YES!!!! Nubia-Kemet (aka Egypt) Is Where We ("Niger-Congo"-Bantus) Came From..Own It


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Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
You are a gaslighter not worthy of my respect. You are a Cac who is trying to place doubt on our ancient history, and for that fukk you. You don't have anymore points to make on the discussion, which why you're focusing on how courteous I am to you.

Your imagination is not a synonym for “history” you bipolar weirdo. Sorry

Here’s a job application to McDonald’s. Pays more than posting trash threads in forums

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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I literally posted a study that showed the Y-DNA E-M2* (among other Y-DNA haplogroups) showing how each individual haplogroup relate to multiple populations and all you can do come back with a non-argument.

You have no point. E1b1a is the specific E-M2 lineage of Ramses III and "unknown man E", which is the same lineage that dominates "Sub Saharan Africa" today. YOU HAVE NO POINT DUMBASS.

The study literally showed that there's no Egyptian (especially Ancient Egyptian) Y-DNA E-M2* found among West African and Bantu men.

Ramses III's DNA

We amplified 16 Y chromosomal, short tandem repeats (AmpF\STR Yfiler PCR amplification kit; Applied Biosystems).........Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1⇓); using the Whit Athey’s haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a


Here is the distribution of E1b1a


You don't know what you're talking about you gaslighting Cac. Go eat a dikk!


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:
20 findings confirming that blacks were in the Americas before Columbus.

1) The original Maya beginning with the Ocos , as illustrated by their the art, were Black Native Americans;​

False. They were dark-skinned Asians as proven by DNA.

Asante said:
2) The Paleo-Americans were Blacks. The Black Native Americans lived from Chiapas to Belize, Guatemala and Hondurus; Quatrefages and Rafinesque wrote about these Blacks

No, they wrote about dark-skinned Asian descended people as proven by DNA.

Asante said:
3) The root of the Mayan language is the Mande languages

FALSE. The root of the Mayan language comes from present-day Guatemala to Southern Mexico.....

Genetic Linguistic Relationships of Proto-Mayan or Where did Nab’ee Maya’ Tziij come from?

Asante said:
4) The first Americans based on skeletal remains : Naia and Luzia were Negroes or Black


Hello, Naia! 12,000-Year-Old Girl's DNA Reveals First Americans' Roots
The genetic verdict was the clincher: Mitochondrial DNA extracted from one of Naia's teeth confirmed a common genetic lineage with the ancient Beringians and modern-day Native Americans.

Asante said:
5) Black Africans according to researchers have been in Brazil since 100,000BC

Dark-skin is an environmental adaptation, not an indicator of 'race' or 'ethnicity'.

Asante said:
6) The Khoisan took MtDNA haplogroups N and y-haplogroup E to Eurasia and the Americas

No, they didn't. Those groups came to the Americas via Asians, not Africans....

Ancient mitochondrial DNA provides high-resolution time scale of the peopling of the Americas | Science Advances

Asante said:
7) There are no “pure” Mexindians. Lisker noted that between 5-50% of Indian genes are African genes. See: Suarez-Diaz,(2014) Indigenous populations in Mexico. Medical anthropology in the Work of Ruben Lisker in the 1960’s. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47 (p.117).

The entire population of the planet has African genes. Doesn't make them all Black.

Asante said:
8) Mixe, Zenu , Wayuu and other Mexican groups with YAP+ associated A-G transition at DYS271, is of African origin.

All DNA originates from Africa.

Asante said:
10) Indian y-chromosome haplogroups C and D show African admixture at locus DYS271

Which still does not prove your assertion.

Asante said:
11) The American haplogroups A and B are part of the haplogroup N macrohaplogroup
Ch’ol and Chontal at Campeche carry R-M173, E1b1b, K and T.

12) Africans people carry mtDNA A common to mongoloid Native Americans and y-chromosome R, so they probably passed on these genes to mongoloid Native Americans

Doesn't make them Black.

Asante said:
13) The Spanish explorers mentioned Black Nations and Black tribes in the Americas, they met, even before African slaves were landed in America

Their conception of "Black" was totally different than the term became in the 17-18th Century. Northern Europeans referred to Southern Europeans as Black back in the 5th Century CE.

Asante said:
14) The Spanish said the Aztecs were Negroes.

They were dark-skinned Asians, not Black.

Asante said:
15) The Olmec writing was brought from Africa to Mexico by the Mande

No, it wasn't.

Asante said:
16. Vasco da Gama is said to have found information about the West Indies from Ahmad b. Majid, whom he met along the West Coast of Africa . Bazan, R.A.G. (1967). Latin America the Arabs and Islam,,Muslim World, pp.284-292.

Which doesn't prove your assertion.

Asante said:
17) The Mande built pyramids in Africa from Libya to the Niger Valley.

Pyramids are the most stable structure that can be built using natural materials.

Asante said:
18) Africans had the boats capable of sailing to the Americas.

I am capable of running 10 kilometers, doesn't mean I'll do it or even want to.

Asante said:
19) Black Native Mayan people have left iconography in the sub-pyramids at Tikal, San Bartolo and Xultun murals which depict the creators of these monuments as Negroes or Blacks

They weren't Black. They were dark-skinned Asians.

Asante said:
20) Ancient Mayan Skeletons carried sickle cell.

That trait migrated out of Africa millennia ago and does not prove your assertion.

Asante said:
21. There are no “pure” Mexindians. Lisker noted that between 5-50% of Indian genes are African genes. See: Suarez-Diaz,(2014) Indigenous populations in Mexico. Medical anthropology in the Work of Ruben Lisker in the 1960’s. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47 (p.117).

All people on the planet have African genes. Doesn't make them Black.​


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
One minute you guys want to be Israelites next minute Ancient Egyptians. Make your fukking mind up. You can't be both.

Who the fukk is "you guys"? Mf you were the one who said that the ancient Kemites were not black in the last thread, and got ran the fukk up out the building.
Feb 10, 2017
It's clear that some number of Egyptians fled into the rest of Africa as a result of various invasions. They brought their culture with them mixed with local people throughout the continent.

But why didn't their descendants carry on their rich traditions in mathematics and science? Did the limitations of hierglyphics prevent this? Were there so few Egyptians in East, West, and Central Africa that their knowledge was bound to be diluted and eventually forgotten? I need some answers :damn:


All Star
Apr 3, 2014

False. They were dark-skinned Asians as proven by DNA.

No, they wrote about dark-skinned Asian descended people as proven by DNA.​

So they were black;

Journal of Human Evolution 45 (2003) 19–42

Early Holocene human skeletal remains from Santana do Riacho, Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World
-Walter Alves Neves

In this study we compare the cranial morphology of several late Paleoindian skeletons uncovered at Santana do
Riacho, Central Brazil, with worldwide human cranial variation.
Mahalanobis Distance and Principal Component
Analysis are used to explore the extra-continental morphological affinities of the Brazilian Paleoindian sample. Santana
do Riacho is a late Paleoindian burial site where approximately 40 individuals were recovered in varying states of
. The site is located at Lagoa Santa/Serra do Cipo´ , State of Minas Gerais. The first human activities in this
rockshelter date back to the terminal Pleistocene, but the burials are bracketed between circa 8200 and 9500 BP. The
collection contains only six skulls well-enough preserved to be measured. The Santana do Riacho late Paleoindians
present a cranial morphology characterized by long and narrow neurocrania, low and narrow faces, with low nasal
apertures and orbits. The multivariate analyses show that they exhibit strong morphological affinities with present day
Australians and Africans, showing no resemblance to recent Northern Asians and Native Americans
. These findings
confirm our long held opinion that the settlement of the Americas was more complicated in terms of biological input
than has been widely assumed. The working hypothesis is that two very distinct populations entered the New World by
the end of the Pleistocene, and that the transition between the cranial morphology of the Paleoindians and the
morphology of later Native Americans, which occurred around 8-9 ka, was abrupt
This, in our opinion, is a more
parsimonious explanation for the diversity detected than a long, local microevolutionary process mediated by selection
and drift.
The similarities of the first South Americans with sub-Saharan Africans may result from the fact that the non-Mongoloid Southeast Asian ancestral population came, ultimately, from Africa, with no major modification in the
original cranial bau plan of the first modern humans.

FALSE. The root of the Mayan language comes from present-day Guatemala to Southern Mexico.....

Genetic Linguistic Relationships of Proto-Mayan or Where did Nab’ee Maya’ Tziij come from?

You didn't disprove the linguistic connection noted between the Mayans and the mentioned Africans;

Dr Winters proves this over and over again, and here is one easy example with the pronunciation of the word maize;

"The Mayan term for Maize is of Mande/Olmec origin. The Mayan term for maize is K'unah, not ixim. The Mande word is "Kan"

People have assumed that the Portuguese introduced Maize to Africa but there is no evidence that they spread the cultivation of Maize to Africa (Miracle,1965).

The first mention of Maize outside of Mexico by the Portuguese was in 1550, by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, who claimed that Maize was being cultivated in the Islands of São Tomé and Principe (Paz-Sanchez,2013). Although Maize was being cultivated on the Islands, there is no mention of Portuguese introducing the cultivation of the crop to Africa.


Miracle, M.P. (1965).The Introduction and Spread of Maize in Africa, The Journal of African History, 6(1):39-55.

Paz-Sánchez, M. (2013) “Wheat of Portugal. The African adventure of maize”. Culture & History Digital Journal 2(2): e028. doi: “Wheat of Portugal” . The African adventure of maize | de Paz-Sánchez | Culture & History Digital Journal

Dark-skin is an environmental adaptation, not an indicator of 'race' or 'ethnicity'.

If that were the case then Europeans living in Australia would gain melanin in their skin, rather than die off from skin cancer. You cannot gain melanin.

The entire population of the planet has African genes. Doesn't make them all Black.

The Mexican population has between 5-50% African genetics, so for people to point to Mexicans today and say oh well the Olmecs couldn't have been black are fukking retarded. Why? Because the people whom they are using as an example are fukking mutts. That is the likely reason why you have wide nostril Mexicans whom you can compare the Olmec statues to.​

Doesn't make them Black.

Correct! Haplogroups do NOT determine race. Instead this proves that African lineages were present in pre-Columbian America.

They were dark-skinned Asians, not Black.

Where in the fukk do you think that Dark skinned Asians came from, and yes they are black and many identify as black. Papaus and Australians identify as black and with Pan Africanism.

No, it wasn't.

Which doesn't prove your assertion.

17) The Mande built pyramids in Africa from Libya to the Niger Valley.

Pyramids are the most stable structure that can be built using natural materials.

I am capable of running 10 kilometers, doesn't mean I'll do it or even want to.

They weren't Black. They were dark-skinned Asians.[/QUOTE]

So I'm pressed for time right now, but this shyt does not qualify as a refutation to anything that has been presented thus. Far may go into detail later on tonight when I return though.

That trait migrated out of Africa millennia ago and does not prove your assertion.

The Olmec civilization originated "millennia ago" so what's your point. Sickle cell originated in the Sudan, and it characterizes Niger-Congo speakers.
Another piece of little known evidence of the "Niger-Congo" strain of Africans coming to the America's is the finding of sickle cell anemia in ancient Mayan remains. Sickle Cell Originated (Benin sickle cell which was found in Pre-Dynastic Kemetic mummies) in Sudanese Nubia, just like the Niger-Congo/Bantu Speakers





Once again notice how the distribution of sickle cell correlates almost perfectly with the location of Niger-Congo speaking populations, whom Sarah Tishkoff's massive study acknowledges as a genetic entity rather than an arbitrary linguistic grouping.


A.6' 7,11 X-ray findings of the
skulls in Mayan Indians were suggestive of sickle
cell disease.20 It has also been described in Mexicans.

The sickle cell trait was found in 7.3 per cent
of a series of over eight thousand Negroes,9 with
a higher percentage in South African natives.10


Another piece of confirmation of ancient Kemites and Nubians extensive travels to and from this area of the World is via the fact that mummies throughout the Hapi Valley have been found to have had tobacco and cocaine residue (the white "scientist" apparently acted a fool upon reading these findings, and this study addresses those concerns).

Central-South American Cocaine and American based Tobacco was found in royal mummies of Kemet and Nubia

"The recent findings of cocaine, nicotine, and hashish in Egyptian mummies by Balabanova et. al. have been criticized on grounds that: contamination of the mummies may have occurred, improper techniques may have been used, chemical decomposition may have produced the compounds in question, recent mummies of drug users were mistakenly evaluated, that no similar cases are known of such compounds in long-dead bodies, and especially that pre-Columbian transoceanic voyages are highly speculative. These criticisms are each discussed in turn. Balabanova et. al. are shown to have used and confirmed their findings with accepted methods....
“The initial reaction to the findings of Balabanova et. al. was highly critical. These criticisms were not based on a known failing in the authors' research methodology, rather they were attempts to cast doubt on an implication of the research - that cocaine and nicotine were brought to Egypt from the New World before Columbus. This conclusion is not acceptable to conservative investigators of the past. In fact it suggests a deep-rooted aversion to what Balabanova suggested might mean an unraveling of aspects of history contrary to basic reconstructions. This aversion, according to Kehoe (1998) stems from the conviction that Indians were primitive savages destined to be overcome by the civilized world - that the acme of evolutionary success resided in the conquering race itself. ‘Childlike savages could never have voyaged across oceans.’ “
Balabanova's findings bring yet other evidence forward that humanity is not so easily pinioned into the pre-conceived notions of primitive and advanced - even as this might be related to the presumed technology of earlier times. The quest for discovery - to find new worlds - is not just a modern selective advantage of our species. Perhaps it is the defining characteristic. “


Cultural Overlapping of Ancient Hapi Valley Cultures and Aboriginal American Civilizations.


They Came Before Columbus


Djed - Shown in both Kemet and ancient America



john ogilby america | ... the book America ], c1673 by Arnoldus Montanus (Ogilby), Amsterdam


The North American Mound Builders


North America (especially the Mississippi river and it's tributaries) is littered with mounds. These mounds are relatively recent structures that date the Middle Ages. The only other place where they are noted to be found are in Western African Mande civilizations, as a defense against fortification. The age dating of these mounds, and the correlation with Mande culture implies that this was the result of the massive migration of Abu Bakr III's Malian fleet that settled in North America (many say Mexico) during the 14th century AD.


St. Louis Pyramids


Mississippi Mounds


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
But why didn't their descendants carry on their rich traditions in mathematics and science?

You better learn about the Fractal designs of the mudhuts through the Niger-Congo tribes that can only be seen from the air. White people did not know about the mathematics of fractals until the 1970's/

Benin City’s planning and design was done according to careful rules of symmetry, proportionality and repetition now known as fractal design. The mathematician Ron Eglash, author of African Fractals – which examines the patterns underpinning architecture, art and design in many parts of Africa;

notes that the city and its surrounding villages were purposely laid out to form perfect fractals, with similar shapes repeated in the rooms of each house, and the house itself, and the clusters of houses in the village in mathematically predictable patterns.



As he puts it: “When Europeans first came to Africa, they considered the architecture very disorganised and thus primitive. It never occurred to them that the Africans might have been using a form of mathematics that they hadn’t even discovered yet."

Did the limitations of hierglyphics prevent this? Were there so few Egyptians in East, West, and Central Africa that their knowledge was bound to be diluted and eventually forgotten? I need some answers :damn:

Have you not heard of the Dogon? These Africans like the Songhai have been HIDING their writing systems from the white Devils for obvious reasons. They did not discover the Songhai writing until a DECADE AGO among the high class. When these Devils find our shyt and make documentaries glorifying what we know that information can be chalked up as a loss.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Asante said:

So they were black;​
No, they were dark-skinned Asians.

Asante said:
Where in the fukk do you think that Dark skinned Asians came from, and yes they are black and many identify as black. Papaus and Australians identify as black and with Pan Africanism.

Dark-skinned Asians came from Southeast Asia and the Bering Strait. Not Africa. Papuans and Aboriginal Australians aren't Black, either.​
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
And here's a bunch of refutations of Dr. Winters' assertions regarding a Mande-Maya linguistic link....​

Bernard Ortiz Montellano said:
What Miguel and I have done is what real comparative linguists do, i.e. we took a standard list Swadesh 100 words and showed that there is no match at all not only with Winters' Yucatec Maya (which is not the appropriate language to use if one is claiming contact with the Olmec in Classical
Maya sites such as Palenque) but with the appropriate Maya languages--
Chorti, Chol, and Chontal. Miguel threw in Cakchikel Maya for free. That is the immutable bottom line. readers of the ng or anyone else has the evidence available through dejanews.

And we haven't even begun to question all the other erroneus arguments about the Olmecs being Mande. For example, exactly (precisely-- not just hand waving about canoes) how did the Mande come over to the New World in or about 1200 BC? What did they row across in since there were no sails in West Africa at the time. Exactly where did they embark from? What exactly was the route taken? How did they know that there was anything "over there" (1-800 psychic?). If it was an accident, why would they have packed water and food for a month or more in the canoe? Exactly how big were these canoes? Is there any evidence (not coulda-woulda) that canoes of this size existed in 1200 B.C., etc.
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