoria (anxiety or restlessness).
  • 0.16 – 0.19% – The term “sloppy drunk” applies. Dysphoria will become stronger, and nausea may occur. Walking becomes difficult, and you may fall and hurt yourself.
  • 0.20 – 0.29% – You’ll feel dazed, confused, and disoriented. Balance and muscle control have deteriorated, and you may need help walking. You may not notice if you injure yourself, as feelings of pain are numbed. Nausea and vomiting are likely, and an impaired gag reflex could cause you to choke on your own vomit. Blackouts occur at this blood alcohol level.
  • 0.30 – 0.39% – This is a dangerously high blood alcohol concentration. Your potential for death increases, as does your heart rate and the likelihood of unconsciousness. You may experience irregular breathing and loss of bladder control.
  • .40% and over – Your heart or breathing may stop. A coma or death by respiratory failure is likely.
All those symptoms and side effects. It's very clear people drink to lower their inhibitions

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I don't think you guys fully comprehend the law

If a person is drunk, you cannot have sex with them because they can't consent.. It doesn't matter where they got the liquor, drugs, medicine, etc that impaired them. It does not matter if you were the reason they got drunk. It barely matter if you were drinking together...

The moment a person says "I wasn't in my right mind and therefore could not give consent, even if I did..." the accused is in fukking trouble. And admitting you had sex with them is your first problem. And proving they was drunk is your second... If you was there witnessing a crime, you less fukked, but still fukked. Same as "just" sitting in a getaway car.

All the other shyt, WHILE I AGREE, isn't going to matter. You leave drunk people alone... We ain't 16 no more.. We know this shyt

The people in the story are about as close to 16 as you can get. One is even a minor at 17. Of course WE know that,but why are you expecting them too.

The bolded was never said in this case. You sound very confident when I dont know if there is actually any precedent for this. Usually in cases where a woman is drunk,she comes foward and says the bolded. Are you saying we can now put rape cases on people,on the behalf of others,who we THINK are too drunk or my have been coerced?

They are treating the girl like she was raped and then murdeered. And her murder is the only reason she cant say she was raped. I dont know what the girl would have said had she lived. Thats much different from someone raping and killing to keep the woman from filing a rape charge. But they are treating it the same imo.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I don't think you guys fully comprehend the law

If a person is drunk, you cannot have sex with them because they can't consent.. It doesn't matter where they got the liquor, drugs, medicine, etc that impaired them. It does not matter if you were the reason they got drunk. It barely matter if you were drinking together...

The moment a person says "I wasn't in my right mind and therefore could not give consent, even if I did..." the accused is in fukking trouble. And admitting you had sex with them is your first problem. And proving they was drunk is your second... If you was there witnessing a crime, you less fukked, but still fukked. Same as "just" sitting in a getaway car.

All the other shyt, WHILE I AGREE, isn't going to matter. You leave drunk people alone... We ain't 16 no more.. We know this shyt
yeah it does matter. She didn’t die of rape. She died from being drunk. If she bought her own drinks( fake ID or otherwise) you didn’t aid in the cause of her murder. She was alive when you left her. They tried to get her home.

Two dudes didn’t have sex with her so how are you charging them with rape? Unless you know they purposefully gave her an underage girl alcohol ( which strangely hasn’t been established) then delinquency of a minor is the most you can charge two of them with.

its been confirmed the dudes asked for her consent. They didn’t do hold her down and force her. To a jury, you think that wouldn’t be the differ between how you charge someone? You think a 17 and 18 understand alcohol inebriation levels?

im not saying these dudes are upstanding citizens but I think (depending on the alcohol part of the story) a decent defense of them to lesser charges is definitely possible.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
The people in the story are about as close to 16 as you can get. One is even a minor at 17. Of course WE know that,but why are you expecting them too.

The bolded was never said in this case. You sound very confident when I dont know if there is actually any precedent for this. Usually in cases where a woman is drunk,she comes foward and says the bolded. Are you saying we can now put rape cases on people,on the behalf of others,who we THINK are too drunk or my have been coerced?

They are treating the girl like she was raped and then murdeered. And her murder is the only reason she cant say she was raped. I dont know what the girl would have said had she lived. Thats much different from someone raping and killing to keep the woman from filing a rape charge. But they are treating it the same imo.
Bro... I have a son that's 11.. If you think he don't already know about women, messing with them, what not to do and what to do.... You are sadly mistaken..

There is no way on earth that at 17-18-19-20-21, I thought it was cool to fukk drunk bytches.. It's not 1964, we have the info and technology and history to KNOW what the outcome is going to be

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
yeah it does matter. She didn’t die of rape. She died from being drunk. If she bought her own drinks( fake ID or otherwise) you didn’t aid in the cause of her murder. She was alive when you left her. They tried to get her home.

Two dudes didn’t have sex with her so how are you charging them with rape? Unless you know they purposefully gave her an underage girl alcohol ( which strangely hasn’t been established) then delinquency of a minor is the most you can charge two of them with.

its been confirmed the dudes asked for her consent. They didn’t do hold her down and force her. To a jury, you think that wouldn’t be the differ between how you charge someone? You think a 17 and 18 understand alcohol inebriation levels?

im not saying these dudes are upstanding citizens but I think (depending on the alcohol part of the story) a decent defense of them to lesser charges is definitely possible.
No it doesn't lol.. You talking how you want it to be, and I'm telling you the law.. The law DOES NOT CARE

If you are sitting in the car with 4 people and 2 are raping a woman in the back, you are getting fukking charges... nikka you driving and riding in the rape car..

Y'all must of woke up thinking you white and rich.. I hope y'all teaching your children better than y'all acting in here or they'll be the next dumb nikkas in jail. 28 fukking years old and don't know about drinking, fukking and driving around with drunk under 21 year olds..

Y'all sound crazy


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Then I don't see how those two dudes can be charged with rape. If they didn't hold her down or otherwise actively participate in the act then the charges make no sense against them. I don't think they have a duty to intervene to stop an act so this is further proof that more facts need to come out before people jump to conclusions.
It’s Louisiana so I’m sure there’s some kind of law about not allowing underage sexual activity to happen on your property from the 1960s they can use.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Bro... I have a son that's 11.. If you think he don't already know about women, messing with them, what not to do and what to do.... You are sadly mistaken..

There is no way on earth that at 17-18-19-20-21, I thought it was cool to fukk drunk bytches.. It's not 1964, we have the info and technology and history to KNOW what the outcome is going to be
But let me start over... Cause maybe YOU are the one who doesn't have the facts... I'll point out where you fukked up at

An autopsy said Brooks tested positive for THC and had a blood alcohol level of 0.319, nearly four times the legal limit for drivers, according to the report. It also found "injuries consistent with previous sexual assault."


Carver told investigators that he, his friends and Lee did not know Brooks before they met her at Reggie's, the report said. The sheriff’s office said it obtained video that showed Brooks and the group at the bar. At one point, she was seen hugging and dancing with the 17-year-old, authorities said.

Carver said that they were all drinking and that Brooks "was very unstable on her feet, was not able to keep her balance, and was unable to speak clearly without slurring her words," according to the report.

nikka snitched on himself right there... SHE WAS UNSTABLE AND CLEARLY SLURRING.. She cannot give any consent from here on out

When they were about to leave, Brooks asked for a ride home, Carver told detectives. He said he agreed because "he did not want to leave her while very intoxicated and that the bar was closing," the report said.

Admits again he knows she was drunk

Brooks reportedly had trouble telling Carver, who was driving, where she lived, according to the report. Carver said that when he asked her for her address, she "fell over and could not answer him."

Carver said he drove a short distance and parked, the report said. He told investigators that he heard the 17-year-old ask Brooks five times whether she wanted to have sex with him. Carver told authorities that Brooks "gave verbal consent." He also told investigators that Washington asked Brooks numerous times whether she wanted to have sex, "and she consented," according to the arrest report.

Case is wrapped up right here... He clearly says he knew she was drunk before, during and after... And admits she was asked 5 times and eventually said yes... SHE COULD NOT GIVE CONSENT WHEN DRUNK!!! This makes it officially rape he's admitting occurred..

Carver said he and Lee, who was in the passenger's seat, remained in the car during both encounters, the report said. According to Carver, at one point he told his friends "we got to stop this, let’s go."

They knew, they stayed, for two rapes, then once again admitted it was wrong by saying "we gotta stop this"

Asked by investigators whether he thought Brooks was too drunk to consent, Carver said, "I guess," the report said.

Carver said that he was still unable to find where Brooks lived and that he dropped her off in a subdivision.

It's fukking OVER.. broad had assault wounds, boy admitted she was drunk in the bar, outside the bar, in the car and after dropping her... Boy admitted the other two had sex while she's drunk... and then admits him and the other guy was present for the sex (rape) and never reported it, so they become accomplices

Only thing the DA needs is the bar to admit they sold her the alcohol and how much and it's zero holes

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Bro... I have a son that's 11.. If you think he don't already know about women, messing with them, what not to do and what to do.... You are sadly mistaken..

There is no way on earth that at 17-18-19-20-21, I thought it was cool to fukk drunk bytches.. It's not 1964, we have the info and technology and history to KNOW what the outcome is going to be

How can you say no way they dont know. When you see everyday on thecoli that grown men dont fully understand consent/coercion laws.:gucci:?

Dont say it aint 1964,its not even 2010,the rules and accountability scale have certainly changed#WeCanAllBeCosby:francis:

Good job on your part btw,but your giving people too much credit


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
No it doesn't lol.. You talking how you want it to be, and I'm telling you the law.. The law DOES NOT CARE

If you are sitting in the car with 4 people and 2 are raping a woman in the back, you are getting fukking charges... nikka you driving and riding in the rape car..

Y'all must of woke up thinking you white and rich.. I hope y'all teaching your children better than y'all acting in here or they'll be the next dumb nikkas in jail. 28 fukking years old and don't know about drinking, fukking and driving around with drunk under 21 year olds..

Y'all sound crazy

Getting charges and getting charged with rape aren’t the same thing. They are in trouble. No one is saying otherwise.

involuntary manslaughter and murder aren’t the same. Just saying they getting charged doesn‘t make you Judge Brown of the Coli.

The boys themselves may have been drunk(since their alcohol levels weren’t tested) it’s a grey area. So you now have a 19 year old having sex with underage boys.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
How can you say no way they dont know. When you see everyday on thecoli that grown men dont fully understand consent/coercion laws.:gucci:?

Dont say it aint 1964,its not even 2010,the rules and accountability scale have certainly changed#WeCanAllBeCosby:francis:

Good job on your part btw,but your giving people too much credit
They fukking idiots... But ignorance of the law isn't going to save any black children in america

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Getting charges and getting charged with rape aren’t the same thing. They are in trouble. No one is saying otherwise.

involuntary manslaughter and murder aren’t the same. Just saying they getting charged doesn‘t make you Judge Brown of the Coli.

The boys themselves may have been drunk(since their alcohol levels weren’t tested) it’s a grey area. So you now have a 19 year old having sex with underage boys.
Well they can't charge her for that now can they? And they also wouldn't because her level was 4 times the limit and they admitted to asking her while drunk... So once again...........

Bro I think you think I agree with how this happened.. I don't. It IS a slippery slope when two people are drinking or drunk... But where we have a disconnect, is you thinking the law is going to care about any of that, when the dude who was there is telling you they committed rape (by definition of the law)

You want to change the law, cool.. Right now, if you have sex with a drunk person, you raped her


Li pitit gason
Nov 28, 2012
3rd Rock From the Sun
Video evidence from inside the car :huhldup: this is going to be very messy when all the facts come out.

Brehs especially in college DO NOT EVER mess with an intoxicated girl especially a white girl. Even if it was "consensual" that rape charge can easily follow depending on what happens next. I dodged drunk white girls like the plague in college. It's not worth the risk.

And an almost 30yr old hanging out with teens is a red flag :gucci:

RIP to the girl, she had no allies in that whip or in the bar and ultimately led to her death.