Thread is jokes

I've been ethered on the regular basis since highschool
I probably deserve it though seeing how I was one of those smart mouth mf when I was a kid
I remember once my lil brother and his friends had come back from a birthday party at Chuck e cheese
and when they came home I had snuck one of those gag teeth from out the goodie bags
like this
went downstairs with it on on some "Hey how's it going guys


Me-"Notice anything different?

Him-"Am I supposed to?

Had me feelin and insecure about my teeth since I had had problems a few years erlier but I thought they straightened/whitened out nicely
Another more recent one
My mom was dropping me off at my pizza job before taking my 8 year old niece to see Inside Out
Her-"This is where you work?

Me-"Yeah,where do you work?

Her-"When are you going to get a real job?

That way you can have your own car too"
Nevermind the fact that her daddy 45 jobless and live at home and her mama come from ghetto white people

She always got something slick to say about my socio-economic standing

Don't she know I'm hard enough on myself?