Lol @ whoever said "Evil Music".

Why does the coli have so many conservative christian types ?
But yeah this is directed at the post I quoted :
I like Metal but I do agree that the scene has some racist idiots

I won't sit here and say it's the majority of the scene or anything of that nature
but if you spend enough time on a rock/metal forum and there will be a few ignorant,
racist, loudmouths who make sure to let you know how they feel about Black People,Black Music
and anyone who disagrees with them. And if it's a Black art form they can usually speak at length
about white cats (Eminem, Hall & Oates, Bill Evans etc.) then undermine black performers and greats
in those genres.
And most metal cats are just not Jazzers the level of knowledge and chops it requires
to be an incredible Jazz guitarist vs. a Metal guitarist is pretty big IMO.