Remember like it was yesterday.
I had just got this leather jacket from my now ex then girlfriend at the time and im wearing it while we're out and she has one of her nephews in the back seat
He says,
Is that leather?
Im like yup

100 percent
This kid says
Only fakkits wear leather.................
I was like

and said, dont say bad words
"I'll say whatever i want."
(my girl telling him to watch his language)
My girlriend parks and goes into a cvs and we wait in the car. I let her get ten feet away from the car, turned around and i said
Im gonna fukk you up when no ones around the next time you say some stupid shyt like that to me again you crooked tooth bytch. Now say something without your auntie here right now and watch me punch a hole in your forehead. Yea you aint got shyt to say now huh. I oughta flick you in your fukkin hand till you cry. Say somethin.
He didnt say shyt.
( i later put my weight on him till he cried and threw him in the pool at a family function)