General Mills
More often than not I tend to take that L.
1. ABSOLUTELY do I think being emotionally reserved (not “walled off”) can be ONE qualifier to be an effective leader to a woman/children/work group/offense/platoon/country, etc...because you can have/feel your emotions and keep them in check in order to be the leader needed to get things done, because things still have to be done despite whatever emotions I may have. Emotions are real, have their place, and need attention - but they are only one part of our life experience.
1B. Women and children (and really, anybody) don’t wanna hear a damn thing about their leader going through a hardship - they just want you to handle your business and lead them. We all know this.
That 1B is a damn FACT. Learned the hard way after my old girlfriend one time was trying to get me to open up and talk about my feelings and what was bothering me
I finally did. Her response was basically

Then used it against me later on when she was mad at something.
I learned a valuable lesson and kept shyt to myself from them on. She tried it again later. Asking why I don’t talk about what’s going on with me.
I told her because truly you don’t care