You Think World War 3 is Coming? Update: World War has Started Already?

Are we entering a new war period?

  • Yes

    Votes: 66 51.6%
  • No

    Votes: 62 48.4%

  • Total voters


D-Block General
Mar 11, 2022
Above The Clouds
The stage is set for certain.

Putin seems bent on making Russia's future bleak as fukk for the next 20 years for no fukking reason.

In all honesty breh, how do you think America would behave if China and Russia were setting up shop in Canada and Mexico?

You think we’d be like :yeshrug:

Or would this our reaction :birdman::demonic::childplease:

Patrick Kane

Jun 2, 2012
Russia has a 2 trillion dollar economy and sitting on the some of the worlds largest oil reserves. It’s not broke. And having 4000 nukes gives them enormous leverage.

Only stupid people poke hornets nests and expect not to get stung

A GDP smaller than California and my country that literally doesn’t make or produce shyt, Canada. Not even top 10 despite having a large chunk of the worlds natural resources and all those nukes. And besides, all that wealth is stolen by the oligarchs and you see it with how their performing in Ukraine.

Who “poked” the hornets nests? Last I checked it was Russia who tried throwing their weight around and attacked Ukraine only to get their shyt pushed back and it won’t stop until Putin is dead and Russia is torn up apart from the inside. That scenario is way more likely than WW3 jumping off

All I’m getting from the points you’re making is that you think Russia has a right to do what their doing to Ukraine because in your view they’re a world power like the US and should be able to do the same. Or are you saying something else?

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
I honestly don’t think so. WW1/WW2 happened so long ago that people forget the social/political/economic atmosphere of the times that lead to those wars.

There may be fighting. I can see Russia getting packed out further by the West if they continue to escalate and I think China knows that if they go for Taiwan, they’ll be cut off from the world, erasing the last 40 years of the greatest economic turnaround the world has ever seen. They might take it eventually but only after Taiwan is no longer a major strategic asset for the US with their chip manufacturing.

Any “real” war is essentially nukes flying across the world and no one wins when we are all bombed to shyt.
Japan attacked because US took away their oil access


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
We didn’t let Russian setup missile systems in our backyard during the Cuban Missile Crisis, so what makes you think Russia would allow us to do the same.

The West has been putting a battery in the back of Ukraine for a decade now, that coup that happened to remove the pro-Russia government in 2014 was definitely Western meddling.

We took our nukes out of Turkey in exchange for no nukes in Cuba. I know history, your point is moot.

fukk that noise about the CIA being behind the Orange Revolution, peep this:

Manafort Chapter

Meet Paul Manafort.
The year is 2004 and the place is Ukraine.

Paul gets hired by high ranking politicians all over the world.
His job is to make them appear palatable for US consumption.

If you happen to be a third world dictator with human rights violations but really wanted
to invest money in America, then Paul was who you called to clean yourself up.

In 2014, Victor Yanukovych; Ukraine's leader of the
Party of Regions needed an image overhaul so Paulie gets the call.
The Party of Regions was largely considered to be corrupt with ties
to organized crime, loyalty to Russia and looking away from the West.

Manafort was good at his job.
Some even say he was great and now was his time to shine.
Research was done via polling. Manafort found out what the people
wanted to hear and he knew how to get his message across.
One of the first things Manafort did was to make sure that anyone who
spoke on behalf of Yanukovych on TV wore makeup and designer suits.
Makes you wonder if he ever rocked that ostrich skin jacket to any parties in Ukraine...

Yanukovych like "Yo, Paulie...I can get with the Hugo Boss suits but wtf is up with your ostrich jacket?

"The American does not like how I dress! Can you believe that?"
"I think you look great, Victor. I don't know what he's talking about."
"But our boy Manafort says that monkey suit
is your ticket to victory so keep it clean and make sure your goons all get one too."

Meet Yulia Tymoshenko
and Viktor Yushchenko

These two pro-western Ukrainians ran against Yanukovych in 2004 and lost due to election
fraud so there was a second election. But something happened during the elections...

In the run up to the 2004 Election, Yushchenko suffered horrific
disfigurement after he was fed dioxin,

a chemical found in the herbicide Agent Orange while
eating dinner with the head of Ukraine's security service.

Quote - "When I arrived home and kissed my wife the first thing she said was, "Your lips taste metallic"

Yushenko survives. He and Yulia Tymoshenko go on to win the 2004 election in Ukraine.

Manafort's boy, Yanukovych lost this round but he wasn't done yet.

This is the beginning of a ten year relationship between Paul and Yanukovych.

Yushchenko and Tymoshenko continue to make
strides westward in hopes of joining the EU & NATO.

In the meantime, Manafort is busy re-branding
the pro-Russian mobsters for a comeback.

He's gonna repackage this turd and serve it back up for election.

to be continued...

You were saying?

Admiral Ackbar

May 2, 2012
Yeah, basically from this video we'd only stop stop a handful of the incoming hundreds of nukes:

Nuclear missiles and payloads will have shrapnel and dummy warheads fired with them that take down our missiles that try to intercept them. So while hyper sonics are really advanced tech, you don't even need them because no one can stop traditional nukes fired the old fashioned way anyways.

If war is declared between two super powers it's basically over for everyone.

And if they smuggle a warhead in via components? You can detonate that shyt with a remote control. If people really hate you, they will get through your door.


RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
Jul 12, 2013
We took our nukes out of Turkey in exchange for no nukes in Cuba. I know history, your point is moot.

fukk that noise about the CIA being behind the Orange Revolution, peep this:

You were saying?
Lol nothing you posted had anything to do with the fact the West supported a coup of Ukraine to install an anti-Russian government. What reason does Russia have to respect a government that is openly declaring itself an enemy and only came into power through a violent coup.

Is the West against violent seizures of political power or not? Or are they only against it when their guy loses?
Last edited:

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
It will go as far as a Cold War. That’s it.

Yea but millions of people died in the first Cold War over all those spread out conflicts and the espionage/sabotage game went crazy back then. So people saying "its only gonna be Cold War pt 2, not WW3" well thats not exactly a great outcome. I mean sure it wont bring on armageddon but were gonna be in for a bumpy 20, 30 years compared to the period for 1991 to 2021.

I fully expect to to see America and Russia fight a "nondirect" war in Ukraine or Moldova the same way America fought China in the Koreas through the UN. And we still got a second, actual war against China and/or North Korea on the table. Can't forget a possible war against Iran still on the table too that the Russians/Chinese could use to lure US into a quagmire. And likely military interventions in Latin America when the Venezuelan/Cuban/Nicaraguan dictatorships crumble OR another Haiti intervention given how things are going in that country.

shyt the Russians have had a hand in at least 3 different African countries kicking out the French this year. Eritrea mobilization against Ethiopia. Turkey and Greece very close to war with each other. Humanity is in a very dangerous time period right now, its too random and too many countries have beef without clear lines being drawn


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
A GDP smaller than California and my country that literally doesn’t make or produce shyt, Canada. Not even top 10 despite having a large chunk of the worlds natural resources and all those nukes. And besides, all that wealth is stolen by the oligarchs and you see it with how their performing in Ukraine.

Who “poked” the hornets nests? Last I checked it was Russia who tried throwing their weight around and attacked Ukraine only to get their shyt pushed back and it won’t stop until Putin is dead and Russia is torn up apart from the inside. That scenario is way more likely than WW3 jumping off

All I’m getting from the points you’re making is that you think Russia has a right to do what their doing to Ukraine because in your view they’re a world power like the US and should be able to do the same. Or are you saying something else?

You don’t seem to understand the complexity of the situation. You think Russia is just invading Ukraine at great cost, for the fukk of it. This war has been in the making since 2013 when the US and CIA operatives got involved in the Ukrainian political process and deposed a democratically elected President who was sympathetic to Russia. Russia then invaded/annexed Crimea in 2014.

Russian military/political doctrine since the end of the Cold War was was the concept of the “Red Line”, that is NATO cannot expand any further past Germany and and cannot place missiles or weapons near its borders. Both of which are occurring in Ukraine.

It’s like if communist China created a military alliance with Mexico and Cuba and placed missiles and equipment right near the US borders. The US would lose their shyt. And rightfully so.

I’m simply recognizing that countries have basic interests and they also have a right to not get fukked with. If Ukraine kept their treaty obligations this wouldn’t be happening.

To not understand this war means you are de facto on the side of the neo-imperialists. Which is dumb because being black you are as much a victim of US imperialism as anyone else

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
And then America fire bombed Tokyo and dropped two atomic bombs on their country.

What are you trying to say exactly?
Countries get desperate when the resources get taken away and their way of life is threatened.

Which is gonna happen soon..or rather it won't take much to set it off..especially with oil and water access.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Lol nothing you posted had anything to do with the fact the West supported a coup of Ukraine to install an anti-Russian government. What reason does Russia have to respect a government that is openly declaring itself an enemy and only came into power through a violent coup.

Is the West against violent seizures of political power or not? Or are they only against it when their guy loses?

Violent revolution for a just cause? :takedat:

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cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Lol nothing you posted had anything to do with the fact the West supported a coup of Ukraine to install an anti-Russian government. What reason does Russia have to respect a government that is openly declaring itself an enemy and only came into power through a violent coup.

Is the West against violent seizures of political power or not? Or are they only against it when their guy loses?

This is the homepage of the link you gave.

Are you even trying, Ivan?


RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
Jul 12, 2013
This is the homepage of the link you gave.

Are you even trying, Ivan?
not a cac, an African happily waiting for the fall of the Western hegemony.

You’re clearly a cheerleader for your cac masters, very obedient negro lol.
Yea but millions of people died in the first Cold War over all those spread out conflicts and the espionage/sabotage game went crazy back then. So people saying "its only gonna be Cold War pt 2, not WW3" well thats not exactly a great outcome. I mean sure it wont bring on armageddon but were gonna be in for a bumpy 20, 30 years compared to the period for 1991 to 2021.

I fully expect to to see America and Russia fight a "nondirect" war in Ukraine or Moldova the same way America fought China in the Koreas through the UN. And we still got a second, actual war against China and/or North Korea on the table. Can't forget a possible war against Iran still on the table too that the Russians/Chinese could use to lure US into a quagmire. And likely military interventions in Latin America when the Venezuelan/Cuban/Nicaraguan dictatorships crumble OR another Haiti intervention given how things are going in that country.

shyt the Russians have had a hand in at least 3 different African countries kicking out the French this year. Eritrea mobilization against Ethiopia. Turkey and Greece very close to war with each other. Humanity is in a very dangerous time period right now, its too random and too many countries have beef without clear lines being drawn
Turkey smashing Greece is one of the things I’m looking forward to in the next 20 years lol.

Been telling people that Russia might have more pull in Africa than the USA right now. Them, China, and Turkey are trying to get the West out the paint in Africa.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Doubtful. It would just be everybody else vs. Russia (minus a bunch of Russians that will flee) and if "everybody else" is serious that wouldn't last long.

As crazy as Putin is I don't think he's that crazy.

Patrick Kane

Jun 2, 2012
You don’t seem to understand the complexity of the situation. You think Russia is just invading Ukraine at great cost, for the fukk of it. This war has been in the making since 2013 when the US and CIA operatives got involved in the Ukrainian political process and deposed a democratically elected President who was sympathetic to Russia. Russia then invaded/annexed Crimea in 2014.

Russian military/political doctrine since the end of the Cold War was was the concept of the “Red Line”, that is NATO cannot expand any further past Germany and and cannot place missiles or weapons near its borders. Both of which are occurring in Ukraine.

It’s like if communist China created a military alliance with Mexico and Cuba and placed missiles and equipment right near the US borders. The US would lose their shyt. And rightfully so.

I’m simply recognizing that countries have basic interests and they also have a right to not get fukked with. If Ukraine kept their treaty obligations this wouldn’t be happening.

To not understand this war means you are de facto on the side of the neo-imperialists. Which is dumb because being black you are as much a victim of US imperialism as anyone else

I completely understand the complexity of the situation as I’ve been following Putin and his moves since he annexed Georgia in 2008. Being a student of history and political science, I think I have a pretty good grasp on Russia as I’ve studied and written countless papers on Tsars era Russia up to the breaking up of the Soviet Union. Don’t make assumptions on what you think people know because I’m almost certain I’m more versed and equipped to have this discussion than you.

You glossed over and left out a lot of shyt in your post and it almost reads like the propaganda the Kremlin has imported West for nikkas like you to regurgitate and think you know what you’re talking about. Then you tried to flip the black card while literally defending Russia :mjlol: a nation that would literally kill your black ass. As a black man, there’s no space for you in that society yet you’re talking down on America, a nation that had a black president for 8 years but cook. You really want to use that card when talking about Russia?

Everything in your post is making it clear that you do see Russia as having a right to attack Ukraine or “protect” their interest. If we’re using the realism doctrine, which is how I view the world and most world leaders, then America is “protecting” their asset in Ukraine and ensuring it becomes a democracy. America has more MONEY nikka. That’s what makes the world go around and it don’t change on the international stage. Don’t be naive. Russia is broke and their citizens are poor. They have a lower GDP per capita than almost all of the nations that left the Soviet Union.

What Soviet satellite state is thriving? Every single one of them joined NATO as soon as the Iron Curtain came down and the remaining ones are fighting tooth and nail to join. They don’t want to be part of Russias sphere of influence and they have the right to make that decision. What does that hve to do with America? Countries like Ukraine saw Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia all join and each of those countries have been growing and increasing the way of life and living standards for their citizens every year. Can the same be said for Kazakhstan? Azerbaijan? Belarus? Uzbekistan? All of the former Soviet States I mentioned that joined NATO have a higher GDP per capita than Russia. What benefit does Ukraine have staying under their sphere of influence?

nikka acting like Russia didn’t have death squads in Africa and like they going around the world trying to make our way of life better.